

Jeremy Waters and Danielle King in 4 Minutes, 12 Seconds.

Anxiety and class collide in story of online shaming

4 Minutes 12 Seconds demands to be talked about. it plays on some obvious fears, most of them not unreasonable given the recent headlines about the "young sluts" Instagram account created by boys of an exclusive school.



'Moths and Mathematics' in De Quincey Co's Metadata.

Exploring shadows and space

The interplay between movement, human physicality and complex projections are brought to the fore across the two works that make up Metadata.




Tim Ferguson (of Doug Anthony All Stars fame) has co written a film called <i>Spin Out</i> starring Xavier Samuel around ...

Tim Ferguson takes the wheel on Spin Out

Being confined to a wheelchair hasn't slowed Tim Ferguson down. He's back in a reunited Doug Anthony All Stars, he's directed his first movie and he just might have a new TV show too.