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Fri, 13/05/2016 - 14:22
Join international days of solidarity with Russian anarchist and antifascist prisoners 1st to 10th July, 2016

When mass civil protests in Russia were defeated in 2011-12 the Putinist police regime started open political repressions against militants of social and political movements, including anarchists and antifascists. Many activists have been sentenced to prison terms in the course of the last 5 years in Russia.   We call on comrades from the whole world to show solidarity with Russian anarchists and antifascists – prisoners of the Putinist police state, and distribute information about the international solidarity decade as widely as possible, maybe organise an event in your own town.

Sun, 15/11/2015 - 13:28
Support kitchen for animal rights prisoners

P { margin-bottom: 0.08in; } P { margin-bottom: 0.08in; } On Sunday 29th November Helsinki ABC & comrades organise support kitchen for animal rights prisoners from 4pm to 6pm in Kupoli.  

Tue, 29/09/2015 - 12:47
Prisoner support kitchen in Kupoli

Mannerheimintie 5 B 7. krs.  Food will be served from 4pm and from 4.30 we'll show a new documentary film about Strangeways's prison riot (1h), discussion afterwards. There's also a possibility to write support letters to prisoners. Welcome! Kupoli is unfortunately not very accesible. MENU Pea soup Oven pancake with jam Green salad Coffee, tea, bread etc. Kupoli Blog: Facebook: Organised by Helsinki ABC and A-ryhmä

Fri, 04/09/2015 - 15:40
Folk kitchen in Kupoli for A-prisoner support

Food will be served from 4pm. There will be info about the Kolchenko & Sentsov- + Tamara Sol-cases. Also a possibility to write letters to prisoners. Welcome! Kupoli is unfortunately not very accesible. MENU Lentil patties w/ mashed potatoes Green-cabbage salad Apple pie Coffee, tea, bread etc.

Tue, 21/07/2015 - 20:34
July 25 International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners!!

International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners Saturday, July 25, 2015 Antifascists fight against those who—in the government or in the streets—dream of imposing their fascist and other Far Right nationalist nightmares on the rest of us. Throughout the world, Islamophobic, anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant, and racist bigotries are on the rise. Antifas are on the frontline in confronting these reactionary politics, and we will not forget our comrades imprisoned in the course of this struggle. The July 25 International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners originated in 2014 as a Day of Solidarity with Jock Palfreeman, an Australian who is imprisoned in Bulgaria for defending two Romani men from an attack by fascist football hooligans. Groups around the world took...

Sun, 19/10/2014 - 12:06
Moscow Autonomous Action on the Ukrainian war

This text was written as an answer to our foreign friends' questions about situation in the Eastern Ukraine and Russian anarchists' attitude towards that. We hope it will be of use to everybody interested in these matters. The situation is complex and controversial and you should understand that the text below does not (and can't) reflect the opinion of all Russian anti-fascists and anti-capitalists. We discussed this within our group, but even here we have a couple of contradicting points of view.

Wed, 31/10/2012 - 22:09
Stop the Crackdown against Russian Anti-Fascists! (open letter)

The crackdown against anti-fascists in Russia has recently gained momentum. The country’s repressive law enforcement authorities view involvement in the anti-fascist movement as a crime in itself.

Mon, 15/10/2012 - 02:47
Black Petrograd 2012, 2nd-4th of November 2012

p { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; From 2nd to 4th of November, Black Petrograd festival will take place in St. Petersburg. This year a libertarian bookfair will take place first time during the festival.

Thu, 23/06/2011 - 23:15
Ecological Camp "Khimki-2011" 28th of July in 2011 Moscow Region

Ecological and human rights activists and social organisations are welcome to the camp. The camp program will include protests against the destruction of forests in the Moscow region, workshops and trainings.

Fri, 08/04/2011 - 15:58
On the situation in Libya and the class struggle

In the developments in Libya are clearly seen three trends. Firstly, there is a spontaneous uprising of the people dissatisfied with the dictatorship of Gaddafi and wants to fix it.

Fri, 01/04/2011 - 13:50
"I looked at this banner? Now you - an extremist! "

April 1, Irkutsk anarchists held a rally to support their comrades from other cities who are persecuted for their beliefs and action. The anarchists took to the picket with the slogan "I looked at this banner? Now you - an extremist!

Fri, 18/03/2011 - 04:56
Interviews with party "Autonomous Action" A. Kutuzov

Interviews with party "Autonomous Action" A. Kutuzov "Man of the Week"

Thu, 17/03/2011 - 02:00
Anarchy. Direct Action.

First of all, let me change the order of the story and start with our own, anarchic view of the situation: "Anarchy. Direct action " . Why? Because although instead of conversation, and you can use the stick, the words always retain their power. Words give the meaning of the surrounding reality for those who are willing to listen. They declare us the truth. And the truth is this: our country is going something wrong, is not it? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and depression, the prohibition of the right to protest a ban on thinking about the protest.Instead, we have - a system of external supervision and corporate media.

Mon, 28/02/2011 - 21:32
Documentary "The End of Civilization" (Franklin Lopez) 2011

If your native land captured by aliens, who have destroyed forests and poisoned food stocks, would you resist? If beings from outer space have made the water so toxic that you would not even think about might be to drink it, you would have tried to stop them? If the monster sprayed toxic chemicals that would cause cancer in people you love, you have fought with them?

