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The seven places in your home that are surprisingly dirty

You might be shocked to learn where bacteria could be gathering.You might be shocked to learn where bacteria could be gathering. Photo: Stocksy

We all have our bind spots when it comes to mess around the home, but there are particular areas that might be more than just a bit untidy.

While the toilet is often assumed to be one of the dirtier places in the house, you’d be surprised that a number of other household areas may have even more germs.

The kitchen sink

Yep, that’s right. The place where you wash your dishes (if you don’t have a dishwasher) is one of the most bacteria-laden in your whole house.

The germs – including gut-churners like salmonella – are mostly thanks to you washing raw vegetables in the sink and cleaning off knifes and chopping boards which have touched raw meat.

Keep it clean with disinfectant wipes, and a good old bicarbonate of soda and vinegar treatment every now and then for the drain.

Kitchen sponges

The warm, moist environment inside a kitchen sponge is the ideal breeding ground for bacteria, mould, and yeast, according to the NSF.

Keep it clean by replacing all dish sponges, cloths and brushes regularly. You can also zap sponges in the microwave, placed in a bowl of water, to kill the bacteria build-up with heat.

Chopping boards

You use chopping boards to prepare all sorts of raw produce, including fish, meat and chicken. If they aren’t cleaned properly, nasty germs can fester.

Especially for meat preparation, make sure you use boards made from a non-porous material (thick plastic is good), and if possible have separate chopping boards for meat and vegetables to reduce the risk of spreading bacteria.

A good way to disinfect them is to use a combination of salt and lemon juice: go here for instructions.

Kitchen benches

If kitchen cloths and sponges are germy​, it should come as no surprise then to learn that kitchen counters are also a breeding ground for microscopic nasties.

Keep your counters clean by washing with warm, soapy water after you’ve used them, and wipe occasionally with a disinfectant for extra precautions.

Kitchen knobs and handles

Unless you wash your hands between preparing food and turning on the stove or opening the fridge, it’s likely that the knobs on your stove and the fridge handle are germy​ places.

Having different people use the fridge and stove will also increase the bacteria count, so keep it clean by washing down the stove knobs and fridge handle with warm soapy water as frequently as you can.

Toothbrush holder

Another germ receptacle is the humble toothbrush holder, thanks to the germs all over your hands and inside your mouth that get regularly transferred to your brush.

Go for an easy-to-clean holder made from ceramic or stainless steel that can be run through the dishwasher regularly, rather than a bamboo version.

Replacing toothbrushes regularly will also ensure minimal bacterial harm.

Pet toys

This one shouldn’t​ come as a surprise, as pet toys usually live on the ground, get thrown around outside, and are covered in animal saliva.

Rubber or plastic toys can be cleaned in a bucket of warm soapy water, and any fabric toys should be thrown in the washing machine every now and then.

To help avoid spreading germs from pet toys, it’s important to also wash your hands after handling them.

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