Showing posts with label Tame Iti. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tame Iti. Show all posts


Resistencia del Pueblo Tuhoe

Entrevista con Tame Iti, activista por la soberanía de la Nación Tuhoe, en Nueva Zelanda

John Key is a smiling snake who talks a load of kaka


Tame Iti wins major bail victory!

Tame Iti’s lawyer Annette Sykes announced that they have successfully secured Tame’s passport so that he can travel overseas. Tame is due to appear in a production of TEMPEST II in Italy and may travel to other European cities and Japan to do further performances. This is a major victory for the case as Tame can now continue his work in educating people worldwide about the struggle of Tuhoe.

About the performance: TEMPEST II is the second chapter of the performance series Tempest.

Tempest is the performance of a staged hearing, within conditions of detention and loss of sovereign rights. The language of Tempest is dance and its oratory signals the rebirth of an indigenous voice in the telling of the shifting conditions of political right, from the scientific journey to witness the transit of Venus that coincided with colonial conquest, to the current geopolitics of the Pacific reflecting the wider post 9/11 global community.

Tempest inflects towards the Shakespeare work, though draws away from being either a staging or an adaptation of it. Rather, Tempest is the collision of the island geography of the play and the political writings of the contemporary philosopher Giorgio Agamben, concerned with our contemporary crisis of the destitution of rights, whereby any citizen may be constituted as a detainee and any urban condition may become that of the camp.
TEMPEST II features the veteran Maori activist Tame Iti. On the 15th of October 2007, police carried out anti-terror raids, focussing in his community in Ruatoki. Tame Iti was arrested and is currently on bail. TEMPEST II also features the recently freed Algerian refugee Ahmed Zaoui who was detained for four years without trial in a New Zealand prison.

For more information on the performance, visit


'For freedom fighters around the country and the world', says Tame Iti

Tame Iti was released from the High Court just after 5pm tonight. Photo / Tania Webb

"Freed Tuhoe activist Tame Iti thanked his supporters in emotional scenes outside the Auckland High Court this evening.

After beating terror charges yesterday, Iti was released on bail from the Auckland High Court just after 5pm this evening.

"It's for freedom fighters all around the country and the world." Thank you for your support," Iti told his followers."


Tame Iti To the Nation

I direct my gaze towards my sacred mountains – Taiarahia,
Maungapohatu, Tongariro and Taupiri. I look towards my river Waikato –
at every bend a taniwha.

To the high chief King Heitia, to the families, subtribes, the mother,
to my connections with Waikato and Te Arawa

To the families, subtribes and tribes throughout the land from Cape
Reinga to Murihiku (Stewart Island), to the Maori MPs, greetings to
you all. The dark cloud over the Urewera has covered the ancient
garments of Hinepokohurangi (the mist maiden – traditional tribal
ancestor for Tuhoe). The gnashing teeth are gnawing at the limited
powers of the authority of Tuhoe and the Maori people.

Guns and laws have arrived to terrify the Tuhoe people, their mana
motuhake (sovereignty) and that of all Maori.

To my relations the high chiefs of Waikato and Tuwharetoa, to all
families and subtribes everywhere, to the Maori MPs and to the workers
of the world – remain on the path of support and assistance to the
Tuhoe people of the Urewera and of all Maori.

Mauri ora (the spirit of life)

By – Tame Wairere Iti
From the territory of Manaipoto - Waikeria


Tame Iti letter to the Motu (ki roto i te reo Maori)

click on pic to enlarge

Tame Iti's letter is a plea for support from Maori leaders, tribes,
sub-tribes and families, and other New Zealanders. The letter is written
in traditional idiom and style. In line with an older Tuhoe dialect the g
is often dropped, such as "kini" instead of "kingi" for "king".

Several words are metaphorical or iconic, each having multiple layers of
meaning or symbolism these are expanded in the translation.

