Challenging the big banks

Mike Cannon-Brookes is planning to disrupt the fintech sector.
Mike Cannon-Brookes is planning to disrupt the fintech sector. Josh Robenstone

Atlassian's co-founder Mike Cannon-Brookes jokes that he loves the famous quote from Amazon's founder, Jeff Bezos: "Your margin is my opportunity."

Bezos has created one of the world's biggest and most successful retail giants using that approach. Atlassian's spectacular global growth as a start-up software company from Australia shows that Cannon-Brookes has been able to adopt a similarly disruptive style.

But one of Cannon-Brookes' key targets in terms of taking advantage of margin and opportunity remains Australia's big banks. It also made him an early supporter of Tyro Payments and now of chief executive Jost Stollman's determination to challenge the power of the banks with Tyro's new banking licence.

To Cannon-Brookes, the fact that Australia has easily the most profitable banking industry in the world "makes no sense".

Jost Stollman of Tyro Payments wants to eliminate the "pain points" in banking.
Jost Stollman of Tyro Payments wants to eliminate the "pain points" in banking. Christopher Pearce

"If you ask me why I am so heavily invested in the fintech industry, it's because I want to disrupt THAT,' he told Tyro's nextGen Business Banking summit bluntly on Wednesday.

"It must lead to an inefficient industry, it must lead to SMEs paying high fees. It must lead to all sorts of bad things that stop the country from innovating and stop all the things that I want from that…

"That is what is going to change."

Every Australian banking executive would disagree with this criticism of the big banks' influence and efficiency, of course, as well as their ability to compete on technology and services to customers. Just as Stollmann would agree that Tyro has a long way to go to have much of an impact in the small business sector where it wants to expand.

Breaking traditional relationships

Tyro started off  more than a decade ago by challenging the traditional bank payments system through its own Eftpos terminals. Now it wants to challenge the traditional banking relationships of small business. But it is only just piloting its new lending program, for example, ahead of rolling it out more generally next year. At the moment, it also limits its lending to a maximum of $130,000 – although Stollmann says this amount will increase as Tyro gains experience and builds ever more robust credit assessment technology.

But Stollmann also insists the banking system is both operationally inefficient and inefficient in offering insufficient capital to Australia's small businesses.

Research from Macquarie Bank backs his view that banks are extremely conservative when it comes to lending to small and medium sized businesses, usually requiring security over home mortgages.

Stollmann promises Tyro's increasing ability to provide easy and instant access to cash-flow based funding will dramatically change that problem. And that this is just the beginning of what's to come in the world of banking as technology and the cloud transform what is possible.

He calls it "frictionless" banking where the aim is to identify and then eliminate the "pain points" in banking for businesses.

The key ingredients, he says, are the ability to marry technology DNA with banking DNA in a "business-enabling ecosystem". He argues that this combination is just what a company like Tyro can offer, especially after establishing a hub for fintech start-ups in its building in Sydney's CBD.

Tech 'long-term asset class'

Another of Cannon-Brookes' investments became an accidental demonstration of how that eco-system and co-location can work in practice. As The Australian Financial Review reported this week, he has just invested in a new superannuation fund, Spaceship, targeting millennials who want to invest in new technology.

But Cannon-Brookes laughs that he didn't even realise that Spaceship was one of the start-ups at Tyro's fintech hub until he arranged a meeting with its founders.

He argues that despite the volatility, technology is a long-term asset class. Yet, he says, that self managed superannuation funds can't really get access to world class venture capital while the bigger super funds concentrate their limited technology investments in the major established companies.

But providing superannuation investors with more choice and alternatives in promising technology and a broad mandate is only part of his attraction to Spaceship. According to Cannon-Brookes, it also provides an opportunity for a much more direct connection with super for what he refers to as the Snapchat generation. That's as opposed to the usual sense of disengagement that lasts until people start looking in alarm at their balances as they get nearer to retirement.

Yet super is probably the most important investment choice most people will make in their lifetime beyond buying a house, as he points out. If someone earning $100,000 was asked to invest more than $9000 of their income every year, they would want to think hard about it. But the current style of superannuation information means most people prefer to not think about it at all.

Changes coming fast

In Cannon-Brookes' vision, technology will make it possible to easily explain the "story" behind an investment and enable interesting and instant communication in a variety of easily accessible forms. That vision will undoubtedly take time to turn into any sort of reality. Even if they can choose, most people will still find it easier and safer to leave investment strategy to professional managers.

But it's just one more example of how far and fast fintech is altering the business model in the entire financial services industry. A couple of years ago, few Australians had even heard the term, fintech.

Web scale technology also makes it possible to do all this with a much lower cost base and relatively few people yet with the ability for global reach. Big companies, Cannon-Brookes says firmly, find it hard to disrupt themselves – not to mention their margins. For Australia's banks, he says, it "may not be impossible but it is unlikely".

The challenge for Australia's still very profitable banks is to prove people like Cannon-Brookes and Stollmann wrong. ASAP.