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6 signs you have an unhealthy workplace

We spend around a third of our lives at work, so what’s the chances of finding a job at a ‘healthy’ workplace?

According to new research commissioned by the NSW Government initiative Get Healthy at Work, 72% of small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) classify their business as ‘healthy’ – that is, the key business decision maker feels that most of their staff are happy and healthy, while 10% of businesses are classified as ‘unhealthy’.

With SMEs making up around 40% of NSW’s business community, that’s a lot of unhappy workplaces out there. And it’s a whopping cost to SMEs’ bottom lines, with the research revealing that unhealthy workplaces can cost around $100,000 more to run over five years than healthy businesses.

Here are the five signs you have an unhealthy workplace and more importantly, the solutions for change…

  1. Sign #1 Staff are unhealthy

    When people think of an unhealthy workplace they generally have visions of staff loading up on sausage rolls and pies at morning tea break, smoking and downing a can of soft drink. But there are many more, less obvious signs of an unhealthy workplace, including staff who are inactive, have a poor diet, are stressed and, generally, unhappy.

    Health check: Nurture a healthy workplace.

    Having a workplace health and wellbeing policy can help get the balance right. Think support programs for staff members wanting to quit smoking, creating alcohol free work events – or at least encouraging moderate consumption, a healthy catering policy that promotes nutritious food at events that can help employees reach their recommended daily intake of fruit and vegetables, providing drinking water and encouraging at least 30 minutes of physical activity daily.

    If you’re an employee, swap the unhealthy office snacks, canteen foods and vending machines for healthier options, such as fruit or bite size vegetables. Drink plenty of water and make sure you of get at least 30 minutes of physical activity daily.

  2. Sign #2 Your workplace has high sickie rates

    Mondayitis, again? You know you’ve really got problems when the majority of the office are frequently off sick. Businesses with unhealthy staff are two and half times more likely to have high absenteeism rates – that is, unplanned sick leave – than healthy businesses, according to the Get Healthy at Work research. And, based on cost estimates provided by businesses, the research reveals the cost to business is a whopping $50,000 more to run over five years than those with low absenteeism.

    Health check: It’s no surprise that employers who consider workers’ health as an important business asset for the company are much more likely to have more enthusiastic staff, but they are also better off financially.

    If you are an employer, implement formal processes and programs to address health risk factors facing staff to reduce absenteeism levels and in turn, workplace stress. If you are an employee, speak with your local health care provider for strategies to manage your health and wellbeing and reduce the risk of long-term chronic illnesses.

  3. Sign #3 Staff are frequently stressed

    Overworked and under-resourced staff are an all too common phenomenon. But rather than gaining more output, it’s actually having a negative impact on employee health and the bottom line. According to the Get Healthy at Work survey, not managing stress costs a business around $16,000 over five years.

    Health check: Monitor workload and stress. A whopping 64% of businesses that are experiencing high levels of absenteeism indicate that staff are stressed and unable to cope with the strains of their jobs, according to the research. Businesses where decision makers feel most of their staff are unable to handle the stress and strain of the job are significantly less likely to have formal health and wellbeing processes in place. Implementing formal processes and programs to address health risk factors facing staff, could lead to a reduction in absenteeism levels and in turn, workplace stress

  4. Sign #4 Employees are inactive

    How do the employees at your workplace commute? Do they drive or ride a bike? What happens at lunch time? Are colleagues taking a 30 minute brisk walk together or is their only physical activity running from one meeting to the next?

    Being inactive can lead to obesity and a host of associated health issues and chronic illness. Not to mention a red bottom line. Businesses who do not have a majority of staff classified as ‘fit and sporty’ cost around $34,000 more to run over five years, when compared to businesses where most staff are ‘fit and sporty’.

    Health check: Nurture a physically active workforce. Businesses who do not have staff who are ‘fit and sporty’ are three times more likely to experience high rates of absenteeism when compared to businesses who have staff who are fit and sporty, according to the research.

    Actively promote and encourage staff or colleagues to be physically active for 30 minutes per day, whether this is through gym memberships, having walking meetings, or getting outdoors and active at lunchtime. Shower and change room facilities can also support staff to use active modes of transport for their daily commute, such as walking, cycling or catching public transport.

  5. Sign #5 Staff work through their lunch break – at their desk

    It’s an all too common office scenario – staff spending their lunch breaks at their desk trying to catch up on endless work. Businesses that have inactive staff are 35% less likely to take breaks from their desk, and staff who spend most of their time sitting are twice as likely to be overweight, compared to just 16% of businesses who had staff who were generally up and about, according to the research.

    Health check: Take a break! Having a mental and physical break from work and getting active encourages endorphin release and boosts energy, performance and productivity. Not to mention improving overall health. Research shows that staff who regularly take desk breaks have been shown to be more focused and efficient when they resume work.

  6. Sign #6 The workplace doesn’t have a health and wellbeing policy

    What’s a more attractive workplace? One that encourages healthy eating, exercise and has formal processes in place for stress and health issues? Or a workplace that offers zippo and shows little regard to the workplace health, community and wellbeing? Hmmm, it’s a tough call…

    According to the research, there’s a strong relationship between active participation in health and wellbeing programs provided by the business and the health of staff. In fact, ‘healthy businesses’ were significantly more likely to indicate that most of their staff actively took place in health and wellbeing programs provided by the business (62%) when compared to businesses classified as ‘unhealthy’ (28%). That’s a considerable show of employee support for health and wellbeing programs.


    Get Healthy at Work is a free NSW Government initiative for businesses of all sizes that provides all the tools and support to create an effective workplace health program and offer confidential health checks for workers.

    To learn more or to register visit Get Healthy at Work or call  13 10 50. Calculate how much your businesses can save with an effective workplace health program at Workplace Health Savings Calculator.