Writing essays

As a student, you will find that it is essential to master the skill of writing well-reasoned, articulate, and well-presented essays. You will usually need to write essays as part of your coursework and in exams, and you may also be required to submit a dissertation (also called an extended essay or a thesis) in order to achieve a degree or similar qualification. As you progress in your course of study, you will realize that, in addition to being crucial to gaining good grades and therefore a good qualification, successful essay-writing is also vital to successful learning.

Writing an essay can be thought of as a process, and as such you may find it helpful to break down the task of essay-writing into a number of stages. Here you’ll find a suggested approach to follow.

Read our Top tips for writing better essays to get straightforward and essential advice, and explore the links below for more in-depth guidance on:

Essay preparation

Writing essay drafts

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