- published: 01 Sep 2016
- views: 272123
Coordinates: 24°N 54°E / 24°N 54°E / 24; 54
The United Arab Emirates i/juːˌnaɪtᵻd ˌærəb ˈɛmɪrᵻts/ (Arabic: دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة Dawlat al-Imārāt al-‘Arabīyah al-Muttaḥidah), sometimes simply called the Emirates or the UAE, is a country located in the southeast end of the Arabian Peninsula on the Persian Gulf, bordering Oman to the east and Saudi Arabia to the south, as well as sharing sea borders with Qatar and Iran. In 2013, the UAE's total population was 9.2 million, of which 1.4 million are Emirati citizens and 7.8 million are expatriates.
Established in December 1971, the country is a federation of seven emirates. The constituent emirates are Abu Dhabi (which serves as the capital), Ajman, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras al-Khaimah, Sharjah, and Umm al-Quwain. Each emirate is governed by an absolute monarch; together, they jointly form the Federal Supreme Council. One of the monarchs is selected as the President of the United Arab Emirates. Islam is the official religion of the UAE, and Arabic is the official language, although English is widely used.
A brace from AFC Player of the Year Ahmed Khalil led the United Arab Emirates to a stunning 2-1 upset over four-time Asian champions Japan in front of a sold-out 65,000 crowd at Saitama Stadium. Follow all the action from the World Cup Qualifiers: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/theafcdotcom/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/theafcdotcom Instagram: http://twitter.com/theafcdotcom
浅野がボレーシュートで狙った。ボールはゴールラインを越えたかに思えたが、・・・・・・・・・・。 テニスや野球やレスリングみたいなビデオ判定やチャレンジ制度を導入すればいいのにね。 <関連ニュース> W杯最終予選 UAEに逆転負け W杯最終予選、日本はまさかの黒星スタート 浅野の“ゴール”認められず、UAEに逆転負け http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20160901-00487803-soccerk-socc 浅野の同点弾が幻に 会場騒然 浅野 幻の同点弾…敗戦に「チャンスに決めきれなかった」 http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20160901-00000167-spnannex-socc 田嶋会長、日本不利な判定でAFC抗議明言「覆るというよりは…」 http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20160901-00000110-dal-socc 審判のジャッジに激怒のハリル。「あの笛は受け入れがたい!」 http://zasshi.news.yahoo.co.jp/article?a=20160901-00018597-sdigestw-socc <関連キーワード> 浅野 ハリルホジッチ 浅野 シュート 浅野 ランパード サッカー チャレンジ制度 ハリル ハリルジャパン ハリル アギーレ ハリル 本田圭佑 ハリル 解任 ビデオ判定 サッカー日本代表戦 ゴールライン 大誤審 ゴールライン 埼玉スタジアム ゴールライン カタール主審 カタール 審判団 主審 オマル 主審 副審 主審 カタール人 主審 サッカー主審 uae スポーツナビ 誤審 埼玉スタジアム ビデオ判定 チャレンジ制度
日本vsUAE 問題のシーン https://youtu.be/4dOJw0ScnEI
