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Focus on Jails and Prisons

The Woman Behind Trump

Amy Wilentz on Ivanka, plus Calvin Trillin on Mississippi in 1964, and Rosa Brooks on the militarization of everything.

Start Making SenseandJon Wiener

Meet the ‘Feminists’ Doing the Koch Brothers’ Dirty Work

The Independent Women’s Forum has leveraged its “non-partisan” brand to become an aggressive player in Republican politics.

Joan Walsh

The Working Families Party Gives an Eyes-Wide-Open Endorsement to Hillary Clinton

The progressive organization is giving its support to Clinton—but pledging to hold her accountable.

John Nichols

Editor’s Picks

Jails and Prisons

The Financial Firm That Cornered the Market on Jails

Thousands of arrestees a year are forced into get-out-of-jail-broke cards that are loaded up with deceptive fees.

Arun Gupta

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Take Action to End the Use of Tear Gas in Prisons

People in prisons across the country have described harrowing experiences that sound like nothing less than torture.

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End Abuse in Our Privatized Immigrant-Only Prisons

A recent investigation published by The Nation found that dozens of men had died in disturbing circumstances in privatized, immigrant-only prisons. Join The Nation, the ACLU, Detention Watch Network, and Grassroots Leadership in calling on the White House to end this shadow private prison system.

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