Wednesday, May 13, 2009

'(What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love, and Socialist Understanding?'

The Socialist Party is standing a full list of 8 candidates in the London Region in the coming elections to the European Parliament on 4 June.

Two meetings have been arranged so far.

SUNDAY 17 MAY at 6.00pm


Speakers: Tristan Miller and Danny Lambert (candidates)

at 52 Clapham High Street, SW4 (nearest tube: Clapham North). All welcome. Refreshments available.

TUESDAY 19 MAY at 8,00pm


Speakers: Adam Buick and Simon Wigley (candidates)

Committee Room, Chiswick Town Hall, Heathfield Terrace W4 (nearest tube: Chiswick Park)

You can follow the progress of the campaign via our election blog, Vaux Populi.

Our election manifesto can be read at the following link.


The Warden said...

Saw you left a comment on a recent post on Warden's World. Great music choices in your profile, although you do mention The Jam and the Undertones twice!

Darren said...

HI there,

found your blog via your post on vinyl villain. I'll be sure to visit the blog again.

Mentioning The Jam and The Undertones twice? I should have clarified that I was celebrating both Mark 1 and Mark 2 of The Undertones, and the original Jam plus the recent incarnation of The Jam without Weller.

Okay, I'm bullshitting. I'll excise the duplicates later. ;-)

Blogger only allows you to list a limited number of bands, so if you're interested in a longer documented list of my obsession with music, you can get a flavour at the following page.

If you scroll down the linked page, you'll see a list of everyone from ABC to XTC on the left hand side.

Even that list needs updating.