

The Old Victorian Aboriginal Health Service at 136 Gertrude Street Fitzroy is a site of Historical Significance to the Victorian Aboriginal Community and an invaluable symbol of Community Control and Self Determination.

Founded in 1973, the Victorian Aboriginal Health Service (VAHS) moved from 229 to 136 Gertrude Street in 1976 after signing a 99-year lease for the premises with the State Government. Many Aboriginal People were dying in the streets due to prolonged oppression and denial of basic human services. As staff worked without pay due to lack of funding, Aboriginal Elders including Alma Thorpe and Dr. Bruce McGuinness pioneered to establish critical community controlled preventative health care to ensure the survival of Aboriginal Communities in Fitzroy and nationwide.

In 1991, VAHS lodged an official complaint to the Minister of Police and Aboriginal Affairs regarding 'ongoing brutalisation' of Aboriginal people in the community, which continues to this day. Since the official opening of the new VAHS at 186 Nicholson Street in 1993, the old Aboriginal Health Service in Gertrude Street has been left abandoned and derelict for 15 years. Mission Australia recently won a tender to redevelop the site into a 'bush tucker' restaurant where Kooris would be trained to 'serve' as waiters under the Mission banner. How much more insulting and low could the system go in trying to extinguish Victoria's history of Aboriginal struggles for self-determination and human rights? With no Community Cultural Center in the vicinity of Fitzroy, the local Aboriginal community want to see this site resurrected as a crucial Community Meeting Place for healing, traditional culture, and in honor of the many brave Aboriginal Ancestors and Elders who fought for so long to live and die with dignity.

Following the National Weekend of Action (Nov 16 –17) members of the Fitzroy and Victorian Indigenous Communities and supporters will stage a week-long vigil outside 136 Gertrude Street to bring overdue attention to these injustices at 07' Election time. Each sundown the Sacred Fire Traditional Smoking Ceremony is being reignited across the road in Atherton Gardens for community healing and to pay respect to all who have not lived to see the struggle for justice end.

  • Statistics published by the Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission on Indigenous child abuse show Victoria has the worse track record of abuse, with nearly 5 times more cases than anywhere else in Australia.

  • The Australian Bureau of Statistics recent census revealed that the Victorian Koori population suffers the highest rates of recent and chronic illness in the country.

  • The 2004 United Nations Human Development Report exposes that Aboriginal People in Australia have the second worst quality of life on the planet. With China ranking last and Australia's general population coming fourth, the UN study measured areas of education attainment, life expectancy and median income levels.

  • Another recent report by the World Health Organisation states that Indigenous Health in Australia is 100 years behind the rest of the whole population.

  • Such shameful genocide continues as the Australian government invades Aboriginal communities in the NT, intervenes by force in Aboriginal affairs country-wide, and refuses to sign the UN Declaration on Indigenous People's Rights because of the word "self-determination."

United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide

  • Article II...genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such :
    (a) Killing members of the group;
    (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
    (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
    (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
    (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group

For further information email; robbiethorpe@gmail.com


Kings Arms, Dec 7th

Cornerstone Roots, Batucada Sound System, Unity Pacific, Dam Native + Lots more

Conscientising and Mobailizing the masses: A fundraiser event for those effected by events post Oct 15th

Please forward to your networks


Kiritapu Allan
Conscious Collaborations
+64 21 0256 5068

"Acts of resistance in the past were steps on a journey. That journey is
not easy but when our tipuna decided to sail across the greatest ocean in
the world to get here, that journey was not easy.

"Constitutional resistance is a journey to towards hope."



"Curtin Detention Camp was the most secret of all 'Australia's Hellholes'.
New arrivals were placed in compounds isolated from everyone except those with whom they had arrived for up to 13 months. This was called 'separation detention'.
They had no access to information, newspapers, radio or TV. They could not contact family. They were not interviewed nor told for how long this situation would continue.

