
Pokemon Go takes Brisbane streets by storm

Days after the launch of Pokemon Go the streets of Brisbane have been lined with those aged in their teens to their thirties who have 'got to catch em' all'.

The game is based on augmented reality and players can use their smartphone camera to walk around the street finding and catching Pokemon.

There are three PokeStops associated with the museum.
There are three PokeStops associated with the museum. 

Landmarks in the real world have become important points in the games and on certain nights you can see dozens of people gathering around certain hot spots.

South Bank was one such hot spot on Saturday night, and those uninitiated would be forgiven for thinking there was some kind of event on, with tens if not hundreds lining the footpath.


There have even been people complaining about the internet in the city because of the number of users playing the game.

Just in case you were wondering how the game was played, here is an insightful video made by a keen local fan.

Pokemon Go has taken the city by storm and has driven many with an overwhelming nostalgia for the game outside into the real world to play in an augmented reality.

At least they are getting some sun.

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