Black Star Books Ōtepoti

Black Star Books Ōtepoti is an infoshop located in Dunedin, Aotearoa. Established in 2003, blackstar is a not-for-profit bookshop, distributor of independently-produced media, and a reference library & archive of radical literature. blackstardunedin [@] 111 Moray Place, Dunedin, New Zealand Hours: + 2-5pm Wednesday + 2-8pm Friday + Random times outside these…

Beyond Resistance

Beyond Resistance is an affinity group of anarchists from across Aotearoa New Zealand. Formed in 2009, the aim of the collective was move beyond an activist or reactive approach; to base our struggles around the material conditions of our members. Two major earthquakes, community assemblies, and many neighbourhood and workplace struggles later, Beyond Resistance continues…

Garage Collective

“Garage Collective was set up in my garage in Christchurch, Aotearoa/New Zealand around August 2007, with the explicit intention of avoiding the design and advertising  industry. The initial phase of my practice was to design and screenprint hand crafted posters from my garage—mainly gigposters and political posters. However, a growing interest in non-hierarchal, social justice…

Red Ruffians

‘Red Ruffians’ is an online archive of writings, pictures and other goodies on Aotearoa’s anarchist and syndicalist past. A tradition of anarchism in New Zealand did (and does) exist, but records of it are fragmented across different websites, books or archives—making them hard to find and accessible to only those in the know. The role of this…

Rebel Press

We are a small anarchist publishing collective based in Aotearoa / New Zealand. We’ve been working away busily since 2006 to meet the needs of producing anarchist and radical literature down here in this corner of the world. Our intention is to encourage the publication of quality anarchist material written in Aotearoa and the wider…

Freedom shop

The Freedom Shop is a not-for-profit anarchist bookshop and info-centre. Our aim is to spread radical information and support DIY anarchist culture. The shop is run by a collective of volunteers who are dedicated to non-hierarchical consensus-based decision-making. We are fighting for a world free of oppression and coercion. We believe in acting in a…

Aotearoa Workers Solidarity Movement

The Aotearoa Workers Solidarity Movement (AWSM) is an anarchist-communist organisation across Aotearoa / New Zealand working towards a classless, stateless society. AWSM, PO Box 6387, Wellington 6141, Aotearoa/New Zealand