14 September 2016

US has spent nearly $5 trillion on wars since 9/11

By Bill Van Auken, 14 September 2016

A new report from Brown University estimates that Washington has squandered nearly $5 trillion since September 11, 2001 on the wars launched under the pretext of fighting terrorism.

Fifteen years since the 9/11 attacks

European Council president backs demands for EU military buildup

By Alex Lantier, 14 September 2016

Donald Tusk warned that the British exit from the European Union had unleashed a historic crisis of the EU threatening the survival of democracy in Europe.

Germany, France propose EU military alliance before post-Brexit summit

American B-1 bombers send menacing warning to North Korea

By our reporter, 14 September 2016

The fly-past at South Korea’s Osan Air Base was also designed to send a message to Beijing to ramp up pressure on North Korea.

US and allies threaten North Korea with sanctions and military attack

Wage crisis for youth in US labor market

By Kathleen Martin, 14 September 2016

A recent report by Indeed Hiring Lab reveals the bleak reality of the employment outlook for young workers.

Hunger and the social catastrophe facing America’s youth

Despite increase in 2015, US household income still lags behind pre-recession levels

By Kate Randall, 14 September 2016

Median household income is still 1.6 percent lower than the previous peak of $57,423 in 2007, before the economy sank into recession.

US federal court rejects challenge to Michigan emergency manager law

By James Brewer, 14 September 2016

The ruling upholding a law used to force Detroit into bankruptcy and switch Flint to a toxic water source was based on the assertion that the population does not have a right to vote.

Spain: Pseudo-left CUP reverses opposition to Catalan austerity government

By James Lerner, 14 September 2016

Nationalist demagogy conceals the real aim of the Catalan independence project: to create a mini-capitalist state offering cheap labor and low taxes to foreign investors.

US triples special operations deployment to Latin America

By Neil Hardt, 14 September 2016

From 2007 to 2014, the US drastically expanded its training programs of Central and South American death squads.

Australia: Labor Party helps government slash welfare

By Mike Head, 14 September 2016

The Coalition-Labor pact sends a wider signal to the financial elite: Labor will try to shore up the fragile political establishment and deliver the austerity measures demanded by business.

BHP Billiton demands Australian coal miners accept three-year wage freeze

By Oscar Grenfell, 14 September 2016

The company’s move is part of a broader offensive against the jobs and working conditions of workers.

New in Turkish

11 Eylül saldırılarının on beşinci yılı

WSWS Yayın Kurulu, 14 Eylül 2016

11 Eylül’e verilen tepkinin asıl harekete geçirici nedeni, terör saldırılarına misilleme değildi. Neden, Orta Asya’nın kalbinde doğrudan ABD askeri ayak izi kurmak ve dünyanın en önemli petrol zengini bölgesi olan Ortadoğu üzerinde ABD egemenliği sağlamaktı.

Mecklenburg-Batı Pomeranya’daki eyalet seçimleri
Almanya’daki sağcı tehdit ve sosyalist bir parti ihtiyacı

Ulrich Rippert - PSG’nin Berlin eyalet seçimlerindeki baş adayı, 14 Eylül 2016

Buradaki seçim sonucu, AfD’nin sandalye kazandığı diğer dokuz eyalettekinden daha açık bir şekilde, bu sağcı ajitatörlere ve demagoglara neyin güç verdiğini göstermektedir. Bu, işsizliğe, yoksulluğa ve Sol Parti dahil düzen partilerinin kemer sıkma politikalarına yönelik halk öfkesi ve ilerici bir alternatifin yokluğudur.

New in Spanish

“Eres un hombre de intachable integridad revolucionaria”
Wije Días, líder trotskista de Sri Lanka cumple 75 años

Por David North, 14 septiembre 2016

David North discute lo que significan más de cincuenta años de lucha de Wije Dias por el internacionalismo revolucionario.

Decenas de millones de trabadores en huelga contra las políticas económicas de derecha del gobierno de la India

Por Deepal Jayasekera, 14 septiembre 2016

El paro nacional señaló el repudio de la clase obrera mundial contra la repression del estado y de las grandes empresas contra el derecho al empleo y las condiciones de vida.

