Mother Russia Bleeds PC

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Mixed or average reviews - based on 26 Critics What's this?

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Mixed or average reviews- based on 51 Ratings

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  • Summary: Mother Russia Bleeds is an ultra-violent co-op brawler overflowing with an unmistakable style and unforgettably brutal action for up to four players at once. Set in an alternate U.S.S.R, the story centers on a desperate crew of imprisoned street fighters that must overcome an oppressiveMother Russia Bleeds is an ultra-violent co-op brawler overflowing with an unmistakable style and unforgettably brutal action for up to four players at once. Set in an alternate U.S.S.R, the story centers on a desperate crew of imprisoned street fighters that must overcome an oppressive criminal authority and crippling drug addictions through any means necessary. Battle solo or alongside friends locally and online in an exceptional story mode campaign or harden your resolve in a multitude of formidable challenge and versus modes. Expand


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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. Sep 5, 2016
    A debauchery-fueled beat ‘em up with plenty of ways to cripple your enemies, its excessive violence never overshadows the smart and intuitive combat.
  2. Sep 12, 2016
    Mother Russia Bleeds provides the same emotions as classic beat 'em ups in days of yore, but is not without similar issues and problems. For one, the game really needs an online mode.
  3. Sep 15, 2016
    This is not a game for the faint of heart and some might even find its lack of taste, especially in later levels, appalling. But for those who appreciate nasty aesthetics as well as amusing-if-simplistic action, Mother Russia Bleeds is a fun time.
  4. Sep 5, 2016
    Mother Russia Bleeds is full of drugs and flaws. Its art direction is over the top, but there are frustrating sections that ultimately break the flow.
  5. Sep 8, 2016
    Mother Russia Bleeds succeeds in being a self-aware play on the edginess in video games. As interesting as its concepts, art design, themes and general aesthetic are, issues with its combat and AI hold it back from being the indie darling it clearly has the potential to be.
  6. Sep 13, 2016
    The most flattering description I can offer Mother Russia Bleeds is that of an enjoyably formulaic brawler, but the ferocity of its execution was refined enough to get lodged in my head. I can’t quite work it out: it exists like a ringing in my ears that has no obvious source. Or, rather, it’s a third-gen VHS copy of its influences, a quavery deja vu of a violent brawler both familiar and unsettling.
  7. Sep 5, 2016
    It’s somewhat difficult to recommend Mother Russia Bleeds, as the dystopian setting and drug-filled plot are at odds with the conventions of the side-scrolling beat-em-up genre. While the sprite work is overall quite ugly, the level of detail is astounding in depicting this game’s disturbing imagery. With limited replay value, couch only coop, and not much diversity among the playable roster, these issues outweigh the promise of Le Cartel Studio’s debut game.

See all 28 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 14
  2. Negative: 3 out of 14
  1. Sep 11, 2016
    Don't consider russian's **** Mother Russia Bleeds is the legacy of streets of rage.
    Artistic direction is perfect.
    Gameplay is violent as i
    Don't consider russian's **** Mother Russia Bleeds is the legacy of streets of rage.
    Artistic direction is perfect.
    Gameplay is violent as i expected.
    Big replay value with the arena mode.
    A great beat them up.
  2. Sep 13, 2016
    An Excellent game! This includes about 34 rage quits and I still came back for more. I got more enjoyment out of this than I have the lastAn Excellent game! This includes about 34 rage quits and I still came back for more. I got more enjoyment out of this than I have the last year of gaming. Expand
  3. Sep 9, 2016
    Some issues... Hope it will be fixed on next patch. Otherwise... got a **** blast... Great game feeling, great ambiance, great music, greatSome issues... Hope it will be fixed on next patch. Otherwise... got a **** blast... Great game feeling, great ambiance, great music, great great great!

    Maybe need online... But it's already enough!
  4. Sep 14, 2016

    Mother russia bleeds = streets of rage on steroids, amazing modern classic that never gets

    Mother russia bleeds = streets of rage on steroids, amazing modern classic that never gets boring, difficulty level over 9000
  5. Sep 6, 2016
    This game is a near-perfect, lasciviously-brutal beat-'em-up experience. You could call it Street of Rage painted with a layer of HotlineThis game is a near-perfect, lasciviously-brutal beat-'em-up experience. You could call it Street of Rage painted with a layer of Hotline Miami and liberally smeared with Soviet-era filth, but even that is doing the game a disservice. From the stylistical visuals to the intoxicating soundtrack by Fixions, from the satisfying crunch of smashing a mobster's skull to paste to the blissful crack of fire spewing from the barrel of a bloodstained AK-47, this game is an experience to be savored. The controls are tight and responsive, and the combat is light enough to easily learn while still deep enough to keep you on your toes to the very end. Enemies are varied, not only in appearance but in behavior and preferred manner of attack, forcing you to constantly adapt to changing situations, especially when stage hazards present themselves.

    There's nothing else to say. Get this game now, товарищ.
  6. Sep 15, 2016
    Fun and atmospheric, the game grips you from the starting screen by your nostalgia and then throws you into artistic and ultra-violentFun and atmospheric, the game grips you from the starting screen by your nostalgia and then throws you into artistic and ultra-violent gameplay, seen through modern nihilistic glasses of post-soviet apocalypse. Expand
  7. Sep 8, 2016
    unplayable with a keyboard....can't redefine controls can rebind them,except you can't rebind the move keys to the cursorunplayable with a keyboard....can't redefine controls can rebind them,except you can't rebind the move keys to the cursor keys...what's the sense in that?
    the old MAME has better customization than this....

See all 14 User Reviews
