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Is your reputation at risk?


Harvey Christophers

It can vanish in an instant, unless you protect it properly.

Bribery and corruption risks are especially important to manage.

Bribery and corruption risks are especially important to manage.

As every business owner knows, it can take years to build a strong reputation. Your reputation is the result of what you do, what you say and what others say about you – particularly your customers. While reputation is mostly seen as an intangible business asset, there is increasing recognition that it is something that needs to be protected, not just built.

Customers are key

Customers are the most important stakeholders when it comes to managing the threats to your reputation. Other key stakeholders include regulators, senior executives, employees, and investors.

But in a world increasingly influenced by social media and instant global communications, managing customer expectations and perceptions is critical to successfully protecting your reputation. With social media, issues can escalate very quickly. This can threaten your reputation more significantly than even a few years ago.

There is an 80 per cent chance of a company losing at least 20 per cent of its value in any single month, in any given five year period due to the impact of a crisis on its reputation. This month’s Deloitte Reputation@Risk Survey respondents who had previously experienced an attack on their reputation said the equal biggest impact areas were revenue (41 per cent) and loss of brand value (41 per cent), followed by regulatory investigations (37 per cent).

This is even more significant for small businesses when it comes to losing cash flow.

According to a study by the World Economic Forum in 2012, on average more than 25 percent of a company’s market value is directly attributable to its reputation.

In today’s highly connected world where customers, operations, alliances and supply chains are scattered across the country and sometimes the world reputations can be attacked by the actions and omissions of your suppliers or vendors and so reputation risk can often feel ‘beyond your direct control’.

So who is responsible?

This month’s Forbes Insights survey, conducted for Deloitte on how leaders from 300 companies across the world, including Australia, manage the risks to their reputation highlighted CEOs or business owners as well as specially appointed chief risk officers as taking personal and direct responsibility for managing reputational risks. Nine out of ten say that protecting their reputation is one of their key business challenges.

Fraud, bribery and corruption, security, safety, health and the environment

The risk to reputation is driven by a wide range of business risks that all have to be actively managed to protect your brand and reputation. Topping the list are risks related to ethics and integrity, such as fraud, bribery, and corruption. Next come security risks, including both physical break-ins and online attacks — followed closely by product and service risks, such as those related to safety, health, and the environment.

So, what can you do to protect your reputation?

More than half of the companies surveyed plan to address reputation risk by investing in technology using analytical and brand monitoring tools. A very simple way to start doing this is to set up a Google alert on all mentions of your company.  There are also a variety of relatively inexpensive social media monitoring tools that alert you to mentions of your company on social media sites.

Culture and education

Many businesses underestimate the importance of culture and educating their employees to help protect the brand reputation of their company. According to Edelman’s 2014 Trust Barometer, ‘regular employees’ are seen as more credible spokespeople than CEOs, so invest the time to make sure your staff understand the desired behaviours that support how you want to be seen in the market.

Scenario planning

It is all well and good to have a plan but unless you test it you won’t know how effective it is and how prepared your company is to respond to for example a social media attack, employee fraud, cyber security denial of service, or a natural disaster.

This could be as simple as exercises on desktop to test the plan through to a detailed ‘war-game’ scenario where you carry out a real life scenario encompassing all your employees and in particular the leadership group.

A critical part of the puzzle which many companies get wrong is effective communication to your customers, the public at large, and your employees at the height of a crisis. This is where practice is critical.

You might think it will never happen to you, but when it does having taken the time to plan, prepare and test will pay dividends in protecting your reputation and ultimately the survival of your business.

Harvey Christophers is the managing partner risk services for Deloitte

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