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The Only Way for Muslim Americans to Be Considered Patriotic: Stay Silent

From Khizr Khan to Fareed Zakaria, Muslims who speak out are smeared as un-American.

Laila Lalami

Election 2016

In Ohio, Trump Rallies the Deplorables

For months, Trump has tried to define the campaign as a culture war against elites. Thanks to Clinton’s remarks, that effort has suddenly acquired a patina of plausibility.

D.D. Guttenplan
Latin America

Violence Continues in Colombia as Peace Accords Advance

The country’s long civil war may soon end—but not without triggering a violent backlash from the narco-elite and the paramilitary groups they command. 

Greg Grandin
Campaigns and Elections

A Lesson for Trump From Scott Walker: If the Election Is Close, Cry Fraud

After a close Wisconsin election, conservative operatives made plans for “messaging ‘widespread reports of election fraud.’” Now Trump peddles a similar line.

John Nichols
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From the Magazine

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Oliver Stone: Edward Snowden Has Done Something ‘Quite Amazing’

Stone on his new Snowden biopic, Dave Zirin on Colin Kaepernick, and Margo Jefferson on Negroland.
Start Making Sense and Jon Wiener

The film Snowden, which opens this weekend, was turned down by all of the big Hollywood studios. Director Oliver Stone explains what it took to make his film about the NSA whistle-blower—and why Edward Snowden deserves a presidential pardon. Plus: Nation Sports Editor Dave Zirin says Colin Kaepernick’s protest against… Continue Reading >

Election 2016

Will US Hawks Again Thwart Yet Another Chance to Diminish the New Cold War in Syria and Ukraine?

Pro-détente diplomacy is being fiercely opposed by detractors from Washington to Kiev.

Stephen F. Cohen

‘Normalizing’ Trump

Despite all evidence to the contrary, the media insistently portray Trump as a normal candidate.

Eric Alterman

Donald Trump’s Plans to Help Women Are Ridiculously Regressive

Funding for “maternity leave,” plus a child-care tax credit that favors the rich, are programs targeted at the well-off white women who are abandoning the GOP.

Joan Walsh
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Books & the Arts

A Lion in Winter

Jürgen Habermas remains an indispensable guide to the unfinished project of democratic consciousness and enlightenment.

Peter E. Gordon

Behind the Sun

In four books about Syria and Egypt, the narrative arc of revolution bends toward disappointment.

Ursula Lindsey

John Berger: The Human, the Artist

In The Seasons in Quincy, we learn little about the former and attempts to celebrate the latter collapse into the elegiac.

Anakwa Dwamena

Watch and Listen

Watch: What Is It Like to Be an Abortion Provider in an Anti-Choice State?

Watch: Leah Torres explains why she works in Utah.

August 29, 2016

Watch: Top 5 Craziest Moments of the 2016 Campaign

Spoiler alert: They’re mostly about Donald Trump.

September 9, 2016

Listen: Can Clinton Win Over the White Working Class?

Joan Walsh on the Democrats’ dilemma, Amy Wilentz on the Clinton Foundation, and Dr. Leah Torres on abortion in Utah.

September 8, 2016

Take Action

Join 1 Million People Demanding That Fossil Fuels Stay in the Ground

Sign our petition calling on the Obama administration to keep fossil fuels on public lands in the ground.

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