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  • 6000 fade false 60 bottom 0 http://www.squashcampaign.org/2016/09/four-years-since-residential-squatting-criminalised/
     Four Years
  • 6000 fade false 60 bottom 0 http://www.squashcampaign.org/2016/08/lessons-on-working-together-from-tobocmans-war-in-the-neighborhood/
     War in the Neighborhood
  • 6000 fade false 60 bottom 0 http://www.squashcampaign.org/repeal-law/report-squatting-statistics-2015/
     Squatting Statistics 2015 - version 2
  • 6000 fade true 50 bottom 10 http://www.squashcampaign.org/2015/12/squash-newsround-september-to-december-2015/
    Check SQUASH's intermittent Newsround Blog to keep abreast of the news stories on squatting (Current: September to December 2015)
  • 6000 fade false 60 bottom 0 http://www.squashcampaign.org/2015/04/homes-not-jails-april-2015-squashs-latest-report/
     Homes, Not Jails
  • 6000 fade false 60 bottom 0 http://www.squashcampaign.org/2014/12/a-christmas-tale-the-gauntlett-inquiry/
     Death of Daniel Gauntlett
  • 6000 fade false 60 bottom 0 http://www.squashcampaign.org/2013/09/open-letter-the-debate/
     SQUASH vs Lib Peck etc
  • 6000 fade false 60 bottom 0 http://www.squashcampaign.org/the-case-against-section-144/
     The Case Against s144
  • 6000 fade false 60 bottom 0 http://www.squashcampaign.org/2012/03/new-video-cost-of-criminalising-squatting/
     SQUASH film

The UK government has enacted a law to criminalise squatting in residential buildings despite 95% of responses to its 'consultation' opposing any further legislation.

The legislation affects the most vulnerable people in society, empowers unscrupulous landlords and burdens the justice system, police and charities.

The Squash campaign provides resources on these impacts to raise awareness on the matter.