Ryan Lochte rushed by Dancing with the Stars audience members

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This was published 8 years ago

Ryan Lochte rushed by Dancing with the Stars audience members

By Michael Idato

The all-dancing television debut of disgraced US Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte got off to a bumpy start after members of the studio audience attempted to tackle Lochte while he was on stage.

The incursion brought an abrupt halt to proceedings on the US version of Dancing with the Stars, and the program cut to a commercial break.

When it returned, it was not clear what had happened and the US network ABC has yet to issue a statement clarifying the incident.

A spokesman for the Los Angeles Police Department said two men had been charged with trespass in relation to the incident. They named the stage invaders as Sam Sododeh, 48, and Barzeen Soroudi, 40.

Ryan Lochte's debut on Dancing with the Stars got off to a bumpy start.

Ryan Lochte's debut on Dancing with the Stars got off to a bumpy start.

According to police, the two men were legitimately ticketed for the event, but had concealed the "anti-Lochte" T-shirts they wore when they stormed the stage under casual clothing.

According to US media reports, the men were protesting the fact that Lochte, who one of them described as "a liar", was being treated as a "star".

Footage prior to the cutaway seemed to suggest one or more members of the audience surged the stage.

Shortly after the incident ABC reporter George Pennacchio tweeted a picture of two men in "anti-Lochte" shirts apparently handcuffed.

Disgraced ... Swimmer Ryan Lochte at the Rio Olympics.

Disgraced ... Swimmer Ryan Lochte at the Rio Olympics.Credit: Getty Images

One of the show's judges, Carrie Ann Inaba, was speaking when the incident occurred.

Inaba is head to say: "Excuse me, excuse me."

She then says, "Get off!"

The incident occurred after Lochte and dancing partner Cheryl Burke had performed and were waiting to hear comments from the show's judges.

The show's host Tom Bergeron then said to the audience "take a deep breath", and the program cut to an unscheduled commercial break.

When it returned, Bergeron thanked the show's "security team".

"We had to go to break because we had a little incident," Bergeron said. "I'd like to personally thank our security team for staying in shape."

Lochte has a high media profile in the US but embarrassed his country's Olympic team in Rio last month after fabricating a story about being robbed at gunpoint.

His claims were disputed by Rio's law enforcement authorities and his story was later revealed to have been false.

In the wake of that scandal, Lochte lost a number of lucrative sponsorships.

To many industry observers, his participation in Dancing with the Stars is seen as part of his "PR" rehabilitation.

After the program returned from the unscheduled break, Lochte did not address the incident directly.

But he said: "I'm doing good, [the are] so many feelings are going through my head right now."

He added he was "a little hurt."

"I came out here and wanted to do something I'm completely not comfortable with and I did and I came out here with a big smile," he said.

Inaba attempted to reassure Lochte, telling the Olympian "we are only here to judge your ballroom dancing."

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