Iti opens in a classically respectful manner acknowledging the sacred
mountains of his ancestors. He also acknowledges kinship links to the
traditional leaderships of the Te Heuheu and Kingitanga dynasties of
Tuwharetoa and Tainui. Iti beseeches their assistance and support.

The letter is humble. Iti frames the context of what has happened over the
last two weeks within the context of Tuhoe and Maoridom rather than
himself. In traditional style, he leaves the choice of support to those he
addresses, while cautioning that the challenges now facing Tuhoe should
concern all Maori.

Reactions will be interesting. The appeal to Maoridom, traditional style
and selflessness will appeal to a broad range of Maori.

The major leaderships such as the Kingitanga and Tuwharetoa and others may
seek time to reflect before responding. Their challenge will be to balance
a strong sense of duty to a fellow leader and to Tuhoe while maintaining a
dignity and aloofness above political gesturing.

Many will express support on the basis that the events of October 15 at
Ruatoki were an over-reaction far outweighing any valid charges and too
reminiscent of the 1880s storming of the pacifist settlement at Parihaka,
the unjust confiscation in Tuhoe, the 1900s arrest of Rua Kenana and
killing of Maori at Maungapohatu, and the clearance of radicals at Bastion
Point in 1978.


28 October 2007


Stop the State Repression of Indigenous Peoples

"Global Oppression Intense as Indigenous Peoples Rise Up and Organize."
by Brenda Norrell

"Global oppression has intensified as Indigenous Peoples are organizing at the international level to control their resources and halt oppression. Maori leaders in the sovereignty, environmental and peace movements have been arrested. Tame Iti is in prison without bail. New Zealand authorities are attempting to brand the Maori as terrorists.
New Zealand is under international pressure to adhere to the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples adopted by the U.N., which recognizes the right of Indigenous Peoples to their ancestral lands. Earlier, New Zealand, the United States, Australia and Canada voted against the UN Declaration.

Just now, Wednesday morning (October 17) the US Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has announced it will revisit its ruling halting a plan to make snow from sewer water on sacred San Francisco Peaks, a place of healing ceremonies and healing plant gathering for 13 area Indian Tribes. The federal Appeals Court said it is responding to pressure from the United States and Snowbowl Ski Resort.

In the south, the military oppression is unabated in Chiapas and Oaxaca, while mining corporations crush communities in Central and South America.
All of this comes at the same time that Zapatistas are organizing at the international level and Indigenous Peoples are fighting the corporate destruction — copper and gold mining, oil drilling, coal mining, power plants, uranium mining and nuclear dumping & from the Andean highlands in South America to the Inuit in Alaska and Aboriginals in Australia, and uniting in solidarity.

At the same time in Canada, Indian Nations are rising up to protect their ancestral territories, resisting colonization and the seizure of their lands for uranium mining, housing developments and oil drilling, as the Bush administration rushes to seize the oil in the melting Arctic."

Solidarity in the Kulin Nations

Kia Ora Koutou Whanau, to all my Relations Greetings & Respect

In the Kulin Nations (Melbourne) we will be holding a solidarity rally on the 27th of October.At Federation Square at 12 noon.

This rally will also be a condemnation of the 4 settler grubbyments that refuse to acknowledge and affirm our rights as Indigenous peoples to exist, to self determination and to sovereignty.Our solidarity will also be extended to out brothers and sisters in Great Turtle Island, as this phenomena of state suppression on Indigenous peoples is nothing new and still a common daily occurrence.

Stop the State Repression of Indigenous Peoples

Solidarity with the Urewera 17! Free them now!

Free Political Prisoners/Drop the Charges

Drop the Charges against Lex Wotoon NOW

Free Tame Iti NOW

Drop the Charges against Shawn Bryant NOW

Free Leonard Peltier NOW

In the Spirit of Indigenous Unity & Solidarity

Respect and Regards to all from my heart.

Ka Whawhai Tonu Matou Ake Ake Ake
Always Was Always Will Be Aboriginal Land.

Sina Brown-Davis
Te Roroa, Te Uriohau, Fale Ula, Vava'u

+61 3 94058449