A question of leadership

The ‘new politics’ Jeremy Corbyn proclaims must be an explicit agenda of institutional change, not simply a change of style at the dispatch box, writes Hilary Wainwright


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The pesticide in our parks, gardens, food, clothes and cosmetic products
Aisha Dodwell reports on the global battle to ban the chemical glyphosate

Book review: Place is the Passion by Bill Williamson
Folk singer Leon Rosselson reviews a book to help ordinary people understand the Israel / Palestine conflict.

Art, politics and potentias
A potentia is similar to a utopia but rooted in the here and now. Danielle Child speaks to artist Jane Lawson about her forthcoming project Second Degree Potentias.

Why we need a world without borders
The right to live where you want should be as fundamental as the right to vote, says Alex Scrivener

Brexit: a two-fingered salute from the working class
The Brexit vote was the working class sticking two fingers up to the metropolitan middle class, the political elite and liberal commentariat, argues Lisa McKenzie

Occupations, assemblies and direct action - a critique of 'body politics'
Joseph A Todd examines the widespread belief that bringing bodies together in occupations, assemblies and other actions is enough to create change

Chilcot inquiry: don't mention the oil
The Chilcot inquiry kept the oil industry and private interests free from scrutiny. Greg Muttitt and David Whyte report

Jeremy Hardy thinks... about Lexit
'The left case for Brexit was an interesting exercise, a bit like a Marxist review of The Very Hungry Caterpillar or one of those games where you work out whether it would be better to have no arms or no legs'

It’s time to celebrate multiculturalism again
Ex-Guantanamo detainee Moazzam Begg tells his story in The Confession - a feature length documentary showing in cinemas now. Luke Wilson spoke to director Ashish Ghadiali about the British Asian experience of the War on Terror


Spanish elections: ceiling or turning point for the 'new politics'?

If the new politics is to succeed it must be more than a mere rebranding exercise, writes Kate Shea Baird

'We're standing up for democracy in the party – for the members to choose the leader'

Shadow chancellor John McDonnell on the attempted coup against Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn

Building a progressive majority: Left strategy after the Brexit vote

After the EU referendum we are seeing both horror at anti-migrant sentiment and pandering to it, writes Joseph Todd – but only a radical economic offer can carve a way through

Five keys to understanding the Spanish election

A second Spanish general election in six months saw gains for the right-wing PP, which is again expected to form a government. But the insurgent left has also shown that it is here to stay, writes Oscar Reyes.

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Housing and land activists to join forces
In the run up to a November event Robin Grey makes the case for urban and rural communities to work together to tackle land rights, ownership and usage

The Train Gate story is a product of desperation
Alex Richardson-Price observes the pressing need for a character assassination, by any means necessary, of Jeremy Corbyn.

A round-up of good news from campaigns
A lot of recent news has been deeply troubling, from the post-Brexit fallout to the rise of Trump; we won't list the reasons you have to feel depressed. Instead, here are some snippets of good news from people-powered campaigns across the UK and beyond 

Brighton & Hove Labour: I saw no evidence of threats or intimidation, not even rudeness
Professor Mario Novelli attended a controversial Brighton and Hove Constituency Labour Party AGM and explains why he backs Jeremy Corbyn for Labour Leader

Ten things you can do to combat racism and xenophobia
#PostReferendumRacism has exposed the racist and xenophobic belly of Britain. Luckily, there is a lot that you can do. Siobhan McGuirk has gathered 10 suggestions, feel free to add your own below.

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