- published: 22 Jan 2016
- views: 4430
Hutchison Whampoa Property Limited (HWP) (Chinese: 和記黃埔地產有限公司) was the property development and investment arm of Hutchison Whampoa Limited of Hong Kong. It comprises the property interests of Hong Kong & Whampoa Dock Company Limited (HWD), Hutchison Properties Limited (HPL) and Cavendish International Holdings Limited (CIHL).
In 2015, the company was spun-out of Cheung Kong Holdings to form part of Cheung Kong Property Holdings.
The company was formerly Hutchison Properties Limited (HPL). HPL was incorporated in 1971, as a wholly owned subsidiary of Hutchison International Limited (HIL). Shortly afterwards, it became a listed company and acquired the major property interests of HIL and its trading subsidiaries.
In 1980, HPL was privatized by Hutchison Whampoa Limited (HWL), making it once again a wholly owned subsidiary. In 1993, HWL formed Hutchison Whampoa Properties Limited to hold all the property interests of HWD, HPL and HWL's newly privatised subsidiary, CIHL.
World peace is an ideal of freedom, peace, and happiness among and within all nations and/or people. World peace is an idea of planetary non-violence by which nations willingly cooperate, either voluntarily or by virtue of a system of governance that prevents warfare. The term is sometimes used to refer to a cessation of all hostility amongst all humanity. For example, World Peace could be crossing boundaries via human rights, technology, education, engineering, medicine, diplomats and/or an end to all forms of fighting. Since 1945, the United Nations and the 5 permanent members of its Security Council (the US, Russia, China, France, and the UK) have worked to resolve conflicts without war or declarations of war. However, nations have entered numerous military conflicts since that time.
Many theories as to how world peace could be achieved have been proposed. Several of these are listed below.
World Peace In Progress
World Peace In Progress is an online project designed to get the smartest, richest, and most powerful people in the world to use their resources to put an end to world violence. The creator Mootsa Gootsa believed that free enterprise, liberty, and freedom could be a tool to accomplish the goal of world peace. He created the World Peace Political Center which consist of 3000 seats to be occupied by the most powerful people on earth that want to leave their mark by creating world peace.
Peace is between different social groups and characterized by lack of violence or conflict behaviors, and the freedom from fear of violence. Commonly understood as the absence of hostility and retribution, peace also suggests sincere attempts at reconciliation, the existence of healthy or newly healed interpersonal or international relationships, prosperity in matters of social or economic welfare, the establishment of equality, and a working political order that serves the true global interests.
The term 'peace' originates most recently from the Anglo-French pes, and the Old French pais, meaning "peace, reconciliation, silence, agreement" (11th century). But, Pes itself comes from the Latin pax, meaning "peace, compact, agreement, treaty of peace, tranquility, absence of hostility, harmony." The English word came into use in various personal greetings from c.1300 as a translation of the Hebrew word shalom, which, according to Jewish theology, comes from a Hebrew verb meaning 'to restore'. Although 'peace' is the usual translation, however, it is an incomplete one, because 'shalom,' which is also cognate with the Arabic salaam, has multiple other meanings in addition to peace, including justice, good health, safety, well-being, prosperity, equity, security, good fortune, and friendliness. At a personal level, peaceful behaviors are kind, considerate, respectful, just, and tolerant of others' beliefs and behaviors — tending to manifest goodwill.
The United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental organization to promote international co-operation. A replacement for the ineffective League of Nations, the organization was established on 24 October 1945 after World War II in order to prevent another such conflict. At its founding, the UN had 51 member states; there are now 193. The headquarters of the United Nations is in Manhattan, New York City, and experiences extraterritoriality. Further main offices are situated in Geneva, Nairobi and Vienna. The organization is financed by assessed and voluntary contributions from its member states. Its objectives include maintaining international peace and security, promoting human rights, fostering social and economic development, protecting the environment, and providing humanitarian aid in cases of famine, natural disaster, and armed conflict.
During the Second World War, US President Franklin D. Roosevelt initiated talks on a successor agency to the League of Nations, and the United Nations Charter was drafted at a conference in April–June 1945; this charter took effect 24 October 1945, and the UN began operation. The UN's mission to preserve world peace was complicated in its early decades by the Cold War between the US and Soviet Union and their respective allies. The organization participated in major actions in Korea and the Congo, as well as approving the creation of the state of Israel in 1947. The organization's membership grew significantly following widespread decolonization in the 1960s, and by the 1970s its budget for economic and social development programmes far outstripped its spending on peacekeeping. After the end of the Cold War, the UN took on major military and peacekeeping missions across the world with varying degrees of success.
Mr. ManHee Lee is a Chairman of HWPL(Heavenly Culture World Peace Restoration of Light). This movie explained why ManHee Lee decide to accomplish World Peace and his biography. His experience of veteran of Korean war makes the power of victory peace movement.
