Litha 2016 is out

Tuesday, July 12th, 2016

Tuesday, July 12th, 2016

Mabon Submission Deadline is August 1


You may have noticed that the Earth First! Journal has been a bit thicker and showing up in your mailbox or local infoshop more often than in the past few years. It’s true! And it wouldn’t be possible without all the amazing submissions we’ve been getting over every time we ask for them. With each Journal, the bar gets set a little higher, and we have confidence that you can continue getting even more creative and make Mabon the best edition yet!

Summer time in South Florida is awful, but your submissions make it bearable, so start sending us your essays, poetry, Dear Shit fer Brains, photos, reviews, and illustrations. Also, we seem to always forget to ask for cover art, so send us that too! Make sure to have it to us by August 1, so we have time to read and comment on each piece and then edit those we accept to help them reach their fullest potential.

Essays should be between 300 and 3000 words, DSfB can be as long as you’d like, reviews should be between 250 and 500 words, and we ask that images be as high quality as possible (300 dpi for the magazine and 700 dpi for possible cover material).

Send it to collective[at]earthfirstjournal[dot]org or snail mail it our way to: Earth First! Journal, PO Box 964, Lake Worth, FL 33460. Email or call us (at 561-320-3840) with any questions or concerns.

2 responses to “Mabon Submission Deadline is August 1”

  1. Reading my EarthFirst! Journal. Always happy to see it arrive.

  2. Recommending that the Earth First! Journal collective get out of the Florida summer sizzle, and go to the bogus conventions with tables to disseminate back issues, and sell the inventory of books and merchandise. As well as increasing the subscription base (again), it will bolster the presence of radical environmentalism which historically has been minimal at the Democratic and Republican national conventions. I have no idea why postmodern America falls short of fully embracing the real revolution of everyday life, which is “revolutionary ecology”, but the Earth First! approach requires constant advancement.

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Printable Earth First! Newsletter #23: Lughnasadh 2016

