Socialist Party

 |  Mobile  |  10 September 2016 | 

The Socialist Party says:

#KeepCorbyn: build the movement against austerity

7 September
Only semi-behind the scenes the Blairites are scrambling around making contingency plans for if Corbyn wins - as they realise is increasingly likely. More...

Socialist Party video

Peter Taaffe speaking at Socialist Party Summer Camp 2016

Jeremy Corbyn, the Militant and the battle for a socialist programme for Labour: Peter Taaffe

7 September 2016

Organise mass working class resistance to austerity

TUC congress 2016 is taking place at the end of what has seemed like a hot summer, industrially at least. The potential exists to bring all the struggles together. More...

7 September 2016

Break with Blairites essential to defeat split Tories

The outcome of the civil war over the future of the Labour Party is a major factor in determining the Tories' fortunes. A victory for Owen Smith would represent the re-taking of Labour by capitalism as its 'second eleven'. But this is not the most likely outcome. More...

5 September 2016

Corbyn's Brexit opportunity

Socialism Today issue 201

Socialism Today issue 201

The EU referendum Leave vote was a massive rejection of the capitalist establishment but not a vote for a governmental alternative. Now Jeremy Corbyn has the opportunity to use his re-election campaign to rally both Leave and Remain voters behind a programme for a socialist and internationalist break with the EU bosses' club More...

More news and analysis...

8/9/16 Nottingham

Cheering from thousands at open air Corbyn rally  Jeremy Corbyn received a fantastic reception from 2,500 people at an open air rally in Nottingham. More...

7/9/16 RMT

Rail workers fighting back!  The disputes the RMT has been involved in this summer are all tied to the bosses' drive to implement cutbacks More...

7/9/16 Grantham

On the march against 'life and death' NHS cuts  The sudden closure of Grantham Hospital's night time A&E; service has sparked a wave of anger and rebellion More...

31/8/16 Huddersfield

No NHS cuts or closures  The NHS is about to undergo further major cuts More...

31/8/16 Socialist Party

Why you should join the Socialist Party today  You should join the Socialist Party to help build the powerful movement for socialist change we all need. More...

29/8/16 Coventry

Discussing Trotskyism, Corbyn and socialist change  It was "standing room only" at a Coventry Socialist Party public meeting More...

More reports and campaigns...

The Socialist newspaper, weekly newspaper of the Socialist Party:

The Socialist newspaper, 7 September 2016, issue 915

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The Socialist newspaper, 31 August 2016, issue 914

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The Socialist newspaper, 24 August 2016, issue 913

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The Socialist newspaper, 9 August 2016, issue 912

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Grunwick strike

2011 Riots

Socialist Party comments and reviews

The Socialist newspaper, 27 July 2016, issue 911

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The Socialist newspaper, 13 July 2016, issue 910

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The Socialist newspaper, 6 July 2016, issue 909

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The Socialist newspaper, 29 June 2016, issue 908

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The Socialist newspaper, 22 June 2016, issue 907

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The Socialist newspaper, 15 June 2016, issue 906

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The Socialist newspaper, 8 June 2016, issue 905

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The Socialist newspaper, 1 June 2016, issue 904

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Socialist Party comments and reviews

The Socialist newspaper, 25 May 2016, issue 903

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The Socialist newspaper, 18 May 2016, issue 902

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The Socialist newspaper, 11 May 2016, issue 901

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Elections 2016

The Socialist newspaper, 4 May 2016, issue 900

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The Socialist newspaper, 27 April 2016, issue 899

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The Socialist newspaper, 20 April 2016, issue 898

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Click here for more issues of The Socialist newspaper

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Socialist Party and CWI

Committee for a Workers' InternationalThe Socialist Party is part of the Committee for a Workers‘ International (CWI) which fights for socialism world wide.

Socialism Today

Socialism Today 201 - September 2016

Socialism Today is the monthly magazine of the Socialist Party
Click here to subscribe

- In this month's issue:

The Corbyn insurgency 2.0

Corbyn’s Brexit opportunity

Iraq, IS and the failing war on terror

National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN)

National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN)

Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC)

Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC)

Youth and student

Youth Fight for Jobs

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- See also:

Youth Fight For Jobs website

Socialist Students website

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Marxist guides

Karl Marx Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels

Communism, grotesque caricature: see Soviet Union. See also What About Russia?


Dialectical materialism

Genuine communism: see Marxism, What is it?

Historical materialism

How would a socialist economy work?

Lenin Lenin: On Marxism

Marxism: What is it?

Militant tendency

Philosophy, Marxism

Russian Revolution

The State and Revolution

Socialism: What is it?

Socialist Countries?

Socialist Party manifesto

Soviet Union

State, The

Terrorism: Marxism Opposes Terrorism

Trotsky Trotsky: On the Russian Revolution

What about Russia?

What is Marxism?

What is Socialism?

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September 2016

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February 2016

January 2016




















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