2016년9월18일은 잠실 올림픽 주경기장에서 야외행사로 열렸으며 11,440명의 청년들이 ‘전쟁과 평화’를 주제로 한 카드섹션 공연은 참석자들에게 큰 감동을 선사했다. bns-tv 보도국장 김용식 http://bnstv.net
‘전쟁 없는 좋은 세상을 후대에 유산으로 물려주자’는 기치 아래 쉴 틈 없는 광폭 평화행보로 눈길을 끌고 있는 HWPL(하늘문화세계평화광복). 하늘문화세계평화광복(HWPL)이 주최하고 국제청년평화그룹(IPYG)이 주관하는 ‘세계평화선언 4주년 기념행사 및 전쟁종식 평화걷기대회’가 25일 서울 올림픽공원 평화의 문 앞에서 열렸습니다. 올해 4회째를 맞는 이번 행사는 서울, 부산, 광주, 대전 등 대한민국 주요 광역도시를 포함해 전세계 43개국 80여개 도시에서 일제히 진행됐습니다. 청년들의 손에 들린 다채로운 평화 메시지와 피켓들. 전쟁종식 국제법 제정을 염원하는 간절함이 메아리처럼 울려 퍼집니다. (영상취재: 천지TV 취재팀, 편집: 김미라 기자)
The organization mention here is called Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL). The man in the center is Lee Man-Hee, he is the cult founder and leader of the Shincheonji Church of Jesus the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony, I hope that helps Tony. thanks Easter 1611 Difference Between Religion and Cult One short definition of the difference between a religion and cult A religion is an old cult. A cult is a new religious movement. A religion is a formal organised body who generally meet various criteria such as: Belief in God (though not in the case of Buddhism) Belief in importance of certain spiritual books as a source of spiritual truth. (Bible, Qu’ran, Bhagavad Gita) A set of principles to guide living of members. An established organisation, often with ...
IPYG Card Section Performance [War and Peace] Global leaders around the world began to discuss action plans for advocacy and implementation of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) at the WARP Summit. At the Peace Festival on the second day of the Summit, the IPYG Card Section Performance was displayed with the title "War and Peace.” The eye-catching images made by 12,000 cards have been the symbol of HWPL's peace initiatives. A world of peace desired by humanity has been devastated by the roaring cries of war. Images created by the combination of each card from 12,000 youth illustrated the atrocities of war and loss of human value in the 20th century. Then what is needed to make this world a place where peace can prosper? Scene 2 and 3 offered a solution to our globa...
Now we are talking about Transforming "WAR" into "Peace" Youth from all around the world show their determination by sharing their messages of peace at the #5two5 #PeaceWalk. A single message can become a crucial part of the process of peacebuilding. Subscribe to HWPL here: https://www.youtube.com/c/HWPL Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization in association with the United Nations Department of Public Information (UN DPI). It transcends differences in culture, belief and region to engage leaders and youth in sustainable and comprehensive solutions for peace. Click here to see all of our latest trending videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTwLRt2LvAGg8QWQV6xThrVm2soNk9ty7 For more about HWPL's work, visit: htt...
I am Man Hee Lee, the peace advocate of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL). I wish to speak to you about the peace work that has been done in the past several years, the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Summit, and the 1st Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit. We must achieve peace and leave it as a legacy for the future generations. We must all do this work; it is possible if we make it happen. It is not something that cannot be done. I humbly ask you to participate with us in the work of achieving peace. Thank you very much. Subscribe to HWPL here: https://www.youtube.com/c/HWPL Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization in association with the United Nations Department of Public Informa...
Do you want Peace? I want Peace! We want Peace! The pace in which HWPL has been working amazing. Through them, the wind of peace is blowing. [Live coverage of WARP 1st Commemoration Broadcasting time] ■ September 18, 2015 ; 10:00~12:30 / 16:00~19:00 ■ September 19, 2015 ; 9:00~12:00 ■ Broadcasting link ☞ http://goo.gl/MDGjE2 ▶ HWPL(heavenly culture world peace restoration of light) http://www.hwpl.kr/ ▶ WARP(World alliance of rligions peace summit) http://warpsummit.org/ ▶Peacenoodle http://peacenoodle.com/2015/09/15/1st-commemoration-of-warp-live-broadcast-time-hwpl-news/
On November 15, 2015, Chairman Lee of HWPL stood in front of the youth who will be leading characters and represent intellectuals with global mind. He was invited as a guest speaker for closing speech in Oxford International Model United Nations (OxIMUN) to give an impressive message about the role of youth to establish the world of peace in our times. Usually, the official event of MUN is open to students and the public and top officials from governments and international organizations as distinguished guests deliver speeches to give breath of inspiration to youth.
Don't you cry, don't you look so sad
We both knew somehow this day would come
I know you want what is best for me
And I need to see you smile
From where I started off to where I am
It's a million miles, I can't go back there again
But no matter where I go from here
You will be part of me from now on
For every door that opens up
When another has to close
You got to trust me now
Be strong and let me go
Watch me now as I go my way
The time has come
And I gotta say I'm not afraid
Watch me now, every step I take
I feel stronger, so much stronger
The road ahead is a mystery
Your love is here
Oh and I believe inside of me
Watch me now, I can stand my ground
I will be alright, yes I'll be alright
You were someone who believed in me
When I wasn't even sure of myself
And I always will remember how
You were always there to help
And I heard so many things from you
And I'm ready now to try them out in the world
Though it hurts too much to say goodbye
We both know (We both know)
There's no other way
I will feel your loving arms
When I'm out there in the cold
'Cause all of my thoughts of you
Will still be mine to hold
Watch me now as I go my way
The time has come
And I gotta say I'm not afraid
Watch me now, every step I take
I feel stronger, so much stronger
The road ahead is a mystery
Your love is here
Oh and I believe inside of me
Watch me now, I can stand my ground
I will be alright, yes I'll be alright
You will find me running back sometime
When I really need a guiding hand
We'll be closer than we were before
And I know that you will understand
I know you'll understand
Watch me now as I go my way
The time has come
And I gotta say I'm not afraid
Watch me now, every step I take
I feel stronger, so much stronger
The road ahead is a mystery
Your love is here
Oh and I believe inside of me
Watch me now, I can stand my ground
I will be alright, yes I'll be alright