本田、UAE戦の審判団に苦言。浅野のシュートは「入っていたのが分かった」 【日本 1-2 UAE 2018年ロシアW杯アジア最終予選】 日本代表は1日、ロシアW杯アジア最終予選でUAE代表と対戦し1-2で敗れた。 右サイドMFとして先発フル出場し、1ゴールを挙げた本田圭佑は試合後の記者会見で「期待とは真逆の結果に終わってしまったことは非常に受け入れがたい」と語り、敗戦を悔やんだ。 同時に「この1試合ですべてが終わるわけではないことをポジティブに受け止めたい。残り9試合、すべて勝つつもりで」と次のタイ戦に気持ちを切り替えている。 しかし、本田にとっても主審の判定は納得がいかなかった。「今からは覆らないので、あの件に関してどうこう言うつもりはない」と念を押したが、「真横にいたので入っていたのが分かった」と77分に浅野拓磨のゴールが認められなかったシーンの判定に苦言を呈した。 「第4の審判はなぜいないのか。僕は第4の審判をすぐ探したんですけど、ラインズマンしかいなくて、そこにひとつ疑問を感じた。もちろんそれ抜きで勝たないといけない試合なので言い訳をするつもりはないですけど、やはりアジア最終予選でどこのチームも強くなってきている中、簡単にいかない試合がこの先もある」 本田は審判団の姿勢に言及しながらも、勝たなければいけない試合を落としたチームに喝を入れた。先制してからもリスクをとって追加点を狙う戦い方で失敗し、大事な初戦を落としてしまった日本代表。6日のタイ戦までの短期間でゲームプランの見直しとUAE戦で出た課題の修正が求められる。
サッカー日本代表が主審の大誤審で敗退。 横の角度からスローでみると、浅野のシュートは完全に入っている。完全なミスジャッジ。 松木さん激怒「いやぁ、入ってないかぁ、おいっ(怒)」 【関連動画】 日本代表 W杯最終予選 対UAE戦 1-2 ハイライト 2016.9.1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5Pde5dbhvI 日本 vs UAE ハイライト https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bB6t052vD3Y 誰だ勝手にはじめしゃちょークイズ作ったのは!!! https://www.youtube.com//watch?v=45mlt0hbqao #1【ホラー】弟者の「バイオハザード4」【2BRO.】 https://www.youtube.com//watch?v=YX4iDIUTY1E ★温泉旅行に行ったら・・・「心霊旅館」だった・・・★※音量注意※パパドッキリ企画★Spirit Japanese hotel★ https://www.youtube.com//watch?v=AB3wtS-Rkhk 新居の窓に落書きしたら友人はキレるのか!? https://www.youtube.com//watch?v=1aP5jwjDIM4 【ゆっくり茶番】やみぃの秘密!【たくっち】 https://www.youtube.com//watch?v=PD1ZOBL6RXA ヒカルゲームズ、突然の脱退から1年…ヒカルと交わす男と男の握手… https://www.youtube.com//watch?v=YHYkCKeq-1g 【猫と犬】どろぼう猫とわんこデカ現る!! https://www.youtube.com//watch?v=KNZYdzSE20I 【公式】『ポケットモンスター サン・ムーン』 最新...
浅野の幻のゴール。 [関連動画] https://youtu.be/bV9y0XT4oeY 錦織圭 試合中にラケット落としちゃったけど神ってるプレー
日本代表 W杯最終予選 対UAE戦 1-2 ハイライト
UAE vs Japan 2-1 All Goals and highlights ~ 2018 Fifa world cup qualifiers https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC45rFMpmteT8CMFluiodjQQ 日本2-1対UAEすべての目標とハイライト〜2018年FIFAワールドカップ予選 日本2-1対UAEすべての目標とハイライト〜2018年FIFAワールドカップ予選 EAU vs Japón 2-1 Todos los objetivos destacados ~ 2018 FIFA World Cup EAU vs Japón 2-1 Todos los objetivos destacados ~ 2018 FIFA World Cup UAE vs Giappone 2-1 Tutti i gol e mette in evidenza ~ 2018 Coppa del Mondo FIFA Qualificazioni UAE vs Giappone 2-1 Tutti i gol e mette in evidenza ~ 2018 Coppa del Mondo FIFA Qualificazioni
Travel video about destination United Arab Emirates. Situated on the Arabian Peninsula between the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman, the United Arab Emirates is a fairy-tale of the One Thousand And One Nights.In just a relatively few years the region has been catapulted from the Middle Ages into the 21st century and it is now an international financial centre within an ancient desert region. It contains seven sheikdoms that are united both politically and economically. Dubai is a wonderful holiday paradise with a romantic desert and a long history in which the past unites with the present. Dubai is the second largest state in the United Arab Emirates and is situated on the north coast of the Arabian Peninsula. Fifteen kilometres from Dubai is the tiny Emirate of Sharjah where life continu...
