
Here are the RSS feeds published from the core CERN website. Please note that until the site is in full production the feed addresses are subject to change. You may need a feed reader or browser extension to view these feeds.

Feeds for the general public

  • Updates
  • Updates filtered by tag: http://home.cern/about/updates/tagged/[tag-path]/feed
  • Featured images
  • All images filtered by tag: http://home.cern/images/tagged/[tag-path]/feed

Feeds for students and educators

Feeds for scientists

Feeds for CERN people

Third-party sources

We aggregate content from these sources.

Events aggregated from Indico.

We pull in the following event categories from Indico.

ID Description Students CERN people Scientists - computing Scientists - physics Scientists - acc. & tech Scientists - all upcoming
72 Academic training lecture regular programme   X   X   X
75 CERN colloquium   X        
78 CERN Heavy Ion Forum       X   X
82 Computing seminars     X     X
84 Detector seminars         X X
87 General staff meetings   X        
92 Science and Society   X        
96 Staff Association Conference   X        
97 Summer student lecture programme X          
100 TH theoretical seminar       X   X
104 TH String Theory Seminar       X   X
115 ISOLDE seminar       X   X
145 Cosmology and particle astrophysics       X   X
167 CERN Computing Colloquium     X     X
281 HERA/LHC workshops         X X
374 TH Exceptional Seminar       X   X
375 TH Cosmo coffee       X   X
376 TH Informal Lattice Meeting       X   X
379 TH Journal Club on String Theory       X   X
555 SLHC workshops         X X
830 ISOLDE workshops       X   X
1050 POSIPOL       X   X
1058 ACCU   X        
1174 WLCG workshops     X     X
1249 Globe   X        
1279 Schools X          
1280 Library events   X        
1499 Film Making Club   X        
1537 LHC accelerator         X X
1546 TH Institutes       X   X
1558 TH Informal seminar       X   X
1591 PH-ESE Electronics Seminars         X X
1812 POCPA - power converters for particle accelerators         X X
1916 ACAT Advanced computing....     X     X
2044 ESI-EIRO school on instrumentation         X X
2051 John Adams lecture   X   X   X
2109 Particle and Astro-Particle Physics Seminars       X   X
2200 CERN Council   X        
2384 Conferences & Workshops       X   X
2387 TH BSM Forum       X   X
2510 HEPiX workshops     X     X
2564 Accelerator science and technology         X X
2687 LHC status reports         X X
2689 LPCC workshops       X   X
2725 A&T seminar         X X
2815 EuCARD Annual Meetings         X X
2911 Computer security days   X X     X
2943 DITANET beam diagnostics         X X
3063 HL-LHC         X X
3101 ENTICE   X        
3210 LIU workshops         X X
3221 Collider cross talk       X   X
3247 EP Seminars       X   X
3249 LHC Seminar (PH)       X   X
3407 IT Technical Forum     X     X
3427 LHCC   X   X   X
3501 HR Public Meetings   X        
3509 CERN Colloquium and Library Science Talk       X   X
3900 ATLAS Outreach Public Workshops & Events   X        
4212 ICFA workshops         X X
4255 Openlab summer student lecture programme X          
4687 Diversity events   X        
5327 IdeaSquare - Workshops & Events   X        
5805 Medical Applications Seminars   X     X X
6017 Public Seminars   X        
6767 Commemorations   X        
6798 HEP computing     X     X
6812 INTC - ISOLDE and nTOF committee       X   X
6813 SPSC         X X
7868 KT seminar   X     X X
8022 Arts@CERN   X        
8140 DG presentations to personnel   X        
8141 TEDxCERN   X        
8142 CERN People events   X        
8143 Arts and Science   X