High school students crowd into a hallway between classes

Starving the schools in order to feed the fat cats

Every politician claims to be fighting for better schools--but every year, their budget cuts show how little they actually care about public education.

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Today's lesson is solidarity

The 2012 Chicago teachers' strike was like no other struggle in recent memory--and the documentary film Schoolidarity shows why.

Do Black lives matter to UPS?

United Parcel Service has a long record of discrimination against Black workers, leading to lawsuits, pickets and protests.

Taking a knee with Kaepernick

The intense pressure to fall in line didn't stop several NFL players from joining in 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick's protest.

Chicago turns out for Stein

Some 450 people gathered in Chicago to hear Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein speak about her people's campaign.

Who's wasting their vote?

If you vote for the candidate and the party that you'd like to see win the election, there's no such thing as a "wasted vote."

Gary Johnson's libertarian con

Libertarian Party presidential candidate Gary Johnson  (Gage Skidmore)

A vote for the Libertarian Party presidential candidate isn't a protest against the system, but an endorsement of one of its more fanatical defenders.

Don't blame it on the Russians

Are Moscow cyber-spies plotting to subvert American democracy--or have they done a service by revealing how undemocratic it is?

Not the women's choice

A collection of essays by women writers reveals why a Hillary Clinton presidency isn't an important step for women--or anyone.

Facing down oil company dogs

A historic protest against the Dakota Access Pipeline at the Standing Rock Indian Reservation is facing escalating repression.

On strike in America's gulag

Prisoners across the country are taking part in a national strike, withholding their work to protest terrible conditions, violence and forced labor.

Making Black education matter

African American organizations are backing the fight against corporate education reform, and the results could be transformative.

What will end the barbarity?

The Justice Department directive to stop using for-profit prisons is very limited, but it can open up opportunities to demand more.

Violence in the two Chicagos

The violence in Chicago that cost more lives in August than any month in the past 20 years is portrayed as unexplainable--but it's anything but.

Why I sat with Colin

Rory Fanning sits with Colin Kaepernick (Rory Fanning)

A former Army Ranger and conscientious objector explains why he and other antiwar veterans are supporting Colin Kaepernick.

What else is Rahm hiding?

I had to go to court to demand that Chicago school officials turn over information about the dismissal of a popular principal.

UC Berkeley lets women down

The response of University of California at Berkeley administrators to sexual harassment allegations has been far too slow and weak.

A new hate crime in Queens?

The stabbing of 60-year-old Nazma Khanam is the second murderous attack in a month, and the community is demanding answers.

Lockout University

Professors and students are battling Long Island University's unprecedented attempt to lock out members of the faculty union.

Is the CTU headed for a strike?

A battle between Chicago's budget-slashing mayor, a union-busting governor and determined teachers could lead to a second strike in four years.

¿Huelga docente en Chicago?

En Chicago, el choque entre un alcalde corta-presupuestos, un gobernador mata-sindicatos y los resolutos maestros podría dar lugar a una nueva huelga.

Un concurso en impopularidad

Clinton y Trump sean los políticos más odiados que jamás se enfrentaron en una elección presidencial, pero Ud. aún tiene una alternativa.

September 11 after 15 years

The "war on terror" 15 years on

Fifteen years after 9/11, the people of the Middle East are still paying a terrible price for the U.S. drive to dominate the region.

Don't turn tragedy into war

Socialist Worker's editorial statement on September 11, 2001, responded to the Bush administration's drumbeat for more death and destruction.

The wrong alternative

The recent successes for the right-wing Alternative for Germany party shows that it's here to stay. How should the left respond?

Justin Trudeau isn't a friend

The Canadian prime minister's "cool" image has been carefully stage-managed, but his politics track much further to the right.

Keep the student strike alive

The ASSÉ student union contingent at the October 3 anti-austerity demonstration (rabble.ca)

Quebec's massive student struggle emerged from an organizing model that constantly trains new generations of activists.

Solidarity won Adly's freedom

Egyptian human rights lawyer Malek Adly has won his freedom, and more political prisoners like him need international support.

"Duterte Harry" on the attack

The new president of the Philippines has made those involved in the drug trade into scapegoats for country’s larger problems.

Radical Columbia

Though you wouldn't know it on the surface, Columbia University has a tempestuous history of resistance that shaped the campus in important ways.

A flawed revolutionary icon

Che Guevara should be celebrated for his courage and egalitarian spirit, and critiqued for his authoritarian vision of socialism.

What we mean by revolution

More and more people--especially young people--say they're drawn to socialism. But how can socialism be achieved in a country like the U.S.?

Labor Day belongs to workers

Labor Day was born out the most radical working-class struggles of the 19th century, and we should celebrate it today.

Are the movements enough?

How do we balance the need to organize around specific political issues with building a wider opposition to the whole ruling order?

Voices for India's schools

A new documentary makes the case that struggles for public education in India are intrinsically tied to other fights for justice.

Debate: Syria and the left

SW's article on "Anti-imperialism and the Syrian Revolution" sparked debate on an important question for the left.

Anti-imperialism and Syria

Destruction caused during the siege of Aleppo

The Arab Spring uprising in Syria has tested the left by posing a blunt question: Are you on the side of a dictator--or that of a popular uprising?

Readers weigh in about Syria

A SocialistWorker.org article on the left and the Syrian Revolution produced a lot of commentary, both positive and negative.

Against all tyrants and empires

Readers continue the debate about the Syrian Revolution with defenses of a popular rebellion and opposition to all imperialisms.

Is it really "Our Revolution"?

Bernie Sanders' new organization is making unfounded promises and refusing to confront criticism about the Democratic Party.

They're poisoning our future

Energy company EQT is destroying future generations' air, water, quality of life and prospects for safe energy.

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