Travel to Dubai and Abu Dhabi! Travel to Dubai and Abu Dhabi! Travel to Dubai and Abu Dhabi! Travel to Dubai and Abu Dhabi! United Arab Emirates is one country that was on the top of my bucket list. I always thought it was be a really cool place to visit for a honeymoon but when I found an amazing deal, I could not resist! I visited Abu Dhabi and Dubai with 12 of my friends and brother in March. The experience was much greater than I expected. I stayed for only 4 days but I got to experience some of the top must see sights and experiences. I really would love to go back to Dubai and Abu Dhabi for at least a full week to really experience the local culture...but until then watch my 4 day experience as I take you to: The Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque Platinum Heritage Desert Yachting Burj Khal...
www.theredquest.com We take a weekend trip to Abu Dhabi. We visit the malls, the cornice and the marina, as well as seeing the magnificent Sheikh Zayed Mosque
To enter the giveaway please do these simple 3 things: 1. Like this video 2. If you're not subscribed to my channel, subscribe! 3. Comment below and tell me what country you're from! Giveaway deadline is MAY 26, 2014! Hope you found this video helpful. What I had to share was merely from my experiences traveling to the United Arab Emirates and what I've read while researching online prior to my holiday! SOO SORRY if the background noise was too distracting :( Dubai Vlog Series: Day 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2udbAyVmX7w Day 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YorKmUaDQHo Day 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rie7K083SxU Day 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFrnS9f7uRw Day 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_LQP013tzA FOLLOW ME HERE: Snapchat: jeromebediones Instagram: jerome...
✱ 125 Hotels in Abu Dhabi - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/9e3fQy Travel video about destination Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates. The beautiful Heritage Village is situated opposite the imposing skyline of Abu Dhabi, on an artificial island just off the coast, Wave Breaker Dam. In traditional small mud huts, various craftsmen demonstrate their skills to onlookers and show off a variety of leather goods and fine glassware. On the edge of the city, in the bay of Al-Bateen, is Dhow Harbor, where the traditional Arabian boats are built manually.One of Abu Dhabi’s buildings surpasses all others, the legendary Emirates Palace, truly a hotel of the superlative. The cost of creating the Palace was enormous but it is now the source of much well-earned prestige. Almost overnight, the ...
Take a tour of Sheikh Zayed Mosque in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats. The strikingly beautiful Sheikh Zayed Mosque is the largest mosque in the United Arab Emirates. Over 80 snow-white domes look like they were built using pure clouds. Though the mosque is brand new, it draws on classical architecture of the Arabs, Mughals, and Moors. The Sheikh Zayed Mosque is open to visitors before noon, although there are some regulations. This huge and beautiful building can hold about 40,000 in its many halls. The decoration is largely based on natural patterns, made out of precious and elegant materials. Everything here is grand and extraordinary - including some of the world's largest chandeliers. Construction m...
http://ultramodern-home.ru Top Tourist Attractions in Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) - Travel Guide: Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, Abu Dhabi Falcon Hospital, Abu Dhabi Mall, Al Ittihad Square, Corniche Road, Emirates Palace, Emirates Park Zoo, Ferrari World, Heritage Village, Capital Gate
World Travel https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube United Arab Emirates Travel Guide http://bit.ly/17YavWy Shepherd Entertainment takes you on a tour of Abu Dhabi, the capital and the largest city in the United Arab Emirates. Its territory covers 87% of the emirates and its population totals 1,002,000. The name Abu Dhabi means father of the gazelle. Its territory covers 87% of the emirates. Its population totals 1,002,000 due to the immense uninhabitable dessert, life is concentrated on three areas, the capital and the oasis cities of Al Ain and Liwa. The capital was constructed on one of the islands belonging to the emirate. The ruler's palace and one of the most modern universities in the Arab world are to be found in Al Ain while the center of economics is based in the capital. The ...
