Friday, September 01, 2006

Jock Tamson's Tommy Sheridan's Bairns #2

Someone with the monicker of 'Smiley' commenting on Lenny's Blog on the Socialist Worker's Platform so-called commitment to a broad, inclusive political organisation to replace the SSP in Scotland:

""The difference between Alan and myself is over what sort of party we need. In 1914 John Maclean was correct when he decided there was a fundamental divide between reform and revolution. There was a river of blood between them. Maclean, Lenin, Trotsky and Luxemburg understood that reform and revolution aren't two roads to one goal, they are two separate roads to very different goals. The whole history of the Labour Party this century has shown it. The attempt of the Scottish Socialist Party to bridge that divide, to have people from the social democratic tradition, the reformist tradition and the revolutionary tradition in the same party, and to say we can conduct this argument over a period of time is fundamentally wrong."

An amusing quote from Chris Bambery in debate with McCombes. Oh, how 'ultra-left' the SWP was then. Oh, how the SWP hath changed. Oh, the pull of electoralism.

And the SWP has the cheek now to accuse the SSP of wanting to build a 'narrow' party.

Come on Lenny, defend the party line.