"The Afghani men and boys in this footage fled a massacre of Hazaras in Afghanistan. After a life- threatening journey they arrived in Curtin. Some became very ill. They were locked in empty rooms. There they became desperate.

"This video popped out of a camera and was picked up and thrown across a compound wall. Guards dug up gardens and tore up floor boards to find it. Months later a detainee emerged to freedom and brought this video with him.

"It has been publicly shown once before and provides rare insider footage of life in an 'Australian Hellhole."
Text supplied by Pamela Curr
Campaign Coordinator
Asylum Seeker Resource Centre ASRC

The following links provide background and comment:


New Caledonia's USTKE on strike in protest at arrest of its leader

Posted at 01:39 on 21 November, 2007 UTC

The Union for Exploited and Kanak Workers, or USTKE, in New Caledonia is on a 24-hour strike in response to the arrest of its leader.

Gerard Jodar has been detained over two incidents of alleged union

A USTKE union spokesperson, Pierre Chauvat, says the arrest was unfair
and it has called for a one-day strike as a response.

"We are today marching and rallying to ask France to apply human
rights and also to defend the way that unions are struggling for the
defense of the workers."

Pierre Chauvat says about 3,000 people have stopped work and are
marching to the French high commission building in Noumea to show
their support for Mr Jodar


New Caledonia Union Leader, Members Briefly Detained

New Caledonia's Union of Kanak and Exploited Workers (USTKE) leader Gérard Jodar was on Monday arrested and briefly heard by French police in New Caledonia, as part of what is described as an enquiry into recent events, including demonstrations and incidents reports >New Caledonia's public prosecutor Robert Blaser told local media Jodar and three other YSTKE prominent members were arrested early on Monday and were released some 12 hours later, early in the evening of the same day.

Blaser said the arrests were in relation to recent incidents, including blockades and a violent confrontation with local police, which saw the officers slightly injured.

The incidents took place during a recent visit in New Caledonia by French State Secretary for overseas territories Christian Estrosi.

During his visit, Estrosi had warned that the French government would no longer tolerate blockades such as those organised by New Caledonia unions on a regular basis.
The French minister also lashed out at the then French High Commissioner, Michel Mathieu, for not authorising the French police to intervene in union-generated conflicts and blockades, even when a Court warrant had been issued.

As a result, Mathieu resigned last month.

In response, USTKE on Monday has condemned what it regards as exaggerated force towards its members and what it calls the ongoing "criminalisation of the exercise of union rights".

The union has called on yet another general strike, on Wednesday this week, in protest against the arrests.

The string of events also coincides with the formal announcement, at the weekend, of USTKE's political wing, a new party in New Caledonia, which it was decided, would be called the "Labour" party.



Speech given by Angela Sterritt as part of a panel in support of the
Tyendinaga Mohawks. (Details on the panel are at

Ange is a Gitxsan woman who lives and works on Coast Salish Territory. She
is a grassroots indigenous organizer, an advocate for indigenous women and
girls, as well as an artist and writer.


I would like to thank Sue Collis for coming here today to talk to us about
Shawn Brant as well as express my gratitude and honor for those like Shawn
Brant whom have risked their freedom and lives for the freedom and lives
of others and for the future generations.

I also want to acknowledge that what happened to Shawn Brant, Harriet
Nahannee, John Graham and others is not only a terrible abomination and
explication of the tyrannical nature of the justice system but
representative of the refusal of the Klanadian government to remove itself
from its perpetuation and implication in the occupation and theft of
Indigenous lands.

As the Olympics draw closer, we are seeing an acceleration of this
repression and criminal behavior from all levels of government. In the
same way that Mohawks have opposed corporate invasion and government
terrorism in Tyendinaga, there has been resistance in the occupied
Indigenous territories of BC from many Indigenous nations.

