Slate Magazine - Politics, Business, Technology, and the Arts

Why Trump’s Legal Scandals Don’t Stick

Ivanka Trump’s Defense of Her Cosmopolitan Interview Is Ludicrous and Insulting

What the New Polls Showing a Trump Surge Mean

Young Voters Love Gary Johnson. They Shouldn’t.

No One Likes Being Touched by Donald Trump

The Next 20

How Bernie Proved Nader Wrong

In 2000, the grassroots left was ecstatic about a third-party presidential bid. Everything about it was a mistake.

The Juice

The Chevrolet Bolt Is a Quiet Revolution

It makes electric vehicles plausible in a way no other car has.

In 2000, Ralph Nader Turned Politics Into the Very Thing He Hated Most

The Chevrolet Bolt Is About to Make Electric Vehicles Mainstream in a Quietly Revolutionary Way

Trump’s Visit With Dr. Oz Revealed Both Too Much and Not Enough About His Health

Why Americans Are So Bloody Awful at British Accents

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In Case You Missed It
The Next 20 Slate has covered the world for two decades. Here’s how the events that have occured on our watch will shape the decades to come.
The Next 20
The Woman Who Taught Me Prudence What I learned from the life, and death, of Marjorie Williams.
The Next 20 Why We Need the Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Politics The Price of the Iraq War Was the Devastation of New Orleans
There Is No Good Reason to Keep Information From Voters on Election Day
This year, Slate won’t.
  • The Gist Did Hillary Clinton’s Lead Really Evaporate in August?
  • Trumpcast Reminder! A Trump Victory Is Still Unlikely.
  • The Gist Does Your Writing Hand Explain Your Penchant for Petty Crime?
  • Culture Gabfest The Elusive Charisma of Atlanta

  Slate Plus
Sept. 15 2016 3:39 PM This Man’s Been Protesting Outside the White House for More Than 30 Years Slate’s Working podcast talks to protester Philipos Melaku-Bello about his anti–nuclear war vigil.