
Survival rate for early prostate cancer just as high if men skip treatment

Men with early prostate cancer who choose to closely monitor their disease are just as likely to survive at least 10 years as those who have surgery or radiation, a major British study has found.

Survival from prostate cancer is so high – 99 per cent for those with a localised form of the disease, regardless of which approach men take – that the results call into question not only what treatment is best but also whether any treatment is needed for early-stage cases.

A new study has questioned surgery for some men with prostate cancer.
A new study has questioned surgery for some men with prostate cancer. Photo: Glenn Hunt

That in turn adds to concern about screening with PSA blood tests, because screening is worthwhile only if finding cancer earlier saves lives.

"There's been no hard evidence that treating early disease makes a difference," said the study's leader, Dr Freddie Hamdy, of the University of Oxford.

"Because we cannot determine very well which is aggressive cancer and which is not, men and clinicians can both be anxious about whether the disease will progress," he said. "And that pushes them towards treatment."

Every year about 22,000 Australian men are diagnosed with prostate cancer and about 3,300 men die from it. However, in recent years, mounting research has concluded many men are being "over-diagnosed" with the disease, which is often so slow growing that it will not cause them harm. 


Given treatment can be harmful, leading to incontinence and impotence for some men, the Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand recently released new guidelines, telling doctors to discuss active surveillance with men - a strategy the society says is already being widely used.

Dr Ian Haines – an Australian oncologist who is concerned about over-diagnosis of prostate cancer – said the British study provided high-quality data to help men decide if they wanted to have a PSA test at all and, if it led to a cancer diagnosis, radical treatment. 

He said the research showed that death from prostate cancer at 10 years among the men in the study was very low, irrespective of their PSA score, their Gleason score (a measure of how aggressive their cancer is),  their age and the treatment they had. 

"Radical treatment does not reduce the risk of dying from prostate cancer over 10 years, but it reduces the risk of developing disease progression or metastases in the first 10 years after diagnosis," he said.  "Both of these results may change with longer follow up."

Dr Otis Brawley, chief medical officer for the American Cancer Society, welcomed the results of the British study, but said it would be a struggle to convince men diagnosed with early prostate cancer in the US to skip surgery or radiation.

He said he often suggested monitoring, but "it's a challenging process to explain to people that certain cancers just don't need to be treated".

"Our aggressive approach to screening and treating has resulted in more than 1 million American men getting needless treatment," said Dr Brawley, who had no role in the study.

The British research was published online on Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine. It was paid for by Britain's National Institute for Health Research.

With AAP