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Людей, вставших на пути у фашистских банд, привела к тем позициям, на которых они сейчас стоят, конечно, критическая мысль человеческая. Они (антифа, антифашисты) сначала размышляли, обсуждали, гадали, судили-рядили. А потом просто перешли к делу. И это не то же самое дело, которым заняты неонаци. Антифа не стремятся убивать. Они бьют, они воспитывают действием.
Анархисты не считают, что люди должны отдать контроль над своими жизнями вождям. Нам не нужны работодатели. Мы хотим жить в свободном мире, а не быть заключёнными в мире, разрезанном на государства, расы и рынки. Выбить фашизм — это жизненно важная часть этой борьбы за свободу.
Значительное число настроенных бунтарски и антиавторитарно молодых людей привлекает боевой антифашизм. Суть этого спонтанного антифашизма, разумеется не заключается в изощрённой критике фашистских теорий или в подробном понимании фактической истории фашистского движения. Это скорее инстинктивное отвержение традиционных фашистских представлений о том, кто является высшим и кто — низшим; что представляет собой добропорядочную жизнь и что — развращённую.
Фашисты хотят создать общество и культуру только для тех, кого они считают высшими людьми. Мы — нет. Они хотят дисциплины и порядка. Мы желаем автономии и творчества. Их цель — идеализированное, преимущественно мифическое прошлое, мы хотим совершенно другого будущего. Они строятся за всемогущими вождями; мы хотим критичных и сознательных рядовых участников движения.
Sun, 16/01/2011 - 22:03
Graffiti campaign in the Crimea memory Stas Markelov and Anastasia Baburova

"And we are well aware that besides ourselves, we have no one else ever did not give this protection. Neither God nor king, nor the law. Nobody. Only we do. And then when we put each other's shoulder, when we able to protect each other - only then will we break through. I hope that it will be.

Wed, 12/01/2011 - 23:30
Court against killers Stas Markelov and Nastia Baburova will be open and will be a jury

Court for the murder of Anastasia Baburova and Markelov will be open and held with a jury. For it were and the prosecution and the defense (it is forbidden only photo and video). Jury selection is scheduled for January 27. On the same day can begin and the consideration of the merits. A preliminary meeting was closed according to law.

Sat, 08/01/2011 - 21:33
Creating stereotypes - in his controversy with

I know very little about the anti-fascist movement, except, of course, the facts that there is no movement of one of the official leader, that there are comprised of people of different political and philosophical views that the movement uses different methods of dealing with "fascism", including through direct clashes with the "fascists".

Tue, 04/01/2011 - 20:07
Emory Douglas will participate in the exhibition "Art Against Nazism" in the Moscow subway

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Sun, 02/01/2011 - 23:16
January 19, St. Petersburg, an invitation to participate

January 19, 2009 were killed by anti-fascists - a lawyer Stanislav Markelov and journalist Anastasia Baburova. They were killed in the heart of Moscow in broad daylight, shot in the head. Two years have passed. Their alleged killers were found and are awaiting trial. But during this time the situation with the Nazi terror has only worsened.

Mon, 27/12/2010 - 18:51
Center for E ripped the anti-fascist concert in Kazan

Today is December 26 in Kazan was planned anti-fascist concert, which had planned his speech more than 9 bands of Tatarstan. The event was not intended as a political, its aim was to present the new album "Years in vain is not lost." As well as pre-Christmas show.

Mon, 13/12/2010 - 03:08
Statement by the Moscow "Red" and anarchist skinheads (RASH) about the events on Dec. 11, 2010.

Events on December 11 at the Manege Square showed how traffic rules of football fans in Moscow rotten and "Cormorant". We are not surprised that the cynicism with which a crowd of 3000 suburban young "hooligans", the old Liquor "gitlerofilov, and fashionable children's" AIR max "" zigovala "near the Kremlin, Zhukov monument and eternal flame.

Sun, 12/12/2010 - 10:00
Direct Help: Chita antifascists in need of solidarity

On September, 12th, 2010 in Chita (Zabaikalskiy kray, Eastern Siberia) fight of local nazis with unknown persons has occurred, during fight nazis have received damages. In the beginning of November agents of the Extremism department have spent searches in houses of FC Chita's fans, explaining it that nazis have written the application. Computers, football banners have been confiscated. But there is no application from nazies! This application, as well as statements of nazies, haven't been shown neither lawyers, nor suspects.

Sat, 11/12/2010 - 20:34
Collective session Steam

Today in Moscow Manege Square several thousand people gathered to express a protest. The rally was dedicated to the memory of Egor Sviridov, fans Spartak Moscow, who was murdered on December 6 in a scuffle with Caucasians.

Mon, 22/11/2010 - 01:58
In Moscow there was action in memory of Ivan Khutorskoi

On the night of 20 to 21 November in the metro area Tsaritsyno group of anarchists and anti-fascists had been painted 11 meter graffiti "Ivan." Anarchist and antifascist, who was killed by the system. 17.02.1983 - 16.11.2009. Also on 21 November, on the Garden Ring Road were stuck stands.