The Olympics- whose budget is close to 30 billion dollars for a 2 week
spectacle- acts as a microcosm for the way in which Klananda has oppressed
Indigenous people in order to gain access to rights and title to
Indigenous lands. It also asserts itself as a real threat to
Indigenous people and our lands, and likewise sees Indigenous people as a
real threat to its very existence.

On December 3, 1998, The Canadian Olympic Association chose Vancouver as
its candidate city. Vancouver was posited as the "security and safety"
candidate - ironic and insulting since most people know by now the large
number of Indigenous people imprisoned and killed by police; not to
mention the reality that over 60 women, many Indigenous, were taken from
the downtown eastside, murdered or never to be seen again.

As well, how secure do Indigenous people feel now that over 30 Indigenous
women and girls have gone missing or been murdered along highway of tears
in northern British Columbia? It is often the case that the Justice System
has protected the predators and killers of these women, while Indigenous
women have been ignored and over-policed. The Justice system has since its
inception of settler/colonial society used police forces, courts and
racist civil society to undermine and outlaw our Original sacred systems
and laws. It continues to imprison and kill our people to gain access to
our lands.

It's also insulting to promote Vancouver as the security candidate given
the 'insecure' and uncertain nature of Indigenous lands and resources
targeted by corporations to be privatized.

Indigenous Resistance to the Olympic hegemony has been greatly
criminalized, in hopes to reassure the hungry visitors, or the tourists
that their stay will be safe. The attempts to silence us in jails and
through our death are cross-country efforts.

Like Shawn, Harriet Nahannee stood up against the theft of the land and
was punished greatly.

Harriet was a Pedechat Elder who had married into the Squamish Nation and
was protesting an infamous Olympic development, the Achilles heal of the
Olympics, the Sea-to-Sky Highway. She was sentenced to a provincial jail
for criminal contempt of court for her part in the Sea-to-Sky
Highway-expansion protest at Eagleridge Bluffs. She died of pneumonia and
complications at St. Paul's Hospital in Vancouver on February 24 2007,
just one month after her original sentencing. Nahanee had been weak from
the flu and asthma in January, and it was widely suspected that Nahanee's
condition worsened during her incarceration at the Surrey Pre-Trial
Centre, a facility set up predominantly for housing male criminals.

An independent public inquiry into her passing was called for in the
Legislative Assembly of British Columbia on March 5. Solicitor-General
John Les said the provincial government expressed "regret" for the passing
but denied any government responsibility and refused opposition requests
for an inquiry.

The expose of Harriet's plight helped to catapult many Indigenous people
in the city to act to oppose Olympic atrocities against our people and
compelled us to organize, educate and mobilize each other.

One of the more significant Indigenous struggles people in the city have
been working in solidarity with is the plight of the Secwepemc and
St'at'imc people to resist the expansion of ski-resorts on their lands.

Just last week The Austrian ski team arrived on Secwepemc lands to train
for the 2010 games. They will be the first to train on the new 3 million
dollar Nancy Greene International Race Centre at Sunpeaks built this
summer. Phase 1 has recently been completed and once phase 2 and 3 are
completed Sun Peaks will be able to boast a new dedicated lift and an
additional snow making capacity. The fake snow is made with reused sewage
water that pollutes Skelkwek'welt waters and depletes underground
Aquifers. Sunpeaks corporate mega-development development also continues
to destroy Secwepemc Land by clear-cutting whole mountainsides and
valuable hunting grounds, berry picking and medicine harvesting areas. Now
the Austrian Ski Team is at Sun Peaks promoting and training for the 2010
Winter Games!

Not only does this kind of destruction of the land destroy Indigenous
cultures and relationships to the land by displacing Indigenous people, it
also has an impact on our identity as Indigenous people. The Olympikkks
like the Klanadian government uses Indigenous identities for their
expediency. They want the public to "imagine" a bourgeoisie's playground.
They use and abuse our cultures for entertainment, but our sovereignty is
simply an annoyance.

