
Bob Dylan, Nobel Laureate in Ashtray-Binding

The poetry in Dylan’s music has always been something different from the language on the page that we associate with poets.

David Hajdu

Populism's Two Paths

Throughout the North Atlantic, insurgencies on the left and the right are challenging mainstream politics. The question is: Which popular movement—the left’s or the right’s—will prevail?

Jedediah Purdy

The Brat Pack Grows Up

Once the voice of youthful dissatisfaction, Jay McInerney, Tama Janowitz, and Bret Easton Ellis experience the growing pains of middle age.

Michelle Dean
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Books & the Arts

Populism's Two Paths

Throughout the North Atlantic, insurgencies on the left and the right are challenging mainstream politics. The question is: Which popular movement—the left’s or the right’s—will prevail?

Jedediah Purdy

The Brat Pack Grows Up

Once the voice of youthful dissatisfaction, Jay McInerney, Tama Janowitz, and Bret Easton Ellis experience the growing pains of middle age.

Michelle Dean

Human Presence

Cameraperson is one of those films that snaps you awake as soon as you begin to watch.

Stuart Klawans


Seeing David Hammons

Given that the artist is such a spectral presence, how can his multifarious oeuvre be summed up in a single retrospective survey?
Barry Schwabsky

The most passionately discussed New York City gallery exhibition of last season might have been Philip Guston at Hauser & Wirth, but the most talked-about one by a living artist was undoubtedly “David Hammons: Five Decades” at Mnuchin Gallery. Each of the two shows cast its own spell, one very… Continue Reading >

Focus on Pop Culture

Pop Progress: From the Beatles to Nicki Minaj

Popular music still works as a place where young people can try out notions that challenge ideas dear to their parents.

David Hajdu

Diamond-Dust Baroque

The Get Down, Baz Luhrman’s fairy-tale remix of the birth of hip hop, offers a glimpse of the beginning of the end of US power.

Joshua Clover

Brand Yeezy

To what extent can Kanye West continue to foreground the commercial components that make his art possible before we no longer consider him an artist at all?

Angela Flournoy

Focus on Fiction

An Argentinian Novelist, Out of Oblivion

Exile, failure, the dread of erasure: Antonio Di Benedetto seems to have transmuted all his life experiences into his novel Zama, which has finally been translated into English.

Ratik Asokan

Antoine Volodine’s Army of Avatars

Is there any other writer whose work is as strange and hermetic and gloriously, painfully appropriate to the unparalleled shittiness of our times?

Ben Ehrenreich


Georges Perec’s books are designed to stir readers to think actively, freshly, and imaginatively about what could have been, and what might come next.

Joanna Scott


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