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Speaking OUT! wins Rainbow award for BEST Bisexual, Transgender & LGBT Debut

Speaking OUT!
is also first runner up for the Rainbow award for Best LGBT Book and second runner up for Best LGBT Non Fiction, Poetry, Visual Arts / Photography.

“These are portraits of a revolution. Photographer Rachelle Lee Smith gives lesbian and gay youth an outlet to speak for themselves. Simple, yet powerful photos of queer youth speak reams.”—Advocate

“It's often said that our youth are our future. In the LGBT community, before they become the future we must help them survive today. This book showcases the diversity of creative imagination it takes to get us to tomorrow.”—Mark Segal, award-winning LGBT journalist

“Rachelle Lee Smith has created a book that is not only visually stunning but also gripping with powerful words and even more inspiring young people! This is an important work of art! I highly recommend buying it and sharing it!"
—Perez Hilton, blogger and television personality

Buy Speaking OUT: Queer Youth in Focus e-Book

George Katsiaficas wins the 2016 Kim Dae Jung Scholar's Prize for Contributions to Peace, Democracy and Human Rights...


This is an excerpt from George Katsiaficas's (author of Asia's Unknown Uprisings Volume 1 & 2) acceptance Speech for the 2016 Kim Dae Jung Scholar’s Prize for Democracy, Peace, and Human Rights, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, South Korea, June 8, 2016.

"...While the mass media broadcast a version of history that emphasizes the need for central authorities and social conformity, beneath the radar, people’s understanding and self-guided actions constitute a powerful undercurrent. As we become increasingly aware of our own power and strategic capacities, our future impact can become more focused and synchronized. One tendency we can project into the future is the continual activation of a global eros effect of synchronous actions unifying people across the world..."

Read the rest of the speech here
Buy Asia's Unknown Uprisings Volume 1: South Korean Social Movements in the 20th Century
Buy Asia's Unknown Uprisings Volume 2: People Power in the Philippines, Burma, Tibet, China, Taiwan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Thailand, and Indonesia, 1947—2009

The Ship Breakers: An Excerpt from The Black Box Vol. 1

“There are many men there, thousands of them. The men are crawling all over the ships. The ships have been pulled out of the water using big winches that are sunk into the sand on the beach. They pull the ships up onto shore, then the men are released to swarm them. They cut them to pieces with oxygen torches and acetylene torches. The pieces they cut fall off and are very large. Sometimes, the slices come from the front of the ship, like bread slices. Other times, the slices come from the sides, like turkey slices. Either way, they must be picked apart.

The fat man, the owner of lot 161, told us that five men die in Alang each year. Will sensed that he was lying, and I did, too. Will told me that one reason the number of deaths is higher than five is because there are no masks or filters in the shipbreaking yard. Whatever comes out of the ship, if it is not scrap metal or something usable (like a lifejacket), is set on fire…”—Peter Wieben, In These Times

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Buy Black Box: A Record of the Catastrophe, Volume One e-Book

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