- published: 28 Sep 2016
- views: 61342
Top Five is a 2014 American comedy film written and directed by Chris Rock. The film, which stars Rock, Rosario Dawson, and Gabrielle Union, was screened in the Special Presentations section of the 2014 Toronto International Film Festival. The movie follows New York City comedian and film star Andre Allen (Rock), who has to confront his past and comedic career while doing an interview with journalist Chelsea Brown (Dawson). The film was released on December 12, 2014, by Paramount Pictures.
New York Times reporter Chelsea Brown is spending a day interviewing comedian and recovering alcoholic Andre Allen, star of the hit film franchise Hammy The Bear, about a cop in a bear suit. He is attempting a foray into serious films with Uprize, in which he portrays Haitian Revolution figure Dutty Boukman, and sensitive to criticism, particularly by Times critic James Nielson, whose previous reviews of Andre's work have been negative and insulting. As the interview begins in his limousine, Andre recalls his lowest point, when he was in Houston in 2003 and met Jazzy Dee, who supplied him with drugs, alcohol and women. Yet after Jazzy refused to pay the women, they contended they were raped, leading to Andre's arrest.
Top 5 CREEPIEST Places YouTubers Have Explored
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 DLC Top 5 Character Wishlist & Poll
TOP 5 Nejznámějších zlatokopek
One Piece | Top 5 OVER-POWERED Devil Fruits
TOP 5 Nejsilnějších dětí na světě
Top 5 LUCKIEST YouTuber Water Bottle FLIPS
SMITE - Top 5 Plays #137
Top 5 Julio Jones Catches
Top 5 Lost LEGO Licenses!
My reaction to SHAQ'S LIST OF THE TOP 5 HARDEST FOULS EVER! Drop a like if you enjoyed fam ;) Click Here To Subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLegnNLfivOIBlM97QUwefQ?sub_confirmation=1 Checkout My Other Channel! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV7GIv8lw3Q_3zZyoF0NCSA ● FOLLOW YA BOY ON TWITTER https://twitter.com/OprahSideNigga ● INSTAGRAM https://instagram.com/realoprahsidenigga Comment more vid ideas below! Link to original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUGqnDVqBH4 Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or...
Top 5 Creepiest, Spookiest, & Scariest Places That YouTubers Have Visited, Been To, or Explored! These creepy and scary abandoned places include random buildings, hospitals, and a bunch of really weird stuff. Giveaway: https://gleam.io/Z650p/1500-insane-gaming-giveaway Follow Me on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/TrendCrave ORIGINAL VIDEOS: 5. Abandoned Asylum Caught On Camera: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJdbxjUrV24 4. Ritual Found At Night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-BIW-BBnc0 3. FaZe Adapt Insane Asylum: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqhyYEafN0k 2. Exploring With Josh Empty School: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zZe-SWLR70 1. Horror Bloody Room: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKpNkBGKCOk Feel Free To Check Out Some of My Other Videos: Top 10 YouTubers In Commercials & ...
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 confirmed 4 DLC packs, who do you want? Poll: http://www.strawpoll.me/11316540 Omega: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AX37Pki8sIA --FOLLOW ME ONLINE & SUBSCRIBE IF YOU'RE NEW!!-- http://twitter.com/rhymestyle http://instagram.com/rhymestyle
Odebírej TopTrendingCZ: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMxCOp8kWq5ywMTr9Ud7-yw?sub_confirmation=1 TOP 5 Nejznámějších zlatokopek Většina žen hledá muže schopného zajistit rodinu. Pro některé je však hlavním měřítkem status a majetek. Vidíte postaršího pána a po jeho boku se vlní nádherná mladá dívka. Proč to dělá? Má to zapotřebí? Má! Dnes vám představíme 5 nejznámějších zlatokopek, které si převážně díky svým mužům zajistili vysokou životní úroveň a slávu. Další TOP videa: TOP 5 Dosud nevysvětlených záhad - https://youtu.be/77elqEf3x3c TOP 10 Nejzdravějších potravin - https://youtu.be/uBA2Ik6pZmY TOP 5 Nejstřeženější místa na světě - https://youtu.be/lkiODIWhKks TOP 5 Živočichů žijících ve vaší ložnici - https://youtu.be/yASY1jbVL2w TOP 10 Nejbizarnějších věcí vyrobených ze zlata - htt...