Miles de docentes protestan en Costa Rica mientras los sindicatos suprimen la lucha

Por Andrea Lobo, 14 septiembre 2016

El primer paso para que los maestros y trabajadores de Costa Rica se protejan es romper políticamente con los partidos burgueses y las burocracias sindicales.

New in French

L’Allemagne et la France proposent une alliance militaire de l’UE avant le sommet post-Brexit

Par Alex Lantier, 14 septembre 2016

En réponse au Brexit, Berlin et Paris visent à transformer l’UE en une alliance militaire capable de mener de grandes guerres à l’étranger et la répression à grande échelle dans l’UE.

Le retour des turbulences sur les marchés financiers

Par Nick Beams, 14 septembre 2016

Il y a des signes avant-coureurs que la hausse des prix des obligations pourrait se transformer en une déroute avec des pertes importantes pour les investisseurs.

Le gouvernement allemand projette une extension massive des services d’espionnage

Par Sven Heymann, 14 septembre 2016

Le renforcement des agences allemandes de renseignement fait partie d’une extension de l’ensemble de l’appareil d’Etat à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur du pays.

New in German

Hunger und die katastrophale Lage der amerikanischen Jugend

Von Kate Randall, 14. September 2016

Zwei neue Untersuchungen dokumentieren die schockierenden Folgen von unzureichender Versorgung mit Lebensmitteln. Doch die soziale Katastrophe in Amerika wird im Wahlkampf zwischen Trump und Clinton ignoriert.

Vor dem Post-Brexit-Gipfel:
Deutschland und Frankreich schlagen europäisches Militärbündnis vor

Von Alex Lantier, 14. September 2016

Als Reaktion auf den Brexit wollen Berlin und Paris die EU in ein Militärbündnis verwandeln, das zu Kriegen außerhalb Europas und zu umfangreichen Unterdrückungsmaßnahmen auf dem Kontinent selbst fähig ist.

EZB tastet Geldpolitik nicht an, doch Spannungen verschärfen sich

Von Nick Beams, 14. September 2016

Obwohl die Europäische Zentralbank ihre Geldpolitik nicht ändert, wird zunehmend fraglich, was sie angesichts des anhaltenden Deflationsdrucks tun kann.

Berlinwahl: RIO und SAV unterstützen rechten Wahlkampf der Linkspartei

Von Johannes Stern, 14. September 2016

Die pseudolinken Gruppierungen versuchen verzweifelt Unterstützung für eine Partei zu mobilisieren, die erklärtermaßen ein rot-rot-grünes Regierungsbündnis anstrebt und die gleiche arbeiterfeindliche Politik vertritt wie SPD und Grüne.

Kinderarmut in Deutschland wächst weiter

Von Dietmar Henning, 14. September 2016

Die bundesweite Quote der Kinder unter 18 Jahren in Hartz-IV-Familien ist auf 14,7 Prozent angewachsen. Die Hauptstadt der Kinderarmut ist Berlin.

Other Languages


The witch-hunt against Chinese influence in Australia

14 September 2016

The campaign against politicians, commentators and businessmen not fully supportive of the US “pivot” against China is a warning of the advanced character of war preparations in Asia.

Earlier Perspectives »

SEP 2016 US Election Campaign

Brooklyn workers and young people speak to Socialist Equality Party election campaign

By Sandy English, 14 September 2016

Supporters of the Socialist Equality Party campaigned in the Brooklyn neighborhood of Bedford-Stuyvesant over the weekend.

Minnesota nurses strike at critical juncture

By our reporting team, 13 September 2016

SEP presidential candidate discusses elections with striking Minnesota nurses

SEP presidential candidate Jerry White kicks off fall campaign with meeting in Chicago

By our reporters, 10 September 2016

Socialism and the 2016 elections
Socialist Equality Party campaign launches fall election meetings

More on the SEP 2016 US election campaign »

SEP (Germany) Election Campaign

The state of emergency in France and the intensification of the class struggle in Europe
PSG election meeting in Berlin-Wedding

By Elisabeth Zimmermann, 14 September 2016

Terrorism is being used as a pretext to attack the democratic rights of the working class.

