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Людей, вставших на пути у фашистских банд, привела к тем позициям, на которых они сейчас стоят, конечно, критическая мысль человеческая. Они (антифа, антифашисты) сначала размышляли, обсуждали, гадали, судили-рядили. А потом просто перешли к делу. И это не то же самое дело, которым заняты неонаци. Антифа не стремятся убивать. Они бьют, они воспитывают действием.
Анархисты не считают, что люди должны отдать контроль над своими жизнями вождям. Нам не нужны работодатели. Мы хотим жить в свободном мире, а не быть заключёнными в мире, разрезанном на государства, расы и рынки. Выбить фашизм — это жизненно важная часть этой борьбы за свободу.
Значительное число настроенных бунтарски и антиавторитарно молодых людей привлекает боевой антифашизм. Суть этого спонтанного антифашизма, разумеется не заключается в изощрённой критике фашистских теорий или в подробном понимании фактической истории фашистского движения. Это скорее инстинктивное отвержение традиционных фашистских представлений о том, кто является высшим и кто — низшим; что представляет собой добропорядочную жизнь и что — развращённую.
Фашисты хотят создать общество и культуру только для тех, кого они считают высшими людьми. Мы — нет. Они хотят дисциплины и порядка. Мы желаем автономии и творчества. Их цель — идеализированное, преимущественно мифическое прошлое, мы хотим совершенно другого будущего. Они строятся за всемогущими вождями; мы хотим критичных и сознательных рядовых участников движения.
Mon, 11/04/2011 - 00:52
In Volgograd, a picket was held in defense of Dennis Solopova

April 9 at the center of Volgograd hosted a single picket in front of the Volgograd Regional Court in support of "Khimki hostage" by Dennis Solopova, who is in custody in the Kiev prison.

Sat, 09/04/2011 - 22:24
Detainees in the case of serial murders in Irkutsk were neo-Nazis

Evening of April 5 were detained two suspects in a series of murders and attacks on residents of the city of Irkutsk (near Akademgorodok): Artem Anoufriev born October 4, 1992, medical student University and Nikita Lytkin, born March 24, 1993 The point is cluttered political de

Sat, 09/04/2011 - 09:41
The preliminary summary of the week, shares of common action in defense of Khimki hostages 9.2 April 2011

Hero Strugatskikh not want to at least someone passed universal  happiness. But we at least understand the general misfortune. And there we are, how can support the comrades, not only throughout Russia but even in some countries quite distant from us. The second through April 9 in the world is united Week action in support of Khimki hostages, a list which has recently Denis joins Solopov, who was arrested by the Ukrainian authorities, contrary to international law. Now ukranskie power to decide whether it extradition to Russia. Opened the week Moscow, which is not very good, becauseregions were not very active in this matter. April 4, the Moscow anti-fascists picketed the Ukrainian Embassy. The initiators of action in defense Russian anti-fascist Dennis Solopova, third <Khimki hostage>> Now of the Kiev prison, were members anti-racism initiatives <Direct Support>>. The picket was supported by Campaign in defense of Khimki hostages.

Fri, 08/04/2011 - 07:56
Report from court hearings of “Khimki hostages”

On March 14 and 23, 2010 two court hearings in the case of antifascists Alexei Gaskarov and Maxim Solopov who were accused of organizing attack on the Khimki City Administration, took place at the Khimki City Court. Accusation against Alexei and Maxim is absurd and based on false evidence of three alleged eyewitnesses identifying them as persons participated in the riots.  

Thu, 07/04/2011 - 22:50
April 9 in Moscow will host a rally in support of the hostages and Khimki Khimki Forest

On Saturday, April 9, near the monument Griboyedov (out of m "Pure ponds", "Turgenev", "Sretensky Boulevard") will rally in support of defendants' case Khimki Alexei Gaskarova, Maxim Solopova and suspect Dennis Solopova, now time being in Kiev prison.

Thu, 07/04/2011 - 07:59
Russian anti-fascist sentenced to two years in prison

Anti-fascist Rinat Sultanov was sentenced to two years in prison yesterday in St. Petersburg, for causing “grievous bodily ham to a Nazi during a fight, which took place 4th of November (“Day of national unification”, main convergence day of Russian Nazis) three years ago. Rinat Sultanov was born and spent his childhood in city of Labytnangi of the far-northern Siberia, where he finished his school.

Sun, 03/04/2011 - 22:41
Belarus: In criminal cases, arrest Belarusian anarchists are preparing to transfer to the court

In the month of April is likely trial of detainees held by anarchists passing on criminal cases related to the arson and attacks on goss.uchrezhdeniya and capitalist property. Comrades in custody, as well as those who still remain under the close supervision of the special services needed moral support and, of course, will.

