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"In Between Talking About The Football by Gordon Legge (Polygon 1991)"


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Blogger Kevin Williamson said...

Just used the very same headline this morning! Is there some kinda Gordon Legge viral wave in the air? Or is this just a typical summer of a year that ends in an odd number?

June 29, 2009 5:36 am

Blogger Imposs1904 said...

At any one point in my adult life of the last 15 years of my life, I've always been only three days away from picking up a Gordon Legge book for the umpteenth time.

If there was ever was to be a Gordon Legge viral wave in the air, on the ground or via cyberspace - and why shouldn't there be, he's an undiscovered gem - it will have my greasy fingerprints all over it.

June 29, 2009 9:12 am

Blogger Kevin Williamson said...

I approached the National Library of Scotland a couple of months ago to see about holding a Gordon Legge Tribute Night there to mark the 20th anniversary of his first novel, The Shoe. They were up for it.

When we asked Gordon about it he said "I thought about it but decided against it."

Gordon must be one of the few writers on this planet who would walk away from a tribute evening! Kinda makes me like him even more.

June 29, 2009 12:08 pm

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