Wed, 16/02/2011 - 20:26
Anarchism with a human face

Video interview with anarchist at "He goes into the past odious image of gangster-anarchist who created the Soviet literature and cinema.

Sat, 05/02/2011 - 04:25
The lesson of literature. Action to support civic activists persecuted by "extremist" articles in Irkutsk.

At night, February 5, Irkutsk anarchists posters adorned the walls of the city known "extremists" from which to watch passers-by "father of Russian literature - Pushkin, Gorky, Tolstoy, Mayakovsky - and in a very unambiguous terms to express their tho

Sun, 16/01/2011 - 22:03
Graffiti campaign in the Crimea memory Stas Markelov and Anastasia Baburova

"And we are well aware that besides ourselves, we have no one else ever did not give this protection. Neither God nor king, nor the law. Nobody. Only we do. And then when we put each other's shoulder, when we able to protect each other - only then will we break through. I hope that it will be.

Sun, 02/01/2011 - 23:16
January 19, St. Petersburg, an invitation to participate

January 19, 2009 were killed by anti-fascists - a lawyer Stanislav Markelov and journalist Anastasia Baburova. They were killed in the heart of Moscow in broad daylight, shot in the head. Two years have passed. Their alleged killers were found and are awaiting trial. But during this time the situation with the Nazi terror has only worsened.

Mon, 04/10/2010 - 17:33
Selected demotivators

Link to archive:

Fri, 17/09/2010 - 10:34
Released a special issue of the newspaper "The situation" № 28. Interest rates - the freedom Lesha and Max!

Special Issue represents a leaflet A3. Number by the campaign for the release of hostages Khimki - members of autonomous operation Alexei Gaskarova and antifascist Maxim Solopova. Download, print and distribute "situation" itself. The original-model attached to this news.

Thu, 16/09/2010 - 20:48
Videopriglashenie a rally on September 19 in Moscow

September 19, 2010 at 16 o'clock in Moscow at the monument Griboyedov (m. Prudy) held a rally in support of activists and Alexey Maxim Solopova Gaskarova suspected of organizing attacks on the administration of the city of Khimki. Come and participate! Support our friends!

Sun, 12/09/2010 - 12:16
The fight for our lives. Crimethinc. Russian version

"People with very little knowledge of history is often said about anarchy, it will never work, and do not realize not only that, she worked for nearly the whole of human history, but also that it works right now. Let us for a while leave aside the Paris Commune, the republican Spain, Woodstock, software, open source, and all other limited examples of revolutionary anarchism.

Tue, 07/09/2010 - 23:34
Video from the Greek anarchists

We publish video for the song Je ne sais pa! (My Heaven is not your haven) Greek anarhogruppy No Sin. Can be used to raise awareness, or simply enjoy.

Wed, 11/08/2010 - 13:52
Stencils "Freedom Gaskarova and Solopovu"

In this post you can download stencils layouts demanding the release of anti-fascists Gaskarova Alexey and Maxim Solopova. Each model weighs approximately 700 kb and can be used as a basis for making stencils suitable size for printing images.

Wed, 11/08/2010 - 13:22
Russia - in defence of Khimki forest and arrested antifascists - solidarity needed

At this moment, Russia's antifascist, anarchist and environmentalist movements are in great need of international solidarity. As Moscow is choking from wildfires, the forests around the city are being chopped down. An oak forest near Khimki, a town just north of Russia's capital, is a deliberate target of those who wish to make money on a new toll motorway between Moscow and St.Petersburg. The planned motorway makes a detour through the previously protected forest. Motorist groups say this will actually slow the traffic down, yet increase profits for local authorities which will benefit from turning the wooded area over to elite housing and shopping centres.

Sun, 11/07/2010 - 08:27
Let's start to change the world

Participants of the "autonomous operation - Tyumen" change the world around him, without asking permission from the authorities. July 10, we repaired the bridge over the highway in front of building thermal 2a through the streets of East passage.

Sat, 10/07/2010 - 11:51
New brochure M. Insarova "Marxism and the revolutionary struggle of the proletariat"

Union of Revolutionary Socialists issued a pamphlet of the famous Russian theorist left Marlena Insarova "Marxism and the revolutionary struggle of the proletariat", where his works are collected in different years. Download and order a brochure, please click here

Thu, 08/07/2010 - 10:16
The third number of theoretical publications of the Union of Revolutionary Socialists 'maximalist'

Of Cracow ate in the light of the new number of theoretical publications of the Union of Revolutionary Socialists "maximalist" of this issue: "Overcoming anarchism." In this issue: An urgency to whether anarcho-syndicalism in the XXI century?

Sat, 03/07/2010 - 13:14
Released eighth newsletter of the "sailor's cap"

Was published in August newsletter of the "sailor's cap" (2 pages, A4), published by the Crimean group of autonomous operation. Another "hot topic" is devoted to the situation in Sevastopol related The "Crimean unrest" is about Download the June issue of "caps" could be right here. Below is a file in pdf-format.

Sat, 03/07/2010 - 13:06
The first issue of the newsletter of the Crimean anarchists "sailor's cap"

The first issue of the newsletter "sailor's cap", published by the Crimean group of "Autonomous Action" (2 pages, A4). The publication is conceived as a monthly, covers the most pressing social problems of the region. Amenities envisioned two main headings: a hot topic and Crimean unrest.

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