“The danger of a third world war was never as great as it is today”
PSG candidate in Berlin election speaks on German television

By our correspondents, 12 September 2016

Appeal by Berlin Senate candidate Andy Niklaus: Workers need their own party!

By Andy Niklaus, 9 September 2016


German weekly Die Zeit defends Al Qaeda

By Peter Schwarz, 13 September 2016

Fighting rages on in Syria in wake of US-Russia brokered agreement

More on the war in Syria »

After the impeachment: Brazil’s pseudo lefts shift further rightward

By Miguel Andrade, 13 September 2016

Drone Valley: The University of California and the business of high-tech slaughter

Vote “No” on Detroit Federation of Teachers’ contract!

Arts Review

Hell or High Water: A remarkable snapshot

By Charles Bogle, 14 September 2016

Scottish director David Mackenzie’s ninth movie, Hell or High Water, is a Western-influenced buddy/chase movie that demonstrates a social conscience and features superb performances.

Miss Sharon Jones! Barbara Kopple’s documentary

By Kevin Martinez, 12 September 2016

The 2016 US elections

Media misinformation and the US election’s war agenda

By Bill Van Auken, 10 September 2016

Clinton steps up appeals to Republicans, military

By Patrick Martin, 10 September 2016

Clinton denounces Russian “interference” in US elections, calls for escalation in Syria

Trump outlines ten-point plan for mass deportations and martial law

Nothing revolutionary about Sanders’ “Our Revolution”

More on the 2016 US elections »

Featured commentary

Fifteen years since the 9/11 attacks

By the WSWS editorial board, 12 September 2016

Below are several articles from the archive of the World Socialist Web Site on the response of the Socialist Equality Party to the attacks of 9/11 and the reaction of the George W. Bush administration.

The political roots of 9/11

By David North and David Walsh, 12 September 2001

Was the US government alerted to September 11 attack?

Part 1: Warnings in advance

Part 2: Watching the hijackers

Part 3: The United States and Mideast terrorism

Part 4: The refusal to investigate

Book Review

Matthew Desmond’s Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City

By Debra Watson, 13 September 2016

During the Great Depression of the 1930’s evictions in major American cities like Milwaukee were a fraction of what they are today. Meanwhile, in the US, post-2008 rental housing market rates continue to rise as working class incomes stagnate and even fall.

25 years ago: Criminal charges against Oliver North dropped

On September 16, 1991, a US judge dismissed all criminal charges against Lt. Col. Oliver North, a key figure in the Iran-contra conspiracy.

More »

50 year ago: Segregationists attack black school children in Mississippi

On September 12, 1966, dozens of black children attending school for the first time at the newly-integrated Lizzie Horn Elementary School in Grenada, Mississippi were attacked by racist mobs.

More »

75 years ago: Nazi forces surround Kiev

On September 16, 1941, German tank units initiated the final siege that resulted in the annihilation of the Soviet forces in Ukraine.

More »


100 years ago: Allied offensive at the Battle of the Somme

On September 15, 1916, Allied forces launched a major offensive against German troops, initiating the third stage of the Battle of the Somme, fought in northern France.

More »

International Committee of the Fourth International

“You are a man of unimpeachable revolutionary integrity”
On the 75th birthday of Sri Lankan Trotskyist leader Wije Dias

By David North, 9 September 2016

In his greetings, David North reviewed the significance of the more than 50-year struggle for revolutionary internationalism waged by Wije Dias, the leader of the SEP in Sri Lanka.

Socialist Equality Party (US)

Socialist Equality Party (US) 2016 Congress Resolutions
Perspectives and Tasks of the Socialist Equality Party

24 August 2016

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

Join the IYSSE! Join the fight against war, inequality and the danger of dictatorship! Join the fight for socialism!
Statement of the International Youth and Students for Social Equality

27 August 2016