
ABZU review: wonder and beauty under the sea

Art games are a strange breed. On the one hand the mixture of pictures, sound and interactivity can be the perfect medium to explore certain themes. On the other, a game must often put the satisfaction of control first to ensure the viewer sticks around at all, and this is a constraint that many find challenging.

But ABZÛ manages it flawlessly.

The underwater creatures come in all shapes and sizes in <i>ABZÛ</i>, but all are great fun to watch and play with.
The underwater creatures come in all shapes and sizes in ABZÛ, but all are great fun to watch and play with. 

Meditative, mysterious and intoxicatingly beautiful, the core of this underwater adventure is the thrilling sensation of controlling your lithe diver as she spins and fins through seascapes that range from natural-looking reefs to otherworldly pastel lagoons.

Sea creatures abound and are joy to watch, as they go about their business or interact with the diver as she passes through. Larger animals can be grabbed for a tandem swim, and some sections see hoards of animals follow the diver in a swarm. If you like, this can allow for some charming moments like leading a pod of dolphins and other fish in a dash to the surface to breach into an ecstatic leap, or guiding a massive whale shark through a shoal and watching him lazily open his mouth to scoop them up.

The game doesn't shoot for visual realism, but rather a sense of wonderous seascapes both natural and fantastical.
The game doesn't shoot for visual realism, but rather a sense of wonderous seascapes both natural and fantastical. 

The landscapes guide you subtly from stage to stage, and there's a narrative hiding beneath the colourful scenery and gorgeous orchestral score if you care to look for it. To make it through each area the diver needs to enlist the help of underwater drones and make use of some mysterious underwater technology and mystic portals. Meanwhile several encounters with a great white shark also allude to a potential story.


But this is the kind of game where each player is likely to come away with different interpretations and impressions depending on what caught their eye. While some will rush through in an attempt to uncover the diver's ultimate motivation, others will scour the sea floor for points of interest to uncover.

My favourite past-time was unlocking the various meditation locations that allowed you to send your consciousness around the ocean, examining the lives of all kinds of fish.

The relaxed, largely goal-free nature of the game has the potential to wear thin, but personally I found the controls fun enough, the environments and music beautiful enough, the various animals smile-inducing enough that even after the three hours it took to reach the end I was happy to dive back in, ready to search for more clues and uncover what it was all about.

ABZÛ is out now for PlayStation 4 and PC.