Turnbull, Conroy, happiness and an unspoken speech

Senator Stephen Conroy has quietly caled time on a 20-year career.
Senator Stephen Conroy has quietly caled time on a 20-year career. Alex Ellinghausen

The Prime Minister wants us to know he is a "very happy person" and, amid plenty of free and not very complimentary score cards this week to mark one year since he took the job, he concedes that while he was "sure there have been better Prime Ministers, there has never been a happier one".

So much prime ministerial happiness was nice to see at the end of week of political highs and lows, and welcomes and farewells.

Broadcaster Neil Mitchell observed on Friday "you're loving the job obviously?"

Yes! The Prime Minister responded. "I love it!"

Dr Rosemary Laing is also leaving.
Dr Rosemary Laing is also leaving. Alex Ellinghausen

But politics is a hard life. The week has ended well for the prime minister but the bad weeks are far from distant memory and there will no doubt be more to come.

For some, though, enough is enough.

Labor's Stephen Conroy, provoked by people abusing him as he walked down the street with his 9-year-old daughter Isabella, provoked by missing Isabella's soccer practice, quietly "tabled" his resignation speech in the Senate Hansard (meaning he didn't read it out loud), at 20.53 on Thursday night, and walked away from a 20-year career.

"Could I take this opportunity to thank and congratulate Senator Cormann for his constructive approach to resolving some of the difficult issues," Conroy said out loud to the Senate according to the Hansard record.

"Both sides were involved in a little bit of give and take but the approach taken by Senator Cormann speaks volumes for him. As it is very late, I seek leave to table the rest of my contribution so we can move on. Leave granted. The speech read as follows—"

Political friends

And that was it. There were some fine words about politics, some reflections on the passage of people who have been political friends who have also moved on, but mostly about his most beloved family.

"When you resent being in Canberra because you are missing your daughter's soccer training it is time to retire from the Federal Parliament," he said.

Conroy was once described by his former mentor Robert Ray as a "factional Dalek", and was also one of the "Roosters" who was supposed to crow time on Kim Beazley's leadership. He has been a nuisance in opposition in estimates hearings and the minister who got the NBN going under Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard.

Conroy was not the only one to signal he was moving out of the realm of politics and policy this week.

The government announced that Jane Halton, currently the secretary of the Department of Finance, but prior to that the very longstanding secretary of the Department of Health, will leave the public service next month.

Dr Rosemary Laing, a staple in the corridors of the Senate since 1990, and the Clerk of the Senate since 2009, is also leaving

Like Stephen Conroy, both women became enmeshed with controversy during their long careers – Halton over the Children Overboard affair, Laing over a controversial appointment to the British Parliament. But both also mainly did what most people who serve the parliament do: make a contribution.