Fri, 01/04/2011 - 17:47
Moscow authorities have agreed on actions to protect Khimkinskaya hostages "

April 1, the organizers of shares in favor of "Khimki hostages" were in the prefecture of the Central District of Moscow, a document on the harmonization of picketing the embassy of Ukraine (Leontief per., 18, Passage: Metro: Pushkinskaya, Tverskaya, "Chekhov", "Okhotny number ") on April 4 at 16 hours and 9 April at 17 o'clock.

Tue, 15/03/2011 - 10:37
Help Israeli anarchists

March 2, 2011 police and Shabak security forces detained members of the Israel section RKAS and sympathizers, only nine people. The official reason for detention was charged with "provoking riots." On the same day in the city of Jaffa march passed the ultra-right "Our country is Israel," fascist ideology "Kahanizma.

Fri, 11/03/2011 - 19:53
Appointed as the first trial of "Khimki hostages"

March 14 at 10.00 in the Municipal Court Khimki (Moscow region., Khimki, Leningrad highway, 19) held a preliminary hearing in the case of Khimki hostages. " The meeting was held behind closed doors and it will be approved by order of the hearing and filed petitions on procedural matters. Referee - Zepalova Neonila Nikolaevna.

Sun, 06/03/2011 - 11:06
The Authorities Have Taken Another Hostage in the Khimki Case

Denis Solopov, who took part in the action outside the Khimki town hall on July 28, 2010, to protest the lawlessness of local authorities and the clear-cutting of the Khimki Forest, has been detained in Kyiv by local police. The arrest took place on March 2, 2011, at the Kyiv Migration Service. Ukrainian authorities had just rejected Denis’s asylum application, a decision that Denis was planning to appeal in court. As stated on its web site, No Borders, a project of the human rights organization Social Action Center, suspects that migration service staff informed the police when Denis would be coming to their office, although they do not admit to this.

Tue, 01/03/2011 - 16:09
Punk fight

Movie about the punk movement. This roll, we tried to make the fullest and briefly talk about punk: the appearance of the premises, activities and ideals. It is time to realize that punk - it's not a protest against the parents or just music! Punk - it's much broader and ideologichnoe countercultural movement to change the world for the better!

Sat, 12/02/2011 - 11:33
Need Help with the anarchists of Kamensk-Ural

October 7, 2010 in the town of Kamensk-Ural (Sverdlovsk region) was attacked three neo-Nazis for three anarchists. Among the anarchists, there was a girl, managed to escape the attackers. Neo-Nazis sprayed gas cartridges into the eyes of one of the anarchists, and began to beat him hands and feet.

Fri, 11/02/2011 - 18:49
Picket in support of Jock Palfreeman in Moscow

Today on the 11th of February from 4 till 5 p.m. near the embassy of Bulgaria in Moscow there was a picket in support of antifascist Jock Palfreeman. In the action anarchists, including members of Autonomous Action, Confederation of revolutionary anarcho-syndicalists and International Workers Association took part. Members of the picket unwrapped the banner: «Life is an argument - against Nazism!» and two posters, one of them with the title: «FREEdom for Jock PalFREEman!» and another one with quote from the song «Our 14 words» of hardcore group What We feel: «Love and respect, tolerance, equality and brotherhood despite the skin color and wealth’s level!»

Wed, 09/02/2011 - 01:03
Video message of Ramadan Utarbieva

Publish a video message of Ramadan Utarbieva declared the federal wanted list in connection with the murder of Yegor Sviridov December 6, 2010. Sure that all who are deeply touched personally by this tragedy (the murder for us as anarchists - is always a tragedy), will be interested to read an alternative point of view, as always, ignored by corporate media.

Tue, 08/02/2011 - 23:34
Russian Anti-fascist prisoner Rinat Sultanov needs your support!

Rinat Sultanov was arrested in Saint-Petersburg of Russia 3rd of November, in eve of yet another “Day of People’s Unity”, most favourite Russian state holiday of the fascists, after a siege of appartment of anti-fascists which lasted several hours.

Tue, 08/02/2011 - 18:33
Help Yaroslavl activists

Yaroslavl two activists anti-fascist movement urgently needs your help! Xenia Choi charged under Article 214, Part 2 of the Criminal Code. Activists caught at 2 am, when they were stencils, gloves and masks. The department held for 6 hours, after which came from employees of the department of "E" and began to exert pressure, trying to knock out the testimony.

Thu, 03/02/2011 - 15:51
But Medvedev - fascist?

Before the arrival of Medvedev in Ufa began stripping the opposition. For the second day all the forces already two divisions Ufa police sent in search of ... a dangerous criminal will think you are, but no police looking for anti-fascist Alakaeva Arthur. So for a crime committed anti-fascist, once attracted attention as an active law enforcement officers?

Sat, 22/01/2011 - 12:02
Kazan hosted the Memorial Day Markelov and Baburova

On this day in Kazan have been a number of activities. Another night of 19 numbers in passing on the street Kalinina Rally street artists, who have placed portraits and information on one wall. Candles were lit, took a moment of silence. Later in the evening about 10 groups of anarchists and anti-fascists were sticking stickers and handing out leaflets in different parts of the city.

Thu, 20/01/2011 - 23:24
Shares of memory Markelov and Anastasia Baburova held in Nizhny Novgorod

January 19, Nizhny Novgorod, anarchists and anti-fascists held a number of actions in memory of the attorney Markelov and journalist and anarchist Anastasia Baburova killed by neo-Nazis. At Oka Congress in rush hour on the roadway was hung a large banner with the names of the dead and the words "To remember and fight!".

Thu, 20/01/2011 - 14:40
30-day wait for Jock Palfreeman appeal verdict

A verdict in the appeal case against Jock Palfreeman’s 20-year jail sentence is due to be handed down in the next 30 days. A final hearing in the appeal trial was held in a Bulgarian court last night, 19th of January.

Thu, 20/01/2011 - 11:59
Action in memory of those killed

Action in memory of those killed on Jan. 19, 2009 counsel Markelov and Anastasia Baburova held in Yekaterinburg. Despite the bitter cold, about 30 people gathered for a rally organized by "Ekaterinburg movement against violence" with the support of the Inter-regional Centre for Human Rights.

Thu, 20/01/2011 - 08:39
The action of anti-fascists at Trinity Square.

January 19, 2011 marks exactly two years since the assassination of anti-fascists Markelov and Anastasia Baburova. Shares of memory and the protest took place on this day in many cities around the world. We remember the people who are victims of the Nazis, remember and continue to fight. Antifa Petersburg held on that day a few shares.

Thu, 20/01/2011 - 08:33
Do not forget, not forgive! The procession of anti-fascists in the center of St. Petersburg.

December 19 - Day of Remembrance and Sorrow, but it and the day of determination and struggle. On this day in Petersburg, Vasilevsky Island, held an unauthorized demonstration. In the procession which blocked the roadway Middle Avenue attended by more than a hundred people.

Thu, 20/01/2011 - 07:26
Action in memory of a lawyer Markelov and Anastasia Baburova in Moscow

Anti-fascist march in Moscow against the Nazi terror and the memory of those killed two years ago Markelov and Anastasia Baburova gathered the evening of January 19, 2011 over 1000 people.

Wed, 19/01/2011 - 22:12
In Tyumen, in memory of Anastasia and Stas laid flowers at the monument to the fighters of the Revolution

In Tyumen, January 19 Rally memory of those killed by the Nazis anti-fascists - a lawyer Markelov and Anastasia Baburova. About twenty people gathered at six o'clock in the evening at a monument to the fighters of the revolution: the Tyumen anti-fascists, anarchists, journalists and simply indifferent. On the pedestal of the monument to put photos of Nastya and Stas.

Wed, 19/01/2011 - 19:24
They died for your freedom.

In Ufa Rallies memory Markelov and Anastasia Baburova. January 19 around 6:00 pm activist Autonomous Action Ufa spent solitary vigil at the stop "Printing House" with a placard on which were inscriptions Stanislav Markelov, Anastasia Baburova killed by the Nazis January 19, 2009. They died for your freedom.

Tue, 18/01/2011 - 22:13
Presentation of the book on Markelov in Irkutsk

Today, 18 January, in the Irkutsk Regional Library. Molchanov-Siberian An open book presentation on Markelov "Nobody except me." According to one of the organizers, "the date for the presentation was not chosen by chance.

Mon, 17/01/2011 - 16:48
Perm: "Unite Against Fascism", the rally on January 19

January 19 Perm join the All-Russian rally in memory of slain anti-fascist "Unite Against Fascism." Action will take place at 18:00 in the park Opera and Ballet Theatre. Participants will carry with them and light candles - in memory of those who today are no longer able to fight with them - for justice, for equality and against intolerance.

Mon, 17/01/2011 - 14:01
Mourn and remember: in Chelyabinsk was meeting in memory of those killed anti-fascists

January 16, the eve of a two-year anniversary of the death of a lawyer Markelov and Anastasia Baburova, in Chelyabinsk rally memory. The action took place at the Al field (near the monument Orlenko) from 14 to 15 hours.

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