Travel video about destination Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. Dubai is a fairy-tale holiday paradise with romantic desert scenery and a long history. Like an ancient kingdom from the 'One Thousand And One Nights', it's the second largest state in the United Arab Emirates located on the northern coast of the Arabian Peninsula. The trading of dates, goats, pearls and fish brought the city much prosperity and it gradually developed into the largest trading centre in the Near East. Maritime life has always played a significant role in the lives of those who live on the Arabian Gulf. With its triangular sails and a design that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, the dhow still sails these waters. Hundreds of them lie at anchor close to the old town on the banks of Dubai Creek. ...
http://ultramodern-home.ru HOTELS - http://ultramodern-home.ru/hotels/ Travel Guide - 18 Top Tourist Attractions in Dubai (United Arab Emirates): Aquaventure Waterpark, Atlantis The Palm Dubai, Old Dubai, Burj al-Arab and Burj Khalifa, Dubai Aquarium, Dubai Creek, Fountain, Dubai Marina, Dubai Museum, Jumeirah Beach, Jumeirah Mosque, Mall of the Emirates, Sheikh Saeed Al-Maktoum House, Sheikh Zayed Road
Sorry for my voice but I hope you enjoy
streaming link=
UAE 44th National Day Celebration at Emirates Palace
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WATCH: Findings from a survey conducted on health insurance in UAE
Meta Tags: Cow Qurbani || Expert Qasai || 2016 || 2017 || Funny || Eid-Ul-Adha || UAE Hello Everyone, Dear Qurbani cattle lovers, When you purchase a Beautiful Animal ( Qurbani Cattle ) for your home qurbani by spending huge amount to sacrifice in the way of Allah. I would like to mention here, Never hire non professionals for slaughtering your animals ( Qurbani Cattles ). When you hire non professionals. They give too much pains to your animals ( Qurbani Cattles). Your Animal ( Qurbani Cattles) Suffered alot. wheen you hire a slaughter man Make sure the following things. 1) Sharp Knife. 2) Takbeer ( For Halal Meat ) 3) Expert in slaughtering. 4) Have Slaughtering Background. 5) Cut wind pipe, throat and vessels of neck. 6) Animal Doesn't Feel pain. The swift cutting of vessels of the n...
Deep in the back of my mind is an unrealized sound
Every feeling I get from the street says it soon could be found
When I hear the cold lies of the pusher, I know it exists
It's confirmed in the eyes of the kids, emphasized with their fists
But the high has to rise from the low
Like volcanoes explode through the snow
The mosquito's sting brings a dream
But the poison's derange
The music must change
For we're chewing a bone
We soared like the sparrow hawk flied
Then we dropped like a stone
Like the tide and the waves
Growing slowly in range
Crushing mountains as old as the Earth
So the music must change
Sometimes at night, I wake up and my body's like ice
The sound of the running wild stallion, the noise of the mice
And I wondered if then I could hear into all of your dreams
I realize now it was really the sound of your screams
But death always leads into life
But the street fighter swallows the knife
Am I so crazy to feel that it's here prearranged?
The music must change
It's gets higher and higher
Smouldering like leaves in the 1
Then it bursts into fire
Its rhythm grows strong
It's so new and so strange
Like bells in the clouds, then again
The music must change
But is this song so different?
Am I doing it all again?
It may have been done before
But then music's an open door
Deep in the back of my is an unrealized sound
Every feeling I get from the street says it soon could be found
When I hear the cold lies of the pusher, I know it exists
It's confirmed in the eyes of the kids, emphasized with their fists
But the high has to rise from the low
Like volcanoes explode through the snow
The mosquito's sting brings a dream
But the poison's derange
The music must change
For we're chewing a bone
We soared like the sparrow hawk flied
Then we dropped like a stone
Like the tide and the waves
Growing slowly in range
Crushing mountains as old as the Earth