Showing posts with label UEFA Championship '08. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UEFA Championship '08. Show all posts

Friday, November 23, 2007

No Embarrassment, Lots of Riches

England Players Vow To Spend Their Way Out Of Depression

"Rio Ferdinand said he would cheer himself up by paying Paul Gascoigne £1 million to recreate his 1996 wonder goal against Scotland in his back garden 'over and over again'.

Reg Hollis, 53, a lifelong England fan, said he could appreciate that the football stars were hurting but thought they might get over it. "I'm hurting too," he said. "And I'm absolutely fucking skint."

Hat tip to Eddie T.

PS - The picture is an x-ray of John Terry's skull.

PPS - The Estate of the late Jim Henson is thinking of suing the Scottish Patient Blog for defamation.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Meano . . . Meano

Roy Keane get's in the mix.

As much I enjoy the spectacle of Roy Keane pulling on his old football boots so he can metaphorically scrape his studs down the shins of today's overpaid blowhards, I don't think he gets it: as wonderful as international football can be (see here. here and here), club football is where it's at for the average footie fan.

Ask them what they would rather get to see in their lifetime: their team winning the league title or their place of birth winning the world cup, and 93/100 will go for the former every time.

Post-Mortem Kicks In . . . . and kicks and kicks and kicks

Still saying nothing, but had a chuckle at this comment in reply to David Pleat's piece in today's Football Guardian:

"This may appear absurd, but I recall Malcolm Allison once suggesting that English footballers were basically morons and couldn't be taught subtlety and nuance..." [From someone going by the name of 'VanRamp']

The footballing blogs over the next few days are going to make Socialist Unity Blog look like a Croatian Tea Party.