Upcoming Events

Art of the Peace Movement
exhibit_eventAn exhibition of creative resistance from the peace movement in Aotearoa. Art and protest posters will be on display at Aro Valley Community Centre this coming weekend (October 8 – 9) in a free exhibition, highlighting the anti-ANZUS, nuclear-free and peace movements over the years.

We’ll also be representing the present day anti-war struggle in Aotearoa with information about resistance to the annual Weapons Expo and this year’s warship visit.

Peace Action Wellington fundraising gig – Saturday 8th, 7 pm

dropbeatsnotbombsCome dance to some beats (not bombs) at this Peace Action Wellington fundraiser gig. There’ll be beats for everyone – from protest songs to indigenous rap to ska.

Don Franks, Ruth Mundy, Te Kupu, Hairbrains  and the Dimestore Skanks will help us shake up Aro Valley Community Centre to raise funds for the resistance to the annual Weapons Expo and this year’s Navy warship visit.

Sliding entry donation: $5 unwaged, $10 waged, $15+ feeling flush

Short films and peace protest discussion – Sunday 9th

Aro Valley Community Centre, Sunday evening

Peace picnic and noise protest – Sunday 16th

Details to follow…

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Rally against the Weapons Expo

untitled_panorama2A great show of opposition to the warship visit and Weapons Expo on the waterfront!

After a couple of speakers we went over to suggest that the crew of the HMNZS Otago disarm themselves, smashed a warship piñata, ate candy and did some creative chalking.

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MAS Zengrange unwelcome in Lower Hutt

maszengrange20160921Peace Action Wellington went to visit MAS Zengrange, the local arms dealer in Lower Hutt, who manufacture mortar-firing systems and other war products. Even though multiple Deaths tried to throw them a party to recognise their profit from war, the arms dealers were strangely unhappy to see us. Five peace activists were arrested. No arms dealers were arrested.

MAS Zengrange, based at 30-32 Downer Street, manufacture ‘fire control systems’, or trigger systems, used to fire explosives, mortars and artillery. These are then used to kill people in wars around the world.

MAS Zengrange admit on their website that they sell to a range of Gulf countries, including Saudi Arabia, who are infamous for their human rights abuses and relentless bombing attacks on innocent civilians in Yemen. By selling to Saudi Arabia, MAS Zengrange is actively complicit in the deaths of people there.

Despite employing explicit images of weapons in active military use to accompany their products, when interviewed at the 2015 Weapons Expo in Wellington, MAS Zengrange tried to claim that their products were “…not used in an aggressive sense at all”.

September 2016 is a worldwide month of action against the arms trade in all of its forms and the campaign against MAS Zengrange is just beginning.

maszengrange3_20160921 If you want to let your neighbours know that their business of war is unacceptable, you can contact them directly on sales@maszengrange.co.nz or by calling 04 570 2688. Or you could go and visit them to let them know.

#WarStartsHere, we need to stop it here.


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#NauruFiles Action for Asylum Seekers


On Thursday, August 25, around 100 people demanded that the NZ & Australian governments do more for refugees and put an end to detention now.

We told the NZ government to stand up to our Australian cousins, the Australian High Commission to #CloseTheCamps and sent our solidarity to refugees and asylum seekers in detention – while you are not free, nor are we.

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People in Nauru sent a message thanking all those involved in solidarity protests in Aotearoa – NZ.

And here are some photos from rallies in Australia.


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Tea not Troops, Soup not Soldiers, Dinner not Drones

wopasjJoin us for a social and campaign launch to meet fellow peace activists and plot the resistance to the November Weapons Expo in Auckland and Wellington.

Saturday, 3rd September
4:00 pm
4 Kelburn Pde, Kelburn, Wellington

We’ll provide the kai, you bring the awesome!

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#NauruFiles and NZ: An action for Asylum Seekers!

nauru_files_shotJoin Peace Action Wellington, Changemakers Refugee Forum and friends for speakers at Parliament at lunchtime on the 25th August followed by a march to the Australian High Commission. Check the facebook event for updates.

With the release of the #NauruFiles, abuse and inhumane conditions on Nauru are once again in the spotlight. The end of August 2016 marks 15 years since the 483 refugees rescued by the Tampa were refused by Australia and taken to Nauru, starting the ‘Pacific Solution’ and Australia’s use of offshore detention to avoid taking in refugees. 150 of the Tampa refugees were eventually granted citizenship by New Zealand.

History repeats itself again as there is offer from the New Zealand government to take 150 people from the centres, which Australia has so far refused to take up. It’s time for the NZ government, as Australia’s closest ally, to put pressure on them to end mandatory offshore detention policy and accept refugees, as required under international law. We can and should do more, NZ accepts far fewer per capita refugees than Australia each year.

Refugees and asylum seekers on Nauru have been protesting for months. Australian activists and civil society are working to turn the tide of opinion. Kiwis need to stand in solidarity, speak up and take action for asylum seekers. #BringThemHere

There will be short speeches on Parliament steps and then we will then march to the Australian High Commission to tell them to #CloseTheCamps #EndDetentionNow

Here are the current confirmed speakers – with more to come!

– Two former Save the Children staff in the Nauru detention centre
– Peace Action Wellington on the links between the military industrial complex and refugees
– Amnesty International NZ, who recently released a report on abuse & neglect of refugees on Nauru
– Kelvin Davis, Labour MP who has visited Kiwis in detention on Christmas Island and has spoken out against offshore detention
– Marama Davidson, Green Party MP who supports refugees and asylum seekers
– Nurredin Abdurahman, Oromo Community member of a refugee background

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Petition against arms fair launched on Hiroshima & Nagasaki Commemoration Day


James Barber speaking at the 71st Hiroshima and Nagasaki day

Auckland Peace Action (APA) launched a petition this weekend calling for an end to state support of the upcoming weapons conference and a redirection of the defence budget to benefit the people of Aotearoa. Peace Action Wellington (PAW) launched the petition in Wellington at an event commemorating the 71st anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were unnecessary and barbaric acts against ordinary civilians, the ongoing effects of which are well known, and extend down the generations.

Today the threat of nuclear war has only increased. The number of nuclear states has swelled, and the profit margins of those companies which make these weapons, as well as other weapons such as drones, has continued to increase. The list of similar atrocities committed by the United States’ armed forces has also grown.

Last year, and the year before, the Wellington City Council’s own company hosted a weapons conference in one of their venues. This weapons conference was organised by a business lobby group, the Defence Industry Association, which represents private companies which make money out of supplying armaments and other needs for militaries here around the world.

This conference was sponsored by a leading weapons manufacturer, and nuclear weapons manufacturer, Lockheed Martin. It even received support from New Zealand government agencies such as New Zealand Trade and Enterprise, which sees this as a market opportunity to grow businesses.

This year the weapons conference will take place in Auckland and will coincide with a militarised gala celebrating the New Zealand navy’s 75th birthday. Warships from around the world have been invited, including those from the United States of America.

APA is mobilising public opposition locally, and PAW is organising support and opposition in Wellington. This weekend APA launched a petition calling for the New Zealand government to:

1. Stop providing sponsorship, funding and support to the annual New Zealand Defence Industry expo, and militarisation.

2. Redirect the “Vote Defence Budget” for urgent housing, educational, health, social and environmental needs, and for supporting an increased refugee intake from war torn countries.

3. Support a strong stand for peace. Kia kaha.

Please sign the petition and add your voice to the call for peace and an end to war for profit.


The 71st Hiroshima and Nagasaki Day, Wellington 2016

On a day when the innocent people killed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were remembered, this petition launch was a reminder that innocent people continue to be killed in unnecessary wars today.

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