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John Hewson has called climate inaction a national disgrace.

Climate policy’s house of cards

There are the pragmatists willing to compromise to get at least something, and then there are the idealists who stick to their principles and end up with nothing. Or so the argument goes.

A number plate slogan that signifies Canberra? Let's add them up

Simon Corbell launches the European-style number plates for the ACT in 2012.

How could I proclaim my love for Canberra in 30 characters or less? "ACT - Roundabout Territory," and "Canberra - more than Parliament House" are just two tongue-in-cheek ideas floated by Canberrans for our new number plate slogan after an open call from our Chief Minister Andrew Barr.

Discrimination and vilification: know your rights

Discrimination is when a person is treated less favourably because of an attribute, for example race, colour, sexual ...

The proposed plebiscite on same-sex marriage has caused concerns the $15 million publicly funded debate will spark vilification of the LGBTIQ community – so what is vilification? What is considered discrimination?

Be a good egg and make dinner for everyone

Food is the universal Western obsession, and not because we're short of it.

"Bad egg" was always a metaphor, taken from the kind of biological rot that provided literature with the brimstone aromas of hell. Now it's more literal. The bad egg is one whose moral content is on the nose; an egg produced with cruelty.

In Passing

Ska and rocksteady pioneer Prince Buster at London Airport in 1964.

Prince Buster, Jutta Limbach, Jack Hofsiss, Ken Higgs

Was Robert Menzies better on gender equality than John Howard?

Prime Minister Robert Menzies holds last press conference in Canberra on 20 January 1966.

I won't be holding my breath, but it would be nice if John Howard paid tribute to his hero and mentor Sir Robert Menzies' initiatives to promote women in public life in his television series Howard on Menzies: Building Modern Australia, which debuts tomorrow night on the ABC.

To walk or not to walk?

Senator Pauline Hanson delivers her first speech in the Senate.

What happens when we realise that the people we so viscerally oppose aren't going anywhere?