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Robots: friend or foe? Your final verdict

FT readers give their take on the future of AI

Robots: friend or foe?

Six ways to judge if they will be good or bad for humanity

Are we ready to live with robots?

Robert Shrimsley spends an illuminating, occasionally awkward, day with a cutting-edge companion called Pepper

Robot job takeover turns into VR satire

Simulator imagines robot nostalgia in 2050 for roles they grabbed

Fears and joys of living with robots

For the first time we will cohabit with an intelligent alien species, writes Illah Nourbakhsh

More stories

FT reporter, Sarah O'Connor, studies the UK employment figures ahead of writing an article for the Financial Times in competition with the algorithm "Emma".
©Charlie Bibby

Robot writer versus journalist

A face-off with a computer program to write a news story

Photo of men working on an automobile engine assemly line. Undated photograph.

Managers must prepare for human-robot world

The first duty of executives is to improve their own skills, writes Andrew Hill

©Chris Tosic

Financial services braced for automation

Antiquated practices, from loan applications to collecting data, set for overhaul

©Barry Falls

Driverless cars: when robots rule the road

Google, Ford and others face regulatory hurdles as they push to take humans out of the driver’s seat

©Getty, SRI International

Robot economy sparks investment boom​

Global influx of machines set to open hot new tech market

We are unprepared for a robot revolution

A threat to the cognitive capability that sets humans apart

Robots in movies: good, bad, terrifying

From ‘Wall-E’ to ‘Terminator’, films have shaped how we see our future

The technical staff repair the robot in YingAo Kitchen Utensils Co., Ltd.
©Zeng Han

China’s robot revolution

As Chinese factories replace humans with robots, how will the effects will be felt around the world?

Pepper the robot visits the FT

The robot’s creators claim it can understand human emotions

Why robots are coming for US service jobs

Automation threatens millions of positions, from burger-flipping to bank telling

Three robot companies to watch

Groups from the US, Japan and UK are at the cutting edge

©FT Montage/Shadow Robot Company

Investment surge gives US the robot lead

Technology spreads beyond the factory floor

Peppa the robot visits the FT.Pepper the robot visits the FT.
©Charlie Bibby

Pepper and me

Three FT journalists give their impressions on meeting the ‘emotional’ robot

Killer robots create a moral dilemma

Arguments against the use of such machines by armed forces are blurred in the fog of war

How to robot-proof your children’s careers

Experts say a rethink of education is needed to keep humans employed

New wave robots for next great power game

Pentagon invests in AI and autonomy to keep global rivals at bay

Fear of the robots is founded in messy reality

Political context matters in the face of rapid technological change, writes Duncan Weldon

US to deploy robot combat strategists

Pentagon programme aims to sharpen battlefield decision-making

Fanuc: fall of the machines

A robot maker tamps down expectations