

Australian women left directionless after Minister for Women loses job

Australian's women are desperate for guidance and uncertain of their future today, after the nation's highest female representative, Tony Abbott, was forced to stand down.

"I'm not sure where to turn to, or who to look to for advice," said Sandy Couper of Melbourne, capturing the sense of uncertainty Australian women feel following the fall of Mr Abbott.

"I'm not sure where to turn to, or who to look to for advice," said Sandy Couper of Melbourne.
"I'm not sure where to turn to, or who to look to for advice," said Sandy Couper of Melbourne. 

In particular, women say they are concerned that a carbon tax, or a similar scheme, may be reinstated, setting back months of progress for the feminist cause.

"I fear that Malcolm Turnbull will bring back some sort of price on carbon. Where does that leave woman's rights? Where does that leave equality? Where does that leave equal pay for equal work?" Josie Thompson of Brisbane said, adding that Mr Abbott had done more for ironing costs in this country than any other leader in living memory.

Mia Aish of Perth said that while she would have her female friends for support, all Australian woman had lost their strongest supporter. "He knew woman better than we know ourselves. He has a wife and three daughters for god's sake".

This story originally appeared on The Shovel