Showing posts with label Comment Is Free. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Comment Is Free. Show all posts

Saturday, April 19, 2008

A Massacre On Farringdon Road

I hate bullying. I'm never a great fan of uneven contests, and 50,000 against 1 does strike me as it a tad unbalanced but, lets be honest, Martin Jacques was asking for it when he suggested - amongst other daft stuff - that Ian Wright was a victim of racism from the BBC.

Read the comments to Jacques risible piece as, one by one, the Guardian's readership lines up to shout 'bollocks, you're spouting shite' at increasingly loud volume.

And, Mr Jacques, there's a reason Garth Crooks is ". . . rarely given frontline exposure" as a football pundit on TV. The bloke's patter is mince.