For example, a walk known as the "People walk together", which was
ceremonial blessed earlier this month, will showcase Aboriginal people to
walking across the Burrard Bridge in September 2008 to show off our
"color, culture, and vibrancy" under the umbrella of "reconciliation" as a
lead up to the 2010 Olympics.

Knowing that cultural genocide, land theft, criminalization and murder of
our people happens daily at the hands of Klananda, it seems far-fetched to
most that reconciliation is possible at this point. This tactic of
assimilation, with the use of culture as a cover, is text book
collaboration and utilized in an attempt to demand the "undivided
attention" of ALL to the 2010 games whereas the reality is they simply
divide oppressed communities more.

Optics and imagery are also used in other communities, namely poor and
marginalized women's. The Olympic city brothel was proposed as a co-op
brothel under the guise of making it safe for sex workers working in
Vancouver in 2010. When I first saw this I thought of predatory
capitalism. The trafficking of women, in which Indigenous women and
immigrant women are overrepresented, is one of the easiest illegal
"commodities" to move. A pimp makes about 250,000, per women or girl in
the illegal trafficking of human flesh.

The Olympics is infamous for utilizing the sex trade to accommodate
investors ,business men and other hungry visitors. An estimated 10,000 sex
workers plied their trade during the 2000 Olympics in Sydney, many
imported from abroad. More than 40,000 women and girls were brought to
Athens for the 2004 Summer Games. For the 2006 World Cup in Germany, more
than 20,000 women were imported. Investors and Business men who come to
the 2010 games are inevitability on the look out for cheap lands,
resources, and women.

Some may defend the sex trade saying it's the oldest profession, but like
many parts of colonization and capitalism it presents itself as the oldest
oppression and one that needs to be ended, along with poverty, greed,
hatred and suffering.

These are some of the issues Indigenous Anti-Olympic Organizers have been
working on in the city and some of the ways in which we have shaped our
actions and campaigns. We urge you to learn more and take actions. The
Olympics destroys Native lands, Indigenous women, Indigenous communities,
and human dignity. The Olympics creates homelessness, abject poverty,
further violence and racism. End the Olympikkk Oppression Now!



Remember Mulrunji

Today marks the 3rd anniversary of the Police murder in custody of Mulrunji Doomadgee. When the Queensland government tried to cover this up, it was the uprising in Palm Island and the Murri campaign, that put political pressure on Chris Hurley to be tried in a court of law, and surprise surprise an all white jury let him off. The family however are pursuing a civil suit against Chris(Im a murder) Hurley and the Queensland gubbament.

Mulrunji is my Steve Biko, you are forever in my heart brother, much love to all the mob in Palm island today. You will never be forgotten. No justice No peace fuck the Police.

"A police officer landed the fatal blows that killed Mulrunji Doomadgee while he was in custody on Queensland's Palm Island, a coronial inquest has found.An autopsy report in 2004 found Mulrunji, 36, died from a ruptured liver and portal vein and had also suffered four broken ribs.
"I conclude that these actions of Senior Sergeant Hurley caused the fatal injuries.

"It's a terrible tragedy that such a minor incident can lead to a man's death in custody."

Accused riot ringleader Lex Wotton placed his head in his hands as Ms Clements read her findings to a Townsville courtroom.

Mulrunji's former defacto partner of a decade, Tracey Twaddle, wept silently.

Mulrunji's three sisters were also in court."



Palm Island Verdict License to kill

Stray Aliens


More Dead Aboriginals in Police Custody :: Allegations of racism loom on first day of inquiry

Thanks to my brother Angry Indian for this

As you know in Strayaliea Aboriginal murder in police custody & police racism are huge concerns. Much love , respect & solidarity to the families and relations of Frank Joseph Paul.

globeandmail.com: Allegations of racism loom on first day of inquiry

VANCOUVER -- Before Frank Joseph Paul was dragged out of a city jail like "garbage," and left in a back alley, where he died of hypothermia, he had been picked up by police 230 times for drunkenness, assault and disturbing the peace.

