Monday, September 12, 2016

Red Warrior Camp's Cody Hall bond hearing Monday morning

By Red Warrior Camp
Censored News

The North Dakota media is going to try to vilianize leaders of the movement to stop the pipeline. Cody Hall is no agitator. Cody is led by the same spirit that moves all of us to uplift our people, protect our water, our sacred sites and spiritual ways for all of humanity. Cody has stood his ground in a peaceful way. Peace does not back down. Cody's bond hearing is tomorrow, Monday, Sept. 11, at about 9 am CST at Morton County courthouse. From here on out you all be very careful to protect your identity. Do not agree to any illegal activity in the presence of anyone. Be wary of provocateurs who incite unlawful activity. Guarantee you they are trying to build conspiracy cases. This is how it goes. Firearms and violence will derail this whole movement. We all agree there's no place for that here. We must be unbreakable, unbribable, unsnitchable. Facial recognition each time we go thru the "info points." Do not travel alone. #FreeCodyHall respect to all arrested, please give even a little to our legal fund.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Wild Salmon Warriors and O'odham Stand with Standing Rock in BC


Wild Salmon Warriors, Shawna Green.
Standing in Solidarity with Standing Rock with supporters in Totem Pole City,  Duncan, British Colombia. Ofelia Rivas, O'odham, human rights defender from the so-called southern border, is second person from right of center.

Joan Baez at Standing Rock Sunday Night Circle

Folk singer Joan Baez in the '60s

Joan Baez sang for the Sunday night circle when she arrived in Standing Rock Camp tonight.
Listen to Joan Baez and Haudenosaunee singers.
Broadcast live by Govinda at Standing Rock Spirit Resistance Radio and recorded by Censored News. Sept. 11, 2016

New link for Standing Rock Spirit Resistance Radio

Live now Sunday night 5:45 pm. Joan Baez just finished a live song.

Mohawk Nation News 'Watch out for 'Pipeline Party'



Please post & distribute.
MNN. SEPT. 9, 2016. The “Pipeline Party” calling themselves the “Iroquois Caucus Inc.” are trying to impersonate the rotino’shonni:onwe, the Iroquois Confederacy. They are being sent to Standing Rock by the corporation of Canada.
Pipeline Dog Police.
Pipeline Dogs.
They have never supported the position of the kotihontia’kwenio, women, who filed a CEASE & DESIST ORDER on August 31, 2016, against the pipelines on rotino’shonni territory. Otsi did try to convince the caucus to support anti-pipeline positions to protect lands and waterways. Nevertheless he supports the niobium mine that lies beneath kanehsatake territory, which the coalition of onkwe’hon:weh, non-natives and farmers have been fighting for over 17 years.
One of the tehastikon’sota:kwen [two faced ones], after dining with pipeline executives on a yacht, said, “These demonstrations are useless. They’re going ahead anyway”.
No backup Plan B in the Montreal region exists should the pipeline under Ottawa and St. Lawrence waterways have a major spill. Millions will be without water. Oil tankers, oil train cars, railroads carrying heavy tarsands oil pose a ‘Lac Megantic” catastrophe! The whole town blew up, killed over 50 people and poisoned all surrounding rivers. About 300 tankers are going through Kahnawake daily.line9b
The Pipeline Party have been giving carefully worded press conferences seeming to object to DPL in Standing Rock. At home they suggest nothing to stop Energy East and Enbridge. Many fear these corporate chiefs are negotiating a deal. Their overlord, AFN Assembly of First Nations Inc., has not objected to pipelines nor provided alternative energy ideas. dem_rep_fraud
This is the time for all onkwe’hon:weh to say: “Give us proof that you legally acquired our land and that you talked to the people of the land to get our permission to do anything. The corporate band and tribal chiefs do not speak for the people of the kaia’nere:kowa, the great peace.
Buffy Sainte-Marie sings about the backroom deals being made by our pseudo corpo chiefs: “Hey, Baby I just got back from town, Where the bribes are paid. Honey, they turned my offer down. They say the deal’s already made. So now I gotta stand and watch, While it all comes down, And the buzzards and the hawks, And the judges and the mob circle round.” 

MNN Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit
SPCA should be brought in to protect the dogs from their retarded handlers.
LET’S TELL THEM WHERE WE STANDEnergy East Pipeline Ltd. [EEPL] and TRANSCANADA PIPELINE;energyeast@transcanada.comNational Energy Board, Marc-Andre Plouffe, Montreal Office,;  Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister, Canada; Carolyn Bennett, Minister of Genocide Canada, Governor General, Rideau Hall,; Queen Elizabeth, Buckingham Palace +44 303 123 7300; Band & Tribal Councils and sell-outs that are cooperating with pipeline companies; ENERGY TRANSFER PARTNERS OF HOUSTON gator3074-hostgator

