
Kids lose as divorcing parents 'slog it out' over public v private schools

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Feuds over whether children should go to private or public schools are increasingly being fought out in nasty divorce proceedings, lawyers say.

But as parents battle in the courts over school preferences, family law experts warn children are the ones who lose out. 

"The school has become the currency for the debate" in divorce proceedings.
"The school has become the currency for the debate" in divorce proceedings.  Photo: Louie Douvis

"The parents keep going on that cycle of trying to prove one school is better than the other," Slater and Gordon family law specialist Heather McKinnon said.

"But the irony is that every bit of research says kids from high-conflict family law break-up cases score poorly on all indicators, from education to psychology.

"You say to the parents: 'Look, you're fighting over this, but your kid is going to end up on a gurney in the mental health ward as a suicide victim', and they just look at you blankly."

In one case that went before the Federal Circuit Court in Melbourne last month a judge ruled in favour of a father who was "philosophically opposed" to sending his two children to elite private schools.


The court heard that although the father's preference was for government schooling, he was willing to "compromise" for private tuition on the condition that the wife paid all the fees – totalling $55,000 to $60,000 a year.

The parents, who each earn about $200,000 a year, accused the other of family violence and illicit drug or alcohol abuse. Despite this, they agreed to equal shared responsibility for their children, aged five and 10.

Judge Terence McGuire said in his ruling the parents were both concerned with "minute and particularised" financial matters and that money appeared to have "grounded and permeated every issue of dispute".

Melbourne lawyer Marguerite Picard said like most divorce cases that make it to a final court hearing, this was a relational dispute that played out as a fight over money.

"The school has become the currency for the debate," Ms Picard said. "This is not a rare case. We deal with many, many cases where people have arguments about private versus public schools."

Ms Picard is the director of Melca, a company providing legal, financial and relationship counselling to separating partners as an alternative to court action. She questions why disputes such as these are even being heard in court.

"My biggest gripe with this kind of case is that it is a private dispute run on the public purse," she said. "There were no issues of public interest."

Ms McKinnon agrees: "We only have about 3 per cent of parents who seek judicial determination but the cost to the public is massive," she said. "The public are stuck with the small percentage of very nasty cases. The parents will just be slogging it out and school is one of those issues in their dispute."

In the Melbourne case, the parents were each awarded a 50/50 split of their assets, which included a heavily-mortgaged $2 million house. The court ruled the wife was free to enrol the children at private schools next year provided she paid all the fees.

"[The father] says, and I accept, that such a concession is not a retreat from his principles but simply his accommodation of the wife's own values," Judge McGuire said. "The wife's argument is that the husband's supposed 'values' are purely financially driven."

In closing the case, Judge McGuire noted that the children, although young, were aware of the conflict in their family. He said the parents, while competent and loving, were clouded in their view of the children's needs because of an "obsession" with financial matters.

"If these two parents continue to dwell on money matters of arguable relevance and lose sight of their children's day-to-day needs then they may unfortunately find themselves again before this court, and it would be very much contrary to the interests of [the children] if they were to be used as a conduit for fiscal arguments between their parents," he said.