Now, nine years after he was left lying in the rain on a cold December night, instead of being housed in the Vancouver Police Department drunk tank or sent to a detoxification centre, some big and troubling questions are being raised about Mr. Paul's last time in custody.

As an independent commission of inquiry began yesterday into Mr. Paul's death, it became clear the issue is not just the mechanics of how the alcoholic, 47-year-old Mi'kmaq died on Dec. 5, 1998, but whether the police actions and a broader social safety net failed him because of racism.

"Why was Frank Paul left in an alley to die? Was it because he was aboriginal?" asked Kimberley Murray of Aboriginal Legal Services of Toronto, who is attending because the issue is of national interest.
First witness at inquiry seeks answers regarding death of native

First witness at inquiry seeks answers regarding death of native: "The family of Frank Paul, the New Brunswick native who died after police left him in a Vancouver alley in 1998, wondered how such a thing could happen. Peggy Clement, the 47-year-old's cousin, was the first witness to give evidence Tuesday in Vancouver during the opening of the public inquiry looking into the death of Paul in the Downtown Eastside."
Paul put out to die like 'garbage' cousin tells inquiry

Paul put out to die like 'garbage' cousin tells inquiry: "VANCOUVER -- Nine years ago Frank Paul, 45, an aboriginal man and a chronic alcoholic, died drunk, cold and alone in an Downtown Eastside alley where he had been dumped by the driver of a police wagon. He died of hypothermia, freezing to death behind a detox centre in soaking wet clothes. On Tuesday a full scale public inquiry into Mr. Paul's death began after years of lobbying by aboriginal groups and others in the Downtown Eastside."

November 17 - Big Day Out Against Racism

The Western suburbs Community Festival in support of African
communities in Australia has joined forces with the March for

Both events will now happen on Saturday November 17.

The MARCH will start at 1pm at the State Library and participants will
then invited to attend the Festival in Footscray, starting 4pm.


Nicholson Street Campus, Victoria University,
Corner Nicholson & Buckley Streets, Footscray.
Three (3) minute stroll from the Footscray Railway Station.

Festival performers include: The Conch, Ajak Kwai, Busted Onions, The
Brothahood, Lorazi Red, Valanga Khoza, King Marong & more.

The two events will be a combined show of support for the
African-Australian community.

Come and celebrate our multiculturalism and support the
African-Australian community!

We reject the Federal Government's attempt to isolate and marginalise
the African community in Australia, and its targeting of the Sudanese
community in particular.

We welcome African migrants and refugees and celebrate their valuable
contributions to our community.
Come and celebrate our multiculturalism and support the
African-Australian community!

Together we can stand in solidarity and friendship.

Organisers of the March for Multiculturalism
Organisers of the Racism No Community Festival


Tautoko Tuhoe

Kia ora koutou katoa

Kei a m?tau ētahi haki, bumper stickers hoki hei hoko atu. Ko ng? whaihua i hao mai hei pūtea tautoko m? ng? t?ngata e mauheretia ana me ō r?tau wh?nau hoki.

(We have flags and bumper stickers for sale to raise money to help support those who have been arrested and their wh?nau.)

Please visit our new merchandise page for more details.


Mauri ora

Tuhoe Anger Loud And Clear Over Police Raids And Terror Laws

Story And Images By Spike Mountjoy

Click for big version

Maori Labour MP’s were shouted down as they tried to address a Hikoi of more than 800 Tuhoe iwi, activists, and supporters outside parliament yesterday.

Many were there to demonstrate their opposition to October’s police raids, and recent changes to New Zealand terror legislation.

Click for big version

Members of the hikoi - which left Ruatoki on Monday - drowned out speeches by Nanaia Mahuta and Parekura Horomia, with cries of “Kupapa”, which translates to traitor, or Maori soldier fighting for the government.

Some members of the crowd questioned loudly why Mahuta and Horomia had not stood up against the Terrorism Suppression Amendment Act during its 3rd and final reading on Tuesday.

Taito Phillip Field, who voted against the amendment, was applauded, as were Keith Locke and members of the Maori Party.

But the majority of yesterday’s speeches focused on police behavior during the October arrests.

Click for big version

Peti Nohotima, a grandmother originally from Ruatoki who had traveled from Palmerston North, said she was there because of the violation against her friends and family during the raids.

“I’m here to say to Helen Clark ‘how would you like it if we held a gun to your head’.

“You come to the Marae and talk to us Kanohi ki te Kanohi – eye to eye.”

Later as the protestors marched up Molesworth Street they chanted “Helen is a racist coward”.

One of those arrested in the raids, Wellingtonian Valerie Morse, arrived with about 25 activists from 128 Able Smith Street, a house searched in the October raids.

Morse said she was there to support Tuhoe and the people of Ruatoki.

“There is a deep seated fear within the police and intelligence services of Maori, and the potential for Maori political action – there is a real cultural divide, a culture of racism that’s institutionalised.”

Yesterday also saw the Dominion Post publish police prosecution evidence consisting of intercepted conversations recorded in the lead-up to the arrests.

Although that evidence can no longer be used in court since Terrorism Suppression Act charges are not being laid, the paper could face contempt of court prosecution over its decision.

Morse, who has photo suppression, said she is angry about the publication.

“I think it’s a ridiculous assertion that they [the Dominion Post] are allowing the public to ‘draw their own conclusions’, it is completely and utterly one sided and out of context.”

“The Solicitor General looked at all the evidence and said it was insufficient – it’s totally ludicrous.”

Morse said several others arrested in the raids were at the protest, and they had to be careful to keep separated from one another so as not to breech their bail conditions which prohibit them from associating with one another.

Click for big version

For most of the day police kept a low profile, with often only 20 or so visible, mostly without batons or handcuffs.

No-one was arrested in what appeared a consciously reserved approach by the police.

But police with batons stood four-deep outside their national headquarters on Molesworth Street – where Police Commissioner Howard Broad has his office.

This final stop on the march provided an opportunity for the protestors to express their displeasure with the police directly.

They chanted, “Who are the terrorist? Pirimana [the police]!”, and members of the crowd called for Commissioner Broad’s resignation.

Tuhoe elder Te Weeti Tihi told the crowd that, “the police will be your friends today and arrest you tomorrow.

“We will be telling our children, and our children’s children, to never forget what they have done to Tuhoe.”

Click for big version


Tuhoe Hikoi Arrives at Grubbyment

beautiful to see Aboriginal, Mohawk & Maori flags flying

A diverse crowd of people from various tangata whenua iwi, and tau iwi, began gathering outside parliament ground at 10am this morning, and swelled to around 500 by midday, when the Tuhoe hikoi arrived to a boisterous welcome. Two groups joined into one for a march down Lambton Quay, stopping to cry 'shame' at various government targets. A number of Tuhoe and others, including Te Kupu from Upper Hutt Posse, addressed the crowd at a brief rally at Midland Park.

Te ihi, te wehi, te mana

The march then returned to parliament grounds where MPs from the Maori and Green Parties spoke against the Terrorism Suppression Act (TSA) and in support of the marchers demands for justice, and two of Labour's Maori MPs were shouted down by demands to know which way they voted on the TSA ammendments recently passed in parliament. The march continued up Molesworth St to National Police Headquarters, where a line of police were confronted with a powerful haka expressing the anger of the Tuhoe nation at police behaviour in the dawn raids of October, and subsequent actions. Many of the Tuhoe and supporters, both Maori and paheka, carried on to a powhiri and hakari at Pipitea Marae.

Assimilate this poaka