Sat, 20/11/2010 - 10:42
In memory of anti-fascists. Kazan - a procession.

Yesterday, November 19, 2010 in Kazan, anarchists and anti-fascists held a memorial evening of all fallen comrades anti-fascist, the first of which was Timur. Photos in a mourning ribbons, among whom were Stas Markelov and Nastia Baburova. Despite the chilly autumn weather were about 30 people.

Wed, 17/11/2010 - 00:05
They ohu.elki ... or freedom of the hostages Khimki

Within days of united action against the prosecution of Maxim Solopova and Alexei Gaskarov in Ufa was a protest picket. He was held in pouring rain and dank autumn wind. Law enforcement, ignoring its responsibility to "protect" the public event disappeared in government vehicles. More to read on the site of blood pressure Ufa

Thu, 11/11/2010 - 22:11
Jock Palfreeman's murder case adjourned in Bulgaria

SMALL but significant steps have been made towards possible freedom for a young Australian man sentenced to 20 years in a Bulgarian jail. Paul "Jock" Palfreeman, who grew up in Mosman, was last year found guilty of murdering Bulgarian law student Andrei Monov, 20, and severely wounding Anton Zahariev, 19, during a drunken brawl on December 28, 2007 in the Bulgarian capital of Sofia.

Sat, 06/11/2010 - 08:38
November 4, in Kazan - Day of unity against Nazism and xenophobia

In Kazan, the day was truly the day of unity. The top ten cities of our country passed the "Russian March" in which under the guise of patriotism involved a huge number of Nazi organizations and movements. Their slogan "Russia for the Russian" calls to expel all "non-Russian" from Russia and clearly infringes on the rights of most other nationalities in our country.

Sat, 06/11/2010 - 05:47
Nizhny Novgorod without Nazism!

On November 4, Nizhny Novgorod, pl. Freedom of young people gathered to protest against the dominance of right-wing and neo-Nazis in the streets of our city. Despite the bad weather event brought together dozens of anti-fascists, anarchists, and just concerned citizens.

Wed, 03/11/2010 - 02:11
Congratulations on the Russian nation in STDs

Fascists, Nazis, patriots, Eurasians, the neoconservatives and the supporters of civil servants! Art-Group "Affinity" group "attic and friends" and anarchists Petersburg congratulate you all on the Day of the Russian nation! For the professional holiday which is celebrated on November 4, we prepared the perfect gift. In the most lively place of St.

Sat, 30/10/2010 - 00:49
Global action day 2.0

November 12–15, 2010: New International Days of Action We Demand that the Russian Authorities Close the Khimki Case and Drop All Charges against Alexei Gaskarov and Maxim Solopov In late October 2010, Russian social activists Alexei Gaskarov and Maxim Solopov were released from police custody on their own recognizance by the Khimki Municipal Court. They had been arrested a day after a protest in defense of the Khimki Forest on July 28, 2010. Now they are free pending trial, but the criminal case against them has not been closed. They have been formally charged with disorderly conduct, and if convicted, they could be sentenced to up to seven years in prison.

Fri, 29/10/2010 - 00:42
Nazi organizations in Bulgaria

In the following post you will read an articale about situation with nazism in Bulgaria, which was written by collective "Anarcho-resistance" from Sofia. Looking back, now in one of bulgarian prisons there is an australian antifascist Jock Palfreeman, who was charged with 20 years prison for self-defence. The hearing on his case was delayed from 21 of October to 11 of November. On this week we recieved a letter form Jock, he wrote, that it's important to to keep pressure on Bulgarian authorities in 3 months after the trial (21th of October), because decision will be posted 2-3 months after. We call everyone to support Jock Palfreeman. Write to him and send protest letter to bulgarian authorities.

Tue, 26/10/2010 - 16:57
Solidarity action in support of Jock Palfreeman in Ufa

On 24th of October early in the morning in Ufa (republic Bashkortostan, Russia) over the bridge through the prospectus of Salavat Julaev antifa activists hung the banner: "Freedom to Jock Palfreeman! Ufa against fascism".

Sun, 24/10/2010 - 15:24
Hearing Jock Polfrimana rescheduled for November 11

Sofia Court of Appeal refused to consider evidence of protection in the case of D zhoka Polfrimana , and rejected the request for viewing the CCTV cameras, but agreed to hold another hearing with examination of witnesses, to be held on November 11, 2010.

Sat, 23/10/2010 - 00:36
Alexei Gaskarov Released from Police Custody by the Khimki Municipal Court

On October 22, Alexei Gaskarov was released from police custody in a Khimki municipal courtroom. Judge Svetlana Galanova made the decision to release Gaskarov on his own recognizance, ignoring an appeal from the prosecution to leave him in police custody. Alexei reacted by saying that he had not expected this decision because he has no faith in the Russian justice system.