One piece: Top 5 most over-powered/ Broken / Hax devil fruits that are owned by characters who may not deserve them!! *Video spoiler* 1. Sugar 2. Boa Hancock 3. Perona 4. Kalifa 5. Kuma _______________________________ Go For More by HookSounds http://www.hooksounds.com/ Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... Music provided by Audio Library https://youtu.be/lhXt9aVbjic _________________________________________________________ Here's my twitter! Follow if you want :) https://twitter.com/JoyBoyTheories ___..._________________________________________________________ I do not own One Piece. I do not own any of these images .________________________________________________________________ Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of ...
Odebírej TopTrendingCZ: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMxCOp8kWq5ywMTr9Ud7-yw?sub_confirmation=1 TOP 5 Nejsilnějších dětí na světě V dnešním díle se podíváme na nejsilnější děti na Zemi. Nebylo jim ani 10 let a už měli vyrýsované svaly jako dospělí lidé. Na konci videa, pro vás máme připravený malý BONUS, tak se pohodlně usaďte a začínáme. Další TOP videa: TOP 5 Nejznámějších zlatokopek - https://youtu.be/KPRChQ6So3Q TOP 5 Dosud nevysvětlených záhad - https://youtu.be/77elqEf3x3c TOP 10 Nejzdravějších potravin - https://youtu.be/uBA2Ik6pZmY TOP 5 Nejstřeženější místa na světě - https://youtu.be/lkiODIWhKks TOP 5 Živočichů žijících ve vaší ložnici - https://youtu.be/yASY1jbVL2w Pokud se vám naše video líbilo, sdílejte ho s přáteli. Sledujte TopTrending CZ na: Facebook: http://www.faceb...
Top 5 LUCKIEST YouTuber Water Bottle FLIPS My Second channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCze0j8smPcfTjYDAUh-vqTQ Subscribe for more Top Lists: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvGSwUV_NV2_jtgYyXc6BIQ Myuuji: https://www.youtube.com/user/myuuji People in the video: Faze Kay: THE MOST EPIC WATER BOTTLE FLIPS EVER THE MOST EPIC WATER BOTTLE FLIPS EVER How ridiculous: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbaB8sSe3YA Epic Water Bottle Flips | How Ridiculous DUDE PERFECT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8V_bx0L4RY Water Bottle Flip Edition | Dude Perfect Guava Juice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kiln8G_-hU Water bottle flip trick shots Ryan Higa/ niga Higa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmY94vsb64U Ultimate Water Bottle Flip! (Dear Ryan)
Join Inuki as he takes you through the 5 best plays of the week - get ready for greatness! Submit your Top 5 Plays to be featured on the show: http://inuki.tv/replays-smite Subscribe to SMITE on YouTube to unlock Nu Wa, and the YouTube subscriber-exclusive Water Dancer skin, for FREE!: http://www.smitegame.com/promo/social/youtube/ Get social with us at: http://www.facebook.com/smitegame http://www.twitter.com/SmiteGame http://www.twitter.com/SmitePro What is a MOBA? Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas, or MOBAs for short, originated as a sub-genre of the RTS (Real-Time Strategy) genre. Because of this, in most MOBA games, the player takes control of a single character from the isometric (top-down) view akin to most RTS games. Typically, in MOBA games, a player takes control of a single ...
Top 5 Julio Jones Catches (All rights go to the NFL & its broadcasters, ESPN, and FOX Sports and CBS Sports. I do not own the music or the footage used in this video. No copyright infringement intended. I do not gain any profit from most of my videos. For entertainment purposes only) Be sure to share this video with your friends. Quintorris "Julio" Lopez Jones /ˈhulioʊ/ is an American football wide receiver for the Atlanta Falcons of the National Football League and attended the University of Alabama. Remember this list i have created is in NO SPECIFIC ORDER! Please comment requests on who i should do in the next video and stay tuned. This list consists of Julio Jones's most amazing catches he has performed throughout his career so far through college and the NFL. Business inquiries - The...
I list five LEGO licenses that are now with rival construction toy brands like MegaBloks. There's not much more to expand upon... watch the video to see which make the list! --- My Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/just2goodEurobricks My Twitter: https://twitter.com/j2gEurobricks just2good lists and countdowns #20 (September 2016 B / 10B / Informational #10) --- COMMENT RULES: 1) No number spam (as in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc). This is annoying and usually has NOTHING to do with the video. 2) No advertising your channel or giveaways. That's not the right way to get viewers. 3) Don't be offensive. I'm keeping this one vague for a reason. 4) Don't spoil movies that just came out in theaters (as in, within a one month window). I'll remove any comments that break these rules. If it's super bad, y...
