Why this birth video has been viewed 17 million times

This birth video has been watched 17 million times.
This birth video has been watched 17 million times. Photo: Facebook/Lisa Marie Sanchez

I became pregnant for the first time when I was working in obstetrics and gynaecology. At the time, a lot of people asked me if delivering babies before I was going to have my own 'bothered' me.

"Doesn't it scare you?" They'd say. "Watching women giving birth before you have to do it?"

The truth was, I felt the opposite.

Having the privilege of assisting women give birth showed me that every birth is different.

Some women grunted and screamed in obvious pain when they were in labour while others grew quiet.

Some were desperate for drugs while others preferred none.

What I came to understand was that, just like every woman is different, so too is every birth.

But when you watch TV and movies, you're bound to see the same scene again and again: A woman in labour who is sweaty, swearing and screaming her head off in absolute agony.

(To be honest, I could have played that actress when I delivered my third baby in a roar of primal screams.)

To me, the problem is that this seems to be the most common depiction of birth.

It's not just on TV or in the movies that you see the 'downside' of giving birth. For some reason, when you're pregnant, everyone loves sharing their horror stories about giving birth (the stories people told me during my own pregnancies were enough to make anyone scared of giving birth!).

Now a new video shows birth in another light.

Midwife Lisa Marie Sanchez Oxenham posted the video on Facebook on September 3. The video shows second-time mum, Audra, having a water birth.

In the clip, Audra looks focused and calm, uttering a simple, 'Oh god' just before her baby is born.

Lisa Marie told BBC that Audra's baby's head was already out at the time this video was taken, and she was just waiting for her next contraction to deliver the rest of his body.

The moments that follow are mesmerising, as Audra lovingly cradles her baby and brings him to her chest.

The look on her face at that point just says it all.

That's probably part of the reason why the video has been viewed 17 million times, with over 100,000 shares and more than 50,000 reactions.

In the comments section, some people said they were in awe; others wrote that they were brought to tears.

Audra's strength and calmness has been praised, as has her ability to make birth look so 'easy'.

Mind you, not everyone appreciated seeing it. Some people voiced their displeasure at being tagged on Facebook. ("WHAT ARE YOU DOING I CAN'T WATCH THIS," wrote one).

If you prefer not to see the video then, by all means, skip it.

But if you're pregnant and scared about giving birth, or if you're sick of mainly seeing it depicted in one way (or feeling overwhelmed by all the horror stories you're hearing), watch Audra deliver her baby.

This short clip offers a glimpse into an apparently calm experience of giving birth, which can help counter the other depictions of birth we're used to seeing.

But more than that, it shows the absolutely heart-warming moment when a mother holds her newborn baby in her arms for the first time, completely saturated with love.

As one commenter aptly wrote: "So many goose bumps. So beautiful."