Sat, 23/10/2010 - 00:17
"Khimki hostage" gave interview to "Rain"

In the evening air of "Rain" from 18.17 to 18.33 was a story about the release of Alexey and Maxim, they themselves were in the air (TV channel "Rain"). Recall Gaskarov Alex, one of the two "Khimki hostages, was today (22 October 2010.) released in the courtroom on his own recognizance.

Wed, 20/10/2010 - 22:20
All people are equal, there is no the one, who is "more equal", than others! - Picket in support of Jock Palfreeman in Moscow

Today, on 20th of October near the Embassy of Bulgaria in Moscow was organized a picket in support of Jock Palfreeman. In the picket anarchists, antifascists, leftists and members of Autonomous-Action Moscow took part. Members of picket showed their solidarity with 23 year-old Australian by unwrapping the banner: "There is no borders between people, between cultures and races!" and poster: "Drop absurd charge against Jock Palfreeman!" and shouting: "Freedom to Jock Palfreeman!", "No to judicial despotism!", "Self-defense isn’t a crime!", "There is no borders between people, between cultures and races!", "No nazism!", "No to fascism of all hues: from gateways to authorities!", "Fascism will fail!", "All people are equal, there is no the one, who is "more equal", than others!", "Until we are united, we are invincible", "Solidarity is our weapon!"

Mon, 18/10/2010 - 00:40
12 to 15 of November 2010: The new Days of Action for the final and unconditional liberation of the Khimki hostages: Aleksei Gaskarov and Maxim Solopov

On the 27th and 28th of September new court sessions were held where the question of freeing Aleksei Gaskarov and Maxim Solopov, arrested on the 28th of July 2010, was dealt with. Shutting their eyes to the lack of evidence, turning their backs on public and international support for the detainees, described as “pressure on the court” by the prosecution, the Khimki judges prolonged the detention of the two social activists for two more months.

Mon, 18/10/2010 - 00:29
Moscow region court has canceled to decision to prolong the detention of Aleksei Gaskarov and Maxim Solopov

On the 15th of October the Moscow region court canceled the decision to prolong the detention of Aleksei Gaskarov and sent the case to the Khimki city court to be re-examined by the 27th of October. Aleksei will remain in prison during this delay.

Sun, 17/10/2010 - 22:25
Anti-fascists in the Moscow region organized a march against the arrest of Maxim Solopova

Tomorrow, Monday 18 October at 11 am, Khimki Town Court povtorono considering the petition of the investigator on the content of Maxim Solopova custody. We remind you that on October 8 a panel of judges of the Moscow Regional Court had quashed the Khimki City Court on the content of Maxim Solopova custody, that is, at this moment Maxim Solopov in custody unlawfully.

Tue, 12/10/2010 - 22:57
Izhevsk: graffiti - anti-fascist rally in memory of Fedor Filatov

If others do not remember it, DOES NOT SIMPLY THE ENEMY! October 11 Izhevsk autonomy had graffiti campaign in memory of Theodore "Fedyaya" Filatov - an anti-fascist, who was killed two years ago in Moscow, the Nazi bastards. Activists imprinted on one wall of the name of our friend and comrade, an anti-fascist, who was never afraid to speak out against neo-Nazism and other forms of discrimination. Fedja never afraid to speak out against neo-Nazism, and various forms of discrimination.He was killed near her house, four-wing, armed with knives. He was only 27 years old. Theodore was one of those people who stood at the base of Moscow Trojan Skinheads («MTS»), community anti-fascist skinheads from Moscow and Moscow region. We have no doubt that he died for his beliefs....

Mon, 11/10/2010 - 23:37
October 14-20. Days of common solidarity actions near Belarusian Embassies

Since the beginning of September 2010 the social activists in Belarus face with unprecedented pressure. After the attempt of the arson at the Russian Embassy on the night of August 31, 2010 and the start of the presidential campaign, around hundred of social activists from different cities (Grodno, Brest, Gomiel, Minsk and Soligorsk) have passed through ‘talks’, interrogations at the KGB, house-raids and arrests, some of them are still detained. T

Mon, 11/10/2010 - 11:25
Write letters of support to Khimki hostages!

Goal of repressions is to isolate its targets from the remaining movement.  Thus it is very important to support contact with arrested comrades - even if you did not knew them personally, letters may raise spirits in difficult times of  imprisonement.  

Mon, 11/10/2010 - 01:10
International Day of Action for Jock Palfreeman on 19th of October

    Jock Palfreeman is a 23 year old Australian who had the courage to stand up against 16 Nazis on a night out in Sofia, Bulgaria. He witnessed the fascists chasing and attacking two young Roma boys. Jock ran to the boys' aid, he did his best to keep the Nazis at bay by waving a knife at them but they attacked him. Jock was left with nowhere to run and had no choice but to defend himself. Andrey Monov, one of the Nazis, was stabbed and killed and another, Antoan Zahariev was injured. The Roma boys ran away.     Jock has since been tried and sentenced for murder and attempted murder. He has been sentenced to 20 years imprisonment and has been fined 375,000 Australian dollars.

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