Hey Guys I Spent Very Long Time Recording And Editing This Video If u Has Like it Then it will mean the world to me please do. This Video Will Show You Top 5 Clothing Glitches In GTA 5 Online! This GTA 5 Glitch Is Working After Patch 1.36 & 1.27 On GTA Online. You Now Get Yourself Amazing Clothing That Is Rare And No One Else Has It on GTA 5 Online. Also It Is The Best, Fastest & Easiest Way To Get Amazing New Clothing On Gta 5 Online Right Now. This Will Show You The BEST WAY To Get New Outfits On GTA 5 Online. Enjoy This GTA V Legit 5 Clothing Glitches Glitches For PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One & PC! Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCffSK8BH-UJomujbtfNhy4w ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▓▓▓▒▒▒░░░ Sky's Description ░░░▒▒▒▓▓▓ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ░▒▓██████████►♛◄██████████...
Top 5 Sweet Soda Pop Myths Subscribe http://goo.gl/Q2kKrD Who doesn't love a fizzy drink? With names like Coca-Cola (Coke), Pepsi, Dr Pepper, Mountain Dew, Fanta, Sprite, Crush, 7 Up, Bepis, and even Lester's Fixins on the shelves, we may have taken these myths for granted whilst swigging down their sugary nectar. Whether you love yourself some sodie pops or are looking for a reason to cut them out of your diet be sure to watch this episode of Watchmojo's Top 5 Myths, where we ask the big questions like: Can Ginger Ale help nausea? Does Mountain Dew lower sperm count? Can Carbonation cause brittle bones? is diet soda better for you? what was new coke? So stay tuned to find the answers. And if this video wet your appetite for some beer and booze myths, check out our top 5 Myths about Al...
Subscribe for more sports coverage ►► http://bit.ly/SubToFumble Top 4 Hilarious Madden 17 Glitches ►► http://obsev.it/Madden_17_Glitches Harambe Plays on NBA 2K16 Team ►► http://obsev.it/Harambe_NBA2K FIFA 17 is out, and that means there are many fails to be found. We run down our five favorite fails from FIFA 17. Check them out. For the latest in sports - Check out our site: http://www.obsev.com/sports Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheFumble/ Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/FumbleSports Find us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thefumblesports/
★ Gameflip: Sign Up (Code: PROMOS) To Win a $100 iTunes Gift Card! - https://goo.gl/72b7M4 #ad ★ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/SUKnives ★ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/suknives ★ More Pokemon Go Videos! http://bit.ly/PokeVids --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Best Pokemon Go Videos on the Planet: ★ Hatching 100 EGGS! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlsghFO9iiA ★ Top 5 Best Nearby Pokemon Go #1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sU7mCqFBUU4 ★ Top 5 Rarest Nearby Pokemon Go #2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0aXViccMuw ★ Top 5 Craziest Nearby Pokemon Go #3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQJEfJpqqyk ★ Top 5 Luckiest Nearby Pokemon Go #4 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJ-4y2kikCE ★ Top 5 Rarest Nearby Pokemon G...
Descubre los mejores juegos para Android! En este TOP 5 de los mejores juegos gratis y nuevos de 2016 vemos juegos de acción, plataforma, guerra y más! HOLA! SI HAS LEIDO ESTO, DALE LIKE AL VIDEO O SINO TE VA A PJFUHIDJOLJIMIERGFHNKJUFH. ➤https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.herocraft.game.zombiederby2&hl;=es ➤https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.errorsevendev.games.cell13&hl;=es ➤https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.fie.swordplay&hl;=es ➤https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kongregate.mobile.throwdown.google&hl;=es ➤https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tricksterarts.hackers&hl;=es Puede que haya un juego extra en el video :D ➤Las 25 Apps imprescindibles 2016 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=voywIbE8P7M ➤Los 15 Mejores Juego...
