
Victorian Parliament bogged down in bickering as upper house forced to shut down

Victoria's Parliament is mired in political bickering, with the non-government parties forcing a shutdown of the upper house.

The parties have used their numbers to block all government business until a special joint sitting of Parliament is held to swear in new Nationals upper house MP Luke O'Sullivan.

Labor's deputy leader in the upper house, Jaala Pulford, accused the Coalition of throwing the "mother of all tantrums".
Labor's deputy leader in the upper house, Jaala Pulford, accused the Coalition of throwing the "mother of all tantrums". Photo: Amy Paton

The move is the latest in a string of tit-for-tat political manoeuvring in the upper house, which began with the six-month suspension of the government's leader in the Legislative Council, Gavin Jennings, over his refusal to produce confidential government documents.

The Coalition teamed with Greens MPs to have Mr Jennings turfed.

In retaliation Labor used its numbers in the lower house to block a special joint sitting of Parliament needed to swear in Mr O'Sullivan,  who was picked by his party to replace Damian Drum. Mr Drum quit State Parliament to successfully run for the federal seat of Murray in July.

On Thursday, the Coalition, Greens and crossbenchers used their numbers to defer all government bills until October –Labor has only 13 votes in the 40-member chamber.


Labor's deputy leader in the Legislative Council, Jaala Pulford, accused the Coalition of throwing the "mother of all tantrums".

"While the government wants to get on with passing laws that help women fleeing family violence and cracking down on carjacking thugs, the Greens-Liberal alliance are obsessed with childish political games," Ms Pulford said.

But Mr O'Sullivan accused Labor of denying the people of northern Victoria a representative in the upper house.

"It's worse than undemocratic, it's revenge politics," he said.