10 Meals That Taste Even Better As Leftovers

It's time to double down.

15/09/2016 8:01 PM AEST | Updated September 16, 2016 01:07

It requires some serious effort to even summon the energy to make a home-cooked meal, much less to have the actual skills to execute it. That’s why you should make sure what you do cook will reward you not only for dinner, but for the next meal (or two) to follow.

While fried chicken is tempting ― and still wholly edible the next day ― there are some meals that actually taste better when given some time to rest in the fridge. Those are the recipes you should be using your last bit of energy on. That’s how you double down.

Behold, 10 recipes that’ll taste great for dinner ― and even better as leftovers.

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