Akwesasneband tribal councilsCanadaCorporations/military/industrial/ complexCourts.PoliceGenocideGreat Law-Kaianereh’kowa-DemocracyIndian Act/Federal Indian LawINDIAN AFFAIRSLand/environmentMediaUnited States Of AmericaWarriorsWomen Title Holders and tagged Alberta TarsandsArmy Corps of EngineersBohemian GroveBureau of Indian AffairsCanada/US militaryCarolyn BennettCrazy HorseDepartment of DefenseDepartment of Homeland SecurityDepartment of InteriorDepartment of JusticeEnbridge-Transcanada pipeline,Energy East Pipeline Ltd. [EEPL]ENERGY TRANSFER PARTNERS OF HOUSTONHidden Power – Secret of the Indian RingIndian Affairs war roomJim Croce “You don’t mess around with Jim”,Judge Frederick Scullin [Bones]National Energy BoardNorth Dakota National GuardPM Justin Trudeausitting bullStanding Rock SiouxTranscanada PipelineU.S. President Barack ObamaUN Agenda 21 & 30US militarywounded knee

OWE AKU: North Dakota Begins Campaign of Retribution - Local Agencies Instigate Violence and Violate their Constitution

Photo by Zoltan Grossman

Click the headline for the full article

It's critical to recognize this battle is not over.  This article from Brenda Norrell at Censored News reports on the retaliation and intimidation that continue by North Dakota state officials.  The unjust and illegal mistreatment of those peacefully and constitutionally assembled to defend Sacred Water on the legal territory of the Lakota Oyate as established by international treaty and inherent rights are violations of domestic, state, national and international human rights law.  

Please continue to call the numbers set forth below and demand action be taken to stop escalation of the violence by the state of North Dakota and the corporations controlling their politics.  

1.  DONATE - go to and click on the "Donate" button.  All the money we collect goes directly to supplying the on-the-ground water protectors on the front line.  There are thousands that need your support.

Amazing independent media is getting out there thanks to many of our on the ground folks but Owe Aku wants to especially thank Brenda Norrell.  Donations to Censored News can be made at the link to her article above.

2.  SHARE - everything you see and read on social media or in the press or expressions of your own feelings, share them with everyone and anyone you know.  We are a peaceful camp and our strongest defense is the awareness of the public.
3.  CALL the Governor's Office again: Tell them the job of State Police is to protect the Water Protectors, not to disappear when the people are assaulted with attack dogs and pepper spray.
Office of Governor
State of North Dakota
600 East Boulevard Avenue
Bismarck, ND 58505-0100
701.328.2200: phone
701.328.2205: fax [to send an email]
4.  CALL the Morton County Sheriff's Office and tell them that they have a responsibility and an oath to uphold the law and protect peaceful Water Protectors, against aggressive mercenaries with weaponry.  The SHERIFF'S PHONE NUMBER:  701-667-3330

5.  CONTACT the Dallas company, Energy Transfer, building this pipeline, plenty of numbers to call and offices to sit it. These are the people paying the private security forces to attack Water Protectors. Ms. Granado, public relations for the Fat Taker corporation, deserves a little hassling I think in her capacity as protector of the bad guys.  
Engergy Transfer
Vicki Granado
Office: 214-599-8785
If your from other regions you can also call local numbers about the potential dangers.  Their website states that the following phone numbers are the numbers to call if you notice anything "unusual" that could be a leak! Well, there are a lot of unusual things that could be a leak; in fact the existence of the pipeline itself is an 'unusual' occurrence that we know will cause a leak:
Pipeline Emergency Numbers
ETC Liquids 1-888-844-8134
Fayetteville Express Pipeline 1-888-844-8030
Florida Gas 1-800-238-5066
Houston Pipeline 1-800-392-1965
Lone Star NGL 1-877-839-7473
Panhandle Eastern, Sea Robin, Trunkline 1-800-225-3913
Regency Emergency Reporting - Primary 1-877-404-2730
Regency Emergency Reporting - Secondary 1-210-404-2730
San Antonio Gas Control, SEPTS, ET Fuel, Oasis 1-800-375-5702
Tiger 1-888-844-3735
Transwestern 1-866-999-8975
West Virginia 1-800-375-5702
6.  CALL the WHITE HOUSE:  The president is NOW aware of what's happening in North Dakota thanks to a Malaysian Indigenous woman.  The Justice Department intervened.  Keep the pressure on the feds to follow the law.  Keep the pressure on the President.
THE WHITE HOUSE: (202) 456-1111
Owe Aku
International Justice Project
Owe Aku
Bring Back the Way
Owe Aku is a grassroots organization of Lakota people and our allies founded to promote the protection of sacred water and preservation of our territorial lands.  Our actions for environmental justice rely upon cultural revitalization as our major tool in achieving our goals.  The principle location from which are operations are based are on Lakota territory along Wounded Knee Creek on what is called the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation .  More information on our work can be found at

You are receiving this email because you are an ally in our struggle to preserve sacredwater

Our mailing address is:
Owe Aku International Justice Project
PO Box 325
Manderson, SD 57756

Add us to your address book


You are receiving this email because you are an ally in our struggle to preserve sacredwater

Our mailing address is:
Owe Aku International Justice Project
PO Box 325
Manderson, SD 57756

Warrant issued for Amy Goodman, Cody Hall arrested: Standing Rock defends the sacred

North Dakota law enforcement and media hit bottom with pre-Civil Rights era attacks and charges

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Breaking News
Sept. 10, 2016

CANNON BALL, North Dakota -- An arrest warrant has been issued for Democracy Now!  executive producer Amy Goodman, charging her with criminal trespass when Native Americans were attacked by vicious dogs defending burial places on Sept. 3, 2016.

Cody Hall of the Red Warrior Camp was arrested last night, charged with criminal trespass for both Sept. 3 and Sept. 6. On Saturday, Hall remained in jail.

The charges of Amy Goodman and Cody Hall for Sept. 3 -- when vicious dogs attacked the protectors -- state the "protesters" broke through the fence, "assaulted security guards," and entered private land. The charges against them were filed Sept. 8, 2016.

Amy Goodman said, "This is unacceptable violation of freedom of the press. I was doing my job by covering pipeline guards unleashing dogs and pepper spray on Native American protesters." Goodman is host and executive producer of Democracy Now!

On Sept. 6, a Lakota woman and man from the Amazon locked down to the Dakota Access pipeline bulldozers to prevent destruction of the burial places.

The charges state there was damage to equipment, painting of equipment, a tire was flattened, and dirt was placed in fuel lines, on Sept. 6. Cody Hall was identified addressing those present, according to the charges.

Cody Hall was arrested last night on the highway between Bismarck and the camp.

Amy Goodman is charged with criminal trespass, misdemeanor B. Cody Hall is charged with criminal trespass, misdemeanor A and B. The investigating officer is a special agent with the Bureau of Criminal Investigation for North Dakota.

The charges state that videos are being used as evidence against Goodman, in fact her own video, and against Hall.

Meanwhile, all those passing through the roadblock south of Mandan appear to be photographed and profiled by police.

Censored News readers have identified those responsible for the vicious attacks by dogs, from their vehicle license plates.  Frost Kennels in Ohio is identified by their vehicle plates and confirmed their involvement in Facebook posts.

The question remains: Will North Dakota file charges against the security guards with attack dogs? Although North Dakota officials told media that they could not identify the dog handlers, as shown below they are easy to identify by their license plates. They also confirmed their presence in public Facebook posts.

Vicious dogs and pepper spray were used on Native Americans and supporters defending a Native
American burial place on Sept. 3, 2016.

Dakota Access pipeline bulldozer digging into the graves of Native American chiefs

The red truck of Frost Kennels of Ohio -- shown in a public Facebook post -- is shown on Aug. 23. The vehicle is identified at the scene of the attack on Native Americans and their supporters as they defended a burial place being desecrated by Dakota Access bulldozers.
North Dakota officials said they have not been able to identify those responsible
for the dog attack. However, the license plates are clearly shown.
Frost Kennels of Ohio confirmed in Facebook posts that it is responsible.
This attack dog has blood in its mouth.
Attack dog is out of control and attacks one of its own handlers on Sept. 3, as bulldozers ripped into an area of Native American burial places in violation of federal law protecting Native American graves.

Breaking news please check back.

Copyright Censored News

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Kalgoorli in Australia support Standing Rock against DAPL

The Kalgoorli people of the Australian Nuclear Free Alliance support the people of Standing Rock against the DAPL. Indigenous solidarity from a group fighting against uranium mining and nuclear waste storage on their lands.

'Paddle to Standing Rock' Northwest Canoes on the Cannon Ball River

Tlingit Haida from Southeast Alaska

Standing Rock Chairman Dave Archambault, Chief Arvol Looking Horse and Faith Spotted Eagle


Tlingit-Haida canoe asking permission to come ashore

Photos copyright Professor Zoltan Grossman,
Evergreen College, Olympia, Washington
Paddle to Standing Rock
Sept. 8 and 9, 2016

By Zoltan Grossman
Censored News

CANNON BALL, North Dakota -- The Pacific Northwest came to the Northern Plains today, when canoes from Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Minnesota, and Alaska landed at the Camp of the Sacred Stones. They had come for two days down the Missouri River from Bismarck, and arrived at the Cannonball River on the northern boundary of the Standing Rock Reservation.
It was a powerful show of solidarity from tribes that have also been opposing Bakken oil trains, and highlighted that "Water is Life" from the Pacific Ocean to the Missouri River. 18 canoes participated, including Nisqually, Puyallup, Quinault, Chehalis/Colville, Kalispel, Warm Springs, Coeur d’Alene, Kootenai, and Tlingit-Haida.
We're headed home now after three days supporting the historic stand of the Oceti Sakowin at Standing Rock. The wars of 1868, 1876, 1890, and 1973 never ended, and are continuing in a different, nonviolent form. Whatever the upcoming federal court decisions or elections, or whether police or National Guard control the checkpoint to the reservation, the struggle will continue. #NoDAPL#SacredStoneCamp

Camp of Sacred Stones

Sturgeon nose canoes

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