The Basement Bookshop

The Basement has a small bookshop in the back of the space selling a selection of books on various topics including anarchism, anarcho-syndicalism, insurrectionism, anarcho-primitivism, situationism, marxist theory, post-marxist theory, feminism, animal rights, bike maintenance, history, subvertising, and how to make your own sex toys out of inner tubes and gaffa tape, to name a few.

The bookshop also stocks a lot of local (and non-so-local) zines. If you make or distribute a zine and would like us to stock it get in touch with the bookshop working group at basementbooks(at)riseup(dot)net or call in and say hello.

We also hvae a wide selection of magazines, many that you won't find in WH Smiths, such as Adbusters, The Ecologist, Bulb, Northern Voices and Red Pepper

The bookshop also has CDs, DVDs, mooncups, t-shirts, badges, stickers, postcards, Palestinian olive oil, Zapatista coffee, wallets made out of tetra paks and occasionally George Bush toilet roll...


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