Going over my Top 5 junglers for patch 3.19, release patch of Camazotz and patch of significant nerfs to Susano. In this Top 5 list, I will explain the placement of all jungle gods shown and also offer builds for them that will allow you to perform effectively. While the list isn't limited to assassins, it only includes a single other role, being a mage. Don't forget to like, comment and subscribe.. or don't, if you don't feel like it... really. It's up to you. It's a sloth life after all. -- MORE SLOTH: TWITCH: http://www.twitch.tv/dukesloth TWITTER: https://twitter.com/DukeSlothTV -- Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com (Outro) Song: Suffer City - Suffer City Blues -- Congratulations, you made it to the end the description. You are now one of the ch...
【 Awesome Minecraft Animations HD 】Top 5 SADDEST Minecraft Animations 2016 ✦ Submit your dubs, comics..at here: https://goo.gl/WblLgc ► FOLLOW UTCV HERE: ▪ Youtube: https://goo.gl/WDs1EK ▪ Facebook: https://goo.gl/B59qRF ▪ Twitter : https://goo.gl/MeUIPk ►At Here UCTV spend so much time to do compilation videos with permissions as dub, draw, find good comics, find good dubbers and animators... According to the Fair Use Law of copyright and the Media/Entertainment Law. ✦ If UCTV forget , someone submitted ( Your Dubs, Comics. Animation...) and any copyright issues , Please leave a comment or contact UCTV on email. UCTV will fix it. ***CREDITS*** ► ORIGINAL CRRATOR : ZASADA ANIMATION : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5MUVKyCyETIY8A7lc40_VA 1. Outtro Song : Undertale - His Theme ...
Check out "Johnny Hockey's" very best plays from last season.
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You know who it is.
Niggas talkin all crazy, like I'm a talk back to em,
Naw I'm a let the gat tattoo em.
And I can't get it in, I'll jus black blue em
Like Ezel and P.Miller, screw em.
Bring your best rapper to me and I'll chew em
Mike Vick em, OJ em, Ray Carue em.
I'm part intelligent part schitzo
And my pain it should help shit grow.
Rap Klitzco, every punch is hard
You can't take that from me it come from God.
My trunk small and shit
My engine on my back
LIke South Jamaica, I'm fuckin mack.
Ya'll little niggas, go and pump a pack.
Green Gang bars, ain't no punkin that.
My coffee shop sell weed in it,
I damn near overdose every visit.
Out in Amsterdam where they smoke in the street
And sell pussy like bread minus the blood shed.
Lamb logo blood red
More rings than Chicago, nuff said.
My mommy had heart attacks back to back, Sorry
But I wasn't really thinkin bout rap.
And my pops jus passed I had to think about that
That can be enough to set a nigga of track. I'm back.
In fact, niggas know exactly what to do. And what not to do. Anythings possible. See I'm back, Everything else, really don't matter from here on out.
I pop bottles like a beat a case
My mind race at a cheetahs pace, with addidas lace.
They fell in love with my neck, I don't need a face
Nigga you ain't got shit if you don't need a safe.
These youngins get extorted every year
By old niggas with salt and pepper hair.
Shits rough I lower a coffin every year
Funeral arrangements and mortuary care.
Yea, I'm in a class with a few
Like a spec-ed kid, eatin glue.
I'm colder than a baby abandoned
The cannon will lay down everything standin.
Go head stunt end up like Brandon
You come to me better be God's plannin
Don't get your ears popped like your landin.
I'm flyin spurin, radar scramblin.
Puerto Rican but I speak dough fluent
Bachelor pad don't gotta sneak hoes to it.
I speed through the yellows and run the reds
They hear about if you bump heads, cause they'll be dumb lead.
If I ain't top 5 who is?
I'm lyrically loved in every town you live
Scarface cameras all around the crib.
Niggas slip on the grass get hit with the sig.
They sick though and my plane 1st class for the rain
Turbalance got me rockin champagne stains.
If I get 4 lanes, I'm a do my time
I get 200 or somethin, with a flow of mines.
Cuttin grass, cause nine niggas mowin mine
Look directly in the watch, you goin blind.
I'm flyest nigga doin it ask yo mom
My shit the bomb they used back in 'Nam.
Your soulmate wanna ride shotgun
And pretend like she don't got one.
You know what's next minagin on the yacht son
Ready to unload like a cop gun.
You get pregnant then it's to the chop shop
Cause I don't change diapers, I change drop tops.
Most wanted number with my black glock cocked
Real nigga unit boy til my clock stop tickin.
You know.