
Tuhoe Hikoi Arrives at Grubbyment

beautiful to see Aboriginal, Mohawk & Maori flags flying

A diverse crowd of people from various tangata whenua iwi, and tau iwi, began gathering outside parliament ground at 10am this morning, and swelled to around 500 by midday, when the Tuhoe hikoi arrived to a boisterous welcome. Two groups joined into one for a march down Lambton Quay, stopping to cry 'shame' at various government targets. A number of Tuhoe and others, including Te Kupu from Upper Hutt Posse, addressed the crowd at a brief rally at Midland Park.

Te ihi, te wehi, te mana

The march then returned to parliament grounds where MPs from the Maori and Green Parties spoke against the Terrorism Suppression Act (TSA) and in support of the marchers demands for justice, and two of Labour's Maori MPs were shouted down by demands to know which way they voted on the TSA ammendments recently passed in parliament. The march continued up Molesworth St to National Police Headquarters, where a line of police were confronted with a powerful haka expressing the anger of the Tuhoe nation at police behaviour in the dawn raids of October, and subsequent actions. Many of the Tuhoe and supporters, both Maori and paheka, carried on to a powhiri and hakari at Pipitea Marae.

Assimilate this poaka

1 comment:

Renegade Eye said...

You guys are doing great work.