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Thursday, 21 April 2005

Oops. That Didn't Go As Planned

I was cooking and flitting over to the computer to read blogs this evening. I’d read Nosemonkey on John O’Farrell’s charming campaign effort, and was somewhere in the comments in Justin’s post about Charles Clarke’s letter to his partner, when there was a knock on the door. If I’d thought about being canvassed at all, I’d planned to assure every candidate that I’d support them. For no particular reason, I was wearing this T-shirt, and the New Labour drone holding an Alun Michael flyer told me he had the same shirt. This, just after I’d read Charles Clarke’s apparent condemnation of the Lib Dems: “Charles Kennedy actually said Ian Huntley and other killers should be allowed to vote …” (they can’t? what about their human rights?) “… and the Liberal Democrats have made clear they would end all jail sentences for drug possession.” I suppose I’d accepted that some campaign literature would persuade me which way to vote; I didn’t think a letter from Charles Clarke would convince me that I had to vote Liberal Democrat. That’s a 100% copper-bottomed pure common sense policy, and Labour are boasting they’re against it?

I spat out “There’s no way I’m ever voting for that cunt,” and slammed the door.

Not my most diplomatic day.

These 212 words were hurriedly scribbled by